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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

TCEQ Open Records Request

My goodness! I almost forgot to post the documents I received from TCEQ.  My original email from TCEQ indicated there were over 1,000 documents available and would be mailed to me upon receipt of payment.  When I asked if I could review the documents in person instead of just mailing all of them to me, so as not to pay over $130 in copies plus postage, amazingly the number of documents that were available for in-person viewing dropped to about 100 pages!  Hmmm...  Anyway, here are the documents I received from my Open Records request:

When I asked the representative who assisted me with the documents, what the status of the case, since the last email in the group was dated October 10, 2012, I was told the OAG placed a hold on any NOVs and search warrants.  I asked why the OAG was involved and learned that they were involved because the organization was going through a bankruptcy and that they wanted TCEQ to be more lenient with the WAO.  What???  It gets better... but more to follow in another posting...  sorry!

None of this is a surprise to me.  When the Asvestas ran the show, there was garbage in just a quadrant of the Talley Road property.  When the Cryers took over, I understand there was an increase of garbage found throughout the property--meat wrappers, cans, bags, etc.  Now to learn more trash was brought into the property?  What can I say--they are disgusting!

Nicole tried so hard to fix the problems out at the Talley Road property, unlike the Cryers who, in my opinion, really didn't give a darn.  Thousands of dollars were spent by Jamie Cryer to clean up the property--where did the money really go?  Remember the "reimbursement monies" Cryer collected from the WAO?  How about all the money pulled from the ATM machines from the WAO's bank account supposedly used for cleaning up the property?  And yet, the Talley Road property is still in violation!  How can that be?
Since the OAG will not let TCEQ prosecute the land polluters and fine either the WAO or the board member of one, Michelle Cryer, then just WHO will end up paying for the land clean-up?  Taxpayers? 
Now for some pictures:

Now for the documents that I found rather disturbing.  I just happened to stumble upon these documents as they were not part of the date requested material, so there may actually be more documents like these at TCEQ.  I will need to go back to see what else I can find during this period. 
As I went through each dated page and compared them to the animals that I report on my blog either dead or missing, my heart broke.  Look at how many animals (that we know of) that died just about each month.  So many animals died and this was only a small snap shot at the staggering amount of animals that died each year at the WAO.  I also noticed that Michelle Cryer knew about the change in the way dead animals' bodies were disposed--just how involved was she?  Only she knows and I doubt she'll ever tell the truth as to the extent of her involvement.

Did you notice on the Allied Waste application that Ron Asvestas completed on 8.1.07 that the WAO expected to dispose of 15 TONS of dead animals each year?  TONS!!  I've included a list of all the employees who were aware of this madness back in 2009.  Too bad not one of them had the fortitude to help save the WAO animals after watching so many of them die at this horrible facility.

Breaks my heart that I had anything to do with such an evil place operated by evil board of directors, where the animals were cared for by such evil people.  Breaks my heart.

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