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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Use WAO Animals for Political Gain Is Just Wrong!

I truly take offense of organizations and people who use pictures I took of the WAO animals for their own personal  / "political" purposes! 

Case in point.  A friend of mine just alerted me of this posting on Facebook today!

Diane Gustafson shared WWA Animal Awareness's photo.
The life of any circus animal is agonizingly cruel and stressful. For most of their lives they will be confined to small cages and transported thousands of miles as the circus moves from city to city. Life on the road means that it is impossible to get adequate food, water, exercise or veterinary care.
The life of any circus animal is agonizingly cruel and stressful. For most of their lives they will be confined to small cages and transported thousands of miles as the circus moves from city to city. Life on the road means that it is impossible to get adequate food, water, exercise or veterinary care.See More
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  • Mark Hernandez Diane - are you aware that these are pictures from the Wild Animal Orphanage?! These animals came from a private owner and NOT a circus. The cats had just arrived in their transport cages to the WAO back in 2005 when this picture was taken by a close friend of mine. Please make a correction to this posting. Thank you.

The life of any circus animal is agonizingly cruel and stressful. For most of their lives they will be confined to small cages and transported thousands of miles as the circus moves from city to city. Life on the road means that it is impossible to get adequate food, water, exercise or veterinary care.

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This is shameful because this is the second time I've seen MY picture used for this purpose.  I wonder if both posters will have the decency to make the FB posting corrections to their pages?

People!  Stop using the WAO animals for your own personal DRAMA!!!  If you have to lie, then you don't have a true message to share with others...



  • Diane Gustafson Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, regardless of where this pic was taken, it doesn't alter the truth of the horrendous lives circus animals live day in and day out on the road.

  • Mark Hernandez No doubt; however, when organizations have to lie to get their message out, then how can anyone believe what is posted on FB regarding the circus animals' plight?

Thankfully cooler heads prevailed in contacting and responding to these folks; my comments would not have been as diplomatic.  I am very disappointed in Diane's comments, though.  The truth should always be the cornerstone of any message.  If you have to lie, then you have no message at all.  

So-called "animal rights" groups make a fortune separating fools from their hard earned monies -- just post a picture from goodness knows where, with inflammatory comments meant to stir your heartstrings , and hope that no one recognizes where the picture really came from....and viola!  The donations start rolling in...and people start calling their legislators!

This is the second time I have seen MY picture, this SAME picture posted on FB without my permission.  This better stop else I will have to contact FB for copyright infringement and fraud.  I will not allow people to continue to exploit the former WAO animals for propaganda material-- you can say that seven years of pursuing this case has made me a little cranky in this regards!  

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