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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Goodbye Sweet Kazuri...

 June 16, 1999 - August 11, 2013

Earlier this morning I received word that Kazuri passed away on his playground today.  Apparently, earlier in the morning (9:00AM) he was chuffing and greeting people.  When he was checked on about an hour later, he was no longer breathing.  

Kazuri is the brother of Harley who also passed away from Canine Distemper.  I didn't think Kazuri's symptoms were as bad as the rest, but I guess this virus is more devastating than anyone expected.

From  ISE volunteers regarding the sudden death of Kazuri: 

"I guess to me, it's the opposite - I think it's so much better to have had a chance to prepare yourself for something like that rather than such a horribly unexpected death...It was certainly totally devastating to Vicky. The fact that Kazuri was one of the last cats we expected to pass away had to do a lot with it, I think. He didn't appear sick or suffering at all......And he was gone in a flash, while the others keep suffering....And another horrible thing is that - now we really have no idea who might be next.... ANYONE....I was so stunned that all I could do was just sit there like an idiot....The interns were crying, Vicky was a wreck, and I just sat and sat there...I still haven't registered that there is no more Kazuri. NO MORE."

"It's taken me awhile to be able to post this. But on Friday, we went to InSync for a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and after I had to go say hi to my buddy Kazuri. He was so happy to see me, running as soon as he heard my call him name. He gave me lots of great chuffs even covering my glasses with chuff spittle. All he wanted was my love and attention, and I gave him that along with a kiss on the nose. It was a great evening! And then... Sunday morning he was gone. So unexpectedly I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it and coming to terms with it. How can an such amazing cat be fine one minute and gone the next? I was already devasted by the lose of Harley, Apollo, Layla, Abrams and Lucca... But now my boy Kazuri?!?!? It's just too much to take! I love you Zuri Man and I will miss your sweet chuffs and kisses!"

May Kazuri rest in peace with his brother Harley in Heaven with our Lord and Savior forever and ever....and may God Bless, Protect, and Heal the remaining 16 big cats that have this horrible, horrible, virus.  Thank you, Jesus...Amen.

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