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Friday, May 21, 2010

Way to Go Sumner Matthes

Way to go Sumner Matthes. Thanks to you the Talley Road bears will not be moving into their new expanded enclosures any time soon—if ever. For you see, the three Cryer criminals are selling the bears’ enclosure panels for cash!

If Matthes had not made such a horrendous decision to put Michelle Cryer in charge, the bears currently living in the tiny quarantine cages at Talley Road would be enjoying grass and natural vegetation because we had welders lined up and ready to finish the bears enclosures!!! I had hoped to have this project finished by the end of May along with one other project – giving Sabu the lion the space he needs so he too is no longer living in a tiny run-off cage (he was placed with Atti, a lioness with a serious Atti-tude).

Yeah, way to go Sumner. In just one 6-minute board meeting you ruined the animals’ chances for a new lease on life. This is the wonderful legacy you left the WAO.

I guess the Cryers are getting desperate for cash because they are selling old chain link material, rusted metal pieces, and the collapsible animal cages. What are they going to sell next when they run out of metal? The animals?

Meanwhile, I learned from a friend of mine who helped me arrange free fruits and vegetables for the WAO, the Leslie Road office is closed during the week and so two deliveries of produce, one from my friend’s company and one from River City Produce were turned away. Instead the fruits and veggies went to the San Antonio Zoo! The WAO, by not opening its doors turned away free boxes of oranges, apples, bananas, cabbage, lettuce, and cucumbers! Free food turned away! Disgusting.

I want to write the OAG and the USDA about this latest developments, but heck, what would they do? Nothing! Since no one is making a move to oust these criminals, running the WAO with no LEGAL board of directors, there is no point and saying “hey – do something about this situation” because as far as I can tell, they simply do not care.

I cannot believe this is happening to the animals! Ever since Nicole was removed, the property has gone down hill fast. I am really, really scared for the animals.

Please Lord, save the WAO animals before it is too late.

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