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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Falls Under the Category of "Are You Kidding Me?"

Before I give my personal comments about this latest Bankruptcy Court documents, you just have to read the following documents:

WAO Bankruptcy Court - Notice of Intent to Offer Into Evidence Affidavit of Robinson at 112111 Hearing - 11...

WAO Bankruptcy Court - Affidavits - 103111

My immediate thought is why in the world did the Texas OAG ask Ian Robinson, a major enabler for the former WAO director and employee, Carol and Ron Asvestas, to speak on behalf of the macaques?  According to my research into his employment history I did not see where he was an expert in non-human primates!  Else he would have known macaques MAY be carriers of the Herpes Virus--NOT "most macaques are carriers."  Robinson knows nothing about the history of these primates, nor does he know the number of macaques still living at the WAO -- by July there were only about 110 macaques left at the WAO, according to OAG records, and he signed this "affidavit" in September 2011!

For Robinson to place the blame for the macaques not being "fixed" on "ASUS have neglected during their financial difficulty" is, well, a crook!  Those monkeys have been living there long before I initiated my investigation into the WAO.  According to my records, Ian Robinson visited the Talley Road facility at least twice since their arrival, and not once did he voice his concern about the intact state of the male macaques!  He saw the living conditions of the monkeys, the bears, and all the other animals living at Talley Road.  It's infuriating that this person did not take my allegations seriously back in 2006 and instead chose to mock me behind my back for several years.  And now, he's the voice for the WAO animals? 

This is truly a twisted case!

Anyway, Robinson just had to put a "political" plug in for Global Federation.  Exactly what did Global Federation do for the WAO again?  Clearly, Robinson has an agenda he wants to push out to the public--but it has nothing to do with the protection of animals living at sanctuaries, else he would have taken my allegations against the WAO very seriously five years ago.  He should have initiated an investigation into the WAO back then.  He should have contact the OAG and USDA to inquire on the status of their investigations and obtain available open records.  In other words, he should have made some sort of an "effort" to protect the WAO animals.  And now he's coming to the aid of the WAO macaques by providing this so-called "affidavit."

Isn't all of this just stunning?

You may have noticed I did not comment on the letter provided to the court by Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation.  Since WRR never enabled the WAO former directors and its employees, like Ian Robinson and IFAW did for many, many years, I have no comments on the opinions represented in their letter.

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