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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Horrible Comedy of Events

I thought this email sent to the parties listed below pretty much sums up today's posting! This email was sent yesterday:


May 18, 2010

Please accept this email as a letter of concern pertaining to the newly formed corporation, Animal Shelter Assistance Program, Inc., d/b/a Auction for Animals, established by the former director, Ms. Carol A. Asvestas, of the Animals Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a/ Wild Animals Orphanage and the alleged continued mismanagement of the Wild Animal Orphanage.

Ms. Asvestas submitted a Certification of Formation Nonprofit Corporation dated November 5, 2009. On January 22, 2010, a Certificate of Correction was filed with the State, changing the purpose of the non-profit corporation’s purpose. I have grave concerns regarding items 1 & 2 of the Animal Shelter Assistance Program stated purpose as I believe she may have plans to work her way back into the Wild Animal Orphanage as its main fundraising agent.

I checked with the IRS website, Search for Charities, Online Version of Publication 78, at, to verify whether or not a FEIN was issued to the Animal Shelter Assistance Program, Inc. I discovered two listings for the Animal Shelter Assistance Program (ASAP) – one based in California and the other was located in Connecticut (see attached). I was unable to find Ms. Asvestas’ non-profit corporation, leading me to believe that ASAP may not be eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.

So, on May 18, 2010 I contacted the IRS Office to ascertain whether or not Ms. Asvestas had a Federal Employer Identification Number assigned to ASAP and to my absolute amazement, the IRS approved ASAP for tax exemption as a public supported charity effective April 10, 2010, retroactive to the creation of the corporation (FEIN: 27-149-2357)!

Since Ms. Asvestas used her home address on the applications and website, it appears she is in charge of ASAP, even though she is listed as the “Registered Agent Organizer.” Once again, I believe Ms. Asvestas has a board of directors in name only, whom of which have no idea what they may be getting into if this public supported charity goes "South."

I was told Ms. Asvestas encouraged several high donors to discontinue their support of the WAO and instead asked them to support her new organization. I believe Ms. Asvestas may attempt to send out newsletters requesting donated funds soon, using the WAO mailing list which she obtained prior to her resignation and subsequent dismissal from the WAO.

If this case was not of a serious nature, it would truly be a comedy of horrors.

It is my understanding, the Cryers and Sherwoods are scrapping as much metal as they through the Great Northwest Recycling Center in San Antonio, Texas, in order to raise cash to pay for animal feed and workers' salaries. It is my understanding the chimpanzee cages (maintained on the Talley Road property in case of an emergency) may have been all scrapped for its metal. If the chimpanzees have to be evacuated or relocated to another sanctuary, the WAO would have to either purchase or borrow especially made chimpanzee transporters.

Apparently, the WAO scrapped property that did not belong to the WAO. Below is an account, obtained from Top Cats Roar’s blog site:

Back on the Home Front

Fred and I took a short road trip that turned out not to be so short but we are now back home safely.

The agreement we made with the DA to get out of jail (remember, the agreement we both had to sign so we would release ownership of the cats to get out of jail), in return, all charges criminal and the civil suit would be dropped. BUT we would be responsible for retrieving our cages for transporting the big cats…yea, that one…(Of course we were led to believe the rest would be returned…or we never would have signed anything!)

Magic and Boo-Boo (black panthers), Elvira (Puma), Angel and Desire’ (registered Siberian Tigers) went to Wisconsin.
Tigger and Natasha (registered Siberian tigers) went to a Kirbyville.
and Boris and Gizmo (registered SDiberian tiger, rescued tiger mix) went to WAO (Wild Animal Orphanage) of San Antonio, TX.

We started our drive late Sunday afternoon, traveled down the 59 towards Houston.
The plan was to get to the other side of Houston late so there wouldn’t be much traffic as Fred was driving our large truck. That part worked out great until the brake line broke (developed a leak) along the way…It was much too late to find a mechanic or parts to be able to make the repair ourselves so, we spent the night, got up early considering the time we finally stopped to sleep, to get it repaired.
Mechanics there get $100.00 an hour (!), so on to O’Reiley’s. They were so helpful and loaned Fred the tools…a few hours later, and back on the road.

I had called WAO last week to advise them we were coming and left a message for someone to return my call. I called again on Saturday and left yet another message for a return phone call…I called once again on Monday to speak with someone to let them know it would be Tuesday or Wednesday to pick up the cages instead because of the breakdown. Samuel Sherwood spoke with me telling me it was his first day of taking over the sanctuary. He said he had no information about the cats or the agreement with District Attorney William Gleason.
I told him I had a copy of the agreement between Marion County and us and pictures of the cages before and after the seizure and could identify the cages, no problem. I also told him about the breakdown and would not be there until Tuesday or Wednesday as I was also picking some things up that were in storage that weren’t far from San Antonio and that would give him the time to locate the paperwork and the cages…no problem. (Please remember that was MONDAY)
I called Tuesday to give him an update, left a message, no one returned my call…again on Wednesday (after a tire blew) with yet another update, left a message, no one returned my call…all I could do was leave messages; Samuel was always on the phone or had someone in his office…much to busy to speak with me!?!?!?

We had a blow out on one of the tires (more like an explotion!) in the middle of no where and had to wait 3 hours for road service! I finally found someone to bring us 2 tires and install one, the other we would have as a spare should it happen again. It was quite late so we stopped at the first hotel we could find…ugh! I didn’t know places like that were still around!

The following day we hit the road and stopped at a roadside picnic area to make lunch and call them once again. Now I call and Samuel answers the phone(!). He tells me he can’t locate the cages and has no paperwork! He also tells me he doesn’t have the cages! He says when they pick up cats, they are transferred to the WAO transport cages and that the police department destroyed them!?!?
First I’m told he’s new and knows nothing and now he’s telling me their policies? Doesn’t he know how far I am traveling to get my property? I don’t want to play his game!

I told him that I doubted that and would be making calls about the situation to the Marion County Sheriff’s office and get back to him. I also confirmed that I was told it was my responsibility to get the cages from WAO as my agreement with the District Attorney…that we had been in court since and was given the information at that time. There was no mention of the cages being in Marion County and that Marion County would have either expected me to pick them up or would have brought them back to my property; this just didn’t sound like he knew what he was talking about. I also told him I had traveled at my expense to get the cages and his agreement was with the County District Attorney and they were to keep them for 6 months for me to retrieve them.
What I didn’t say was that no way was I buying his story.
Now I’m also becoming irritated…I call the Marion County Sheriff’s office to find out what the situation was with making the transfer, Kirbyville was extremely cooperative and is holding the cages for as long as it takes, even told me after 6 months and not to worry about it.
Why was this a different story being told to me…think because they want to keep those cages or sold them?!? And certainly why wait to finally talk to me after I am so close to San Antonio…Something to do with respect too I imagine…after all, my animals were seized…
Well this sanctuary was embezzling money, animals were not receiving the benefits from the donations, animals missing…a take over and reason he got his fancy little job. WTF!?!
Seems the new guy is as bad as the rest were…(HELLO…we’re available, lol!)

I think Samuel had better straighten this matter out and locate those cages…that sanctuary doesn’t need more problems…looks like they don’t care…more on that later, I’m getting ahead of myself.

I spoke with Marion County and everyone had left for the day so, another night out…ugh…these stinking hotel rooms good, bad, and otherwise weren’t cheap!
Bill McKay’s secretary, Linda, is a sweetheart! She got on the phone and started to search out who would know and sent me to the DA’s office…
Would they help?
Do they have to?
I was left with things going thru my mind and that there’s more to this story!

Thursday morning I started making the calls once again only this time, I started with the DA office. Time someone told me about the transfer and if they had signed agreements or what? Yep, all roads led to Mr. Gleason…I have to call the DA’s office and get help from a man I fear and come not to trust…would he and could I?
I left a message for Mr. Gleason or Larry Nance to call me back. Calls are going back and forth and Mr. Gleason sends me and them a fax of their agreement with him. I wait about thirty minutes and call WAO, Samuel answers, and he tells me he did not receive a fax. I tell him I’ll call Mr. Gleason as I received the fax he sent me and ask if I should send it to him, he said no. So I said I would call Mr. Gleason back to see if their copy was sent and asked for his fax number for verification. He said “Oh, don’t do that, you’ll make him mad.” I said “Not my concern. If Mr. Gleason gets mad about having to resend the fax it was not my concern or my problem, I was there to pick up my cages, see Boris and Gizmo and make the long drive back.”

I call Mr. Gleason, verify the fax number and confirm with him I received my copy and ask him to resend. They claim
no fax, I’m sitting at a roadside, wait another 30 minutes, call again and a lady answers this time, her name is Michele. She said they received the fax that I sent??? I tell her I’m sitting at a picnic table and that came from the Marion County District Attorney’s office…she says oh, we’ll get back to you…
WOW! Suddenly Samuel is available and telling me they need to locate the cages, they don’t know where they are or which ones are mine, give him a few minutes and call him back. So, now he realizes his first story wasn’t going to work out…he needs time to think up another…he acknowledges that he received the fax and NOW knows they are responsible for the cages. I know that this Michelle and her husband were there for the transfer…

A while later, my phone rings…it’s Samuel (how shocking, he called me) and now he’s talking fast (you know the type of conversation that starts with “Here’s what I can do for you!”) and he’s got yet, get this, another ‘story’ about the cages being destroyed only this time THEY destroyed the cages on MONDAY! WTF?!? I told them the week before that I was coming for them…I’m beginning to fume…
Now I’m tiring of his game! But agree to listen…well, not exactly because I wanted to but because he insisted and wouldn’t let me get a word in.
Here’s his tale: “We destroyed those cages because they were so crappy and didn’t meet USDA regulations so we’re going to give you two of ours.”
I said wait a minute, he kept talking and I’m not buying this BS at all! Talking like a ‘con artist’ or one of those ‘high pressure salesman’…oh, that’s the same thing…He finally stops talking and allows me to talk…
I told him that he didn’t know what he was talking about. That my transport cages were just rebuilt. That those transport cages were approved by the USDA and had been inspected a day before the seizure. Furthermore, it was THEIR responsibility to keep them for 6 months per THEIR agreement with Marion County and for me to retrieve them. Furthermore, my agreement with Marion County was to retrieve my property only, not accept anything less, during that time.
We attempted to do that. Please keep in mind we were NOT allowed to look at their storage area for my property! We were at one of two properties were they keep animals.
Back to the song and dance part…he says he will offer me ‘better cages’ that belonged to WAO to satisfy the agreement…was sure I’d be happy with that…HA, he hasn’t been to my blog now has he??!!
Says he was leaving at 4 and if he wasn’t there, could talk to his man in charge, Jamie if I wanted to see the cages and take them with me, my cages were destroyed and nothing he could do about it…I told him I was coming…now 1:30 (!) but if they weren’t like mine I would not accept them. He said it was the best he could do. I told him it might not be good enough and he would be explaining that to Mr. Gleason if I don’t take them, not my problem! It would be between him and District Attorney Gleason. If he was afraid I would make Mr. Gleason mad before, he should really be scared now!

We arrived at this place at 3:30. As we are pulling in we see two men jump in their car and leave. (hummmmm, could one of those men have been Samuel?!?) We go inside past the sign that says the place is closed…WTF?!?
The fencing looks nice, tall privacy fencing, and enter the building. There are a few novelty items for sell, the walls need painting, the floors need mopping; looking ragged would be the nicest term I have to say about it…large display cases sit nearly empty as well as the racks.
There are brochures on top of the display cages…YES, I took some…Doors open to what appears to be offices. We meet some lady named Michele. I ask for Samuel and she says he’s gone…but it’s not 4 yet…Oh, he left an hour ago and won’t be back…hummmm….OK, I ask for Jamie (her husband!!!)…he’s not in and won’t be for another hour and a half…
I ask if the cages sitting outside were the ones they were offering and she said they were…I told her they weren’t acceptable! Broken tiny wheels, old wooden warped floors and no ‘slop doors’ (in other words if you transport an animal in this cage, you could not clean it out!) a door on one side and the rest, including the top, is of wire (!????). The metal was thin walled materials and only 2 braces on the bottom…
NOT ACCEPTABLE! She’s mad! Had someone destroyed her property she would not accept anything less…why should we!????!!!
I ask to see Boris and Gizmo so Michele calls a care giver, Michele…yea right, another Michele…go figure…
We go outside into the sanctuary…it’s run down and the grass overgrown. We walk past a large bear and this girl is talking to the animals along the way…and I see Boris pacing in the front. I ask if he’s always pacing or just excited to see me…of course I know the path of pacing…it’s a clear path along the sides and front of the caging with grass grown around where he’s not pacing, I know what I’m looking at! But maybe she didn’t want me to worry. This person was very nice with 15 years experience. There were no enhancement for him…
He was phuffing and rubbing the fence the way he always did when he saw me. He started licking the fencing like he always did but he’s extremely thin! His coat short with thick mane and alone in a large cage! Boris is a very social animal, always with one of the other tigers. It’s apparent he’s not happy! Nothing I can do about that, I no longer own him…makes me wish I had stayed in jail!
Michele tells me they are short of funds and short handed. Let’s hope so considering the condition of the place…only excuse for it being so run down.
I see another cage and a tiger lying on top of a wooden box intended for shelter. I call him as I always do…”Hey Gizmo!” No response…I call to him again and he looks and then a double take…he flew off the box and came running to the fence…He’s licking the fence and I’ve got tears in my eyes…we have a conversation as he phuffs at me. He too is quite thin…remember I have pictures. First taken by the Marion County sheriff’s department and least we forget the media! And my own set taken by Fred.
There’s old chicken in the cage but he hasn’t been pacing. Gizmo probably just lays around accept when time for food…Both those tigers are accustom to 10-15 pounds of chicken and 5-8 pounds of beef each day…hummmm

I see many other cages and probably the largest group of capuchins I have ever seen and go back to the side of Boris’ cage for a few licks (kisses). All my tigers were trained to kiss and they weren’t being asked to give a kiss…they were giving.
As he rubs on the cage, the side of the cage moves so I ask if there is a break in the weld and she said no that that’s just the way it is but I bet further investigation would have found a break somewhere…well, not my responsibility I suppose…they have been inspected by the USDA and considering the large number of animals with two locations, it would be through. But I would do the research and see after arriving home. I did, and I am shocked! Last July and not what I had expected to read.
I’m hearing everyone complaining about donations and being short handed…Michele has to go the their other property to give medications and do whatever she has to finish at the end of the day. We go back in the office, she leaves.
I’m told Jamie is not back. So I left my info and tell them we have another tire problem and need to get it repaired while I still could get it done so we could head back, it’s now about 5. We go outside and see 2-3 guys parking and open the gate to either unload or load up.
Fred and I look at each other and decide I should inquire if one is Jamie. He should have been looking for me not me him.
He confirms that they destroyed the cages MONDAY…I asked exactly how they managed to do it and why because one cage is solid steal on three sides with 3/4 inch plywood and solid plastic floor that had just been reworked including the tires with tick walled steal! The other has strips of solid stele and the wire rated for keeping bears, the thickest made I believe…anyway, he says they used a claw(?) and crushed it and then…get this…hauled them to the dump…BULLSCHITT JAMIE…I then looked him square in the eye and asked why, they were better than what they were offering. He said “You seizure people never get your cages back anyway”…WHAT THE F**K!?!…I said…”Well you now have a problem with the Marion County District Attorney!” He shrugged his shoulders…OMG! They are asking for the rath of God now…
WAO are in breech of contract with Marion County, not me…who is this guy with this big wad of tobacco in his mouth think he’s talking to!?!? I drove almost 400 miles (more actually seeking repairs and getting lost!) for nothing with hwy diesel fuel costing more than $3.00 (usually $3.10)…stayed in motel rooms starting at $50.00, and the truck repairs for this??!!
They didn’t destroy those cages, that’s obvious and someone knows where they are and had better get them to me quick! I’ve become a very pushy broad and they are pushing me hard!

HUMMMMM, and there’s someone in the Valley wondering why I didn’t contact THIS sanctuary to take the cats in the first place…Commenting on how I’ve changed…THIS IS A NO LIMIT BLOG OF MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES AND FEELINGS…get over it! I’ve changed! My animals have been wronged, I have been wronged and this is just one more to add to the list!
Check this link lady I checked them out…you do the same!
Make sure you check those links!
How dare they take these cats and place them at this sanctuary!
Now they have some guy by the name of Samuel Sherwood taking over with Jamie still in charge! WTF?
Check that link too!

I called Mr. Gleason Friday to give an update and he was as shocked as I. Wondered why a sanctuary would destroy those cages!! He knew those were great cages…he knows they were approved for transport by the USDA.
Now I also reminded him of our agreement. I did my part within the time frame…Marion County is now in breech of a contract with me! They assumed the responsibility of those cages with the confiscation. MY PROPERTY YES but there are rules in the Texas Code that concerns the return of confiscated property and while I agreed to go get them I did not agree to go there twice at my expense!
Furthermore, should I drive all the way to WI and run into the same problem?!?!
I’m looking into a transport company rather than have this happen again! Maybe some kind person will come to my aid and retrieve those cages for us but I truly doubt I’ll find anyone coming this way with an empty truck big enough to retrieve those cages…see you soon Jeff! Those cages better be there and in as good a condition as last I saw them before you transported those cats!

Funny, I had told several people I was going to ask the followers of this blog to donate to the sanctuaries that have the animals…don’t bother…looks like they are ALL thieves! Reprinting the media and whatever slanderous garbage they can…lying and stealing other peoples animals and property…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The lady that has both Tigger and Natasha seems to be different, we’ll see soon enough when we go after those cages!
Funny, there is a cage still here (remember Dandy) and the wheels are just fine! Mr. Gleason said they didn’t do the damage, then who did? I have the pictures and one cage here! Those wheels were either new or rebuilt…WTF?!?!?!

Again, I repeat, this is an adult blog and if you don’t like my colorful language, lock your children out and if I have offended you then don’t come here for your Internet entertainment.
If you are concerned about everything that has gone on and apparently continues to go on than I want to hear from you! If you have a means to offer help than please, let us know!
We were not convicted of any crime…unlike many others…never even been suspected of any crime, unlike others…

Either comment or email me at
My old web site:
Pictures? Of course we have pictures…stay tuned!

We’ve returned ‘home’

It appears, once again, the WAO “directors” continue to deceive the public. It was my understanding the WAO’s current BOD knew about the transfer of the two tigers from Marion County and the tigers’ arrival was covered in the WAO’s newsletter: I am also concerned the WAO was willing to give away two animal transporters, large enough to transport bears, tigers, lions, etc, in exchange for the two transporters they had allegedly scrapped for cash. International Fund for Welfare donated over $25k towards the cost of the transporter, which were hand made to certain specifications, so the WAO could have enough transporters on hand in case of an emergency, such as flooding and relocating the big cats. I am concerned current management may have scrapped several of these transporters as well, placing the animals and the public at risk in the event of an emergency. Pictures of the transporters can be found at:

It is my understanding the transporter’s owners are seeking approximately $7,000 to replace the transporters Jamie Cryer claimed were destroyed. Violating an agreement with Marion County District Attorney’s Office could cause problems for the cash-strapped WAO.

The WAO has been closed since May 1, 2010, losing thousands of dollars from visitors and donors. It is my understanding Mary and Michelle Reininger, animal care staff, are having difficulty keeping up with the cleaning and feeding of the animals. And now with Terry Minchew, returning supposedly as the WAO’s volunteer coordinator, I have grave concerns regarding the direction of the WAO—especially since the entire BOD allegedly agreed she should be terminated for cause due to her work performance. Ms. Minchew entered into a non-disclosure agreement with the WAO when her employment was terminated and in exchange she received severance pay. From my first-hand experience, Ms. Minchew has little or no working experience directing and/or supervising volunteers at the WAO and I am concerned that she may place volunteers or the animals in grave danger.

It is also my understanding Samuel Sherwood is now in charge of the WAO’s Office, making the majority of the financial decisions.

I also heard, but have not been able to confirm, Mr. and Mrs. Matthes are no longer on the WAO’s Board of Directors. If this is true, then the WAO is operating without a board.

I respectfully request the Texas Attorney General’s Office assume temporary custodianship and remove the current board of directors and its members of Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO), until such time new management and a new board of directors can be established to provide proper care for the animals and responsible stewardship of donations sent to the organization.

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