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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Last WAO Monk Relocates to Born Free TODAY!

I just noticed the comments on Born Free's Facebook page today!

Another long but rewarding day as we welcomed 19 rhesus macaques from WAO. Looks like they'll setttle in nicely but definitely not as laid-back as the stump-tails. The picture here is of Finnegan, a 31 year old male rhesus who still likes to think he's boss. He casually strolled around the new enclosure and then climbed right up a mesquite tree like he had been doing it every day for years. Welcome home rhesus monkeys!!!

Mark Hernandez Does this mean there are no more animals at the WAO?
Friends of the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary The last of them are arriving at the sanctuary today :)
Mark Hernandez That is OUTSTANDING! Thank you for saving the former WAO monks!

We released the rhesus macaques into their main enclosure this morning and they were quick to explore everything. We were a little anxious for a baby who was conceived before the males were sterilized and who had been temporarily abandoned by her natural mother. Our concern was that she might get separated or abandoned again due to the stress of the move but we needn't have worried as males and females alike took turns scooping her up and making sure she was safe.

On a monk related Facebook posting made today:
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
Many of you remember the Texas Monkey Rescue a couple of years ago...for those of you who do not, here is the link Two of the babies born at the sanctuary are boys, Gavin and Skittles, and they are going to need vasectomies very soon. Please consider a donation to our Memorial Medical fund to provide the procedures for these two youngsters. Dr. Fred Schirmer at Westend Animal Hospital will give us a very nice discount for the vasectomies, only $300 each, please make a donation today. There is a donation button at the top of this page right under little Abby photo. Just click and Donate!
Why Are There Baby Monkeys at a Sanctuary?
Videos, Links, and Resources
The babies at Jungle Friends are the result of a Monkey Rescue on October 1, 2010. The babies are Monkers, Zumie, Mochi, Michelle's little baby born on April 11, 2011, and now ELizabeth's baby, born July 1, 2011.
As a sanctuary, Jungle Friends has a no breeding policy. So, it was quite a surprise to find expectant mothers turning up! We accepted a group of monkeys from Texas and it is now obvious that a vasectomy failed. The situation has been remedied.
Now this is very strange.  There was no mention of the two baby boys anywhere on their site before until now, that I am aware of...  So where were these baby boy monkeys born??  What "sanctuary" are they referring to?  Very strange....

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