Well, it's been over four years since the start of this investigation. I've avoided using individual names as well as the location of the sanctuary. But now, it's time to name names.
It is not my intention to purposely hurt people by this blog. This blog has been a personal diary, allowing me to put words to "paper." To the best of my knowledge, the information contained herein is true as I have either seen it, heard it, or read about it. This blog is my personal opinion and last time I checked, I still have the right, in this great United States of America, to voice my personal opinion.
I will not be bribed or compromised in anyway--I will name everyone who participated in this horrible and very sad saga. Especially since I believe, without a doubt, the sanctuary is going to close and the animals either shipped away or killed.
So here goes:
The Sanctuary: Wild Animal Orphanage
Leslie Road (open to the public)
Talley Road (not open to the public)
San Antonio, Texas
Old Directors/Owners:
Carol Asvestas
Ron Asvestas
Replaced by: Nicole Garcia
Replaced by: Jamie Cryer & Michelle Anthony Cryer
Old Board 2006 – 2009:
Carol Asvestas - President/Chief Executive Officer
Sumner Matthes - Vice President (also a board member of Sarasota In Defense of Animals whose mission statement is "To stop all abuse and neglect of animals. To defend their rights and to protect their habitat.")
Michelle Cryer - Co-Secretary (my board replacement)
Karen Maxfield- Secretary/Board Chairperson
Laura Mireles - Treasurer
Chris Morton - Member at Large
Andrew Behaine - Member at Large
Board Directors added in 2010, and consequently resigned:
Samuel Sherwood and Will West
Current Board as of 5.10.10:
Sumner Matthes – Vice President/Treasurer
Michelle Cryer – President/Secretary
Elise Matthes – Advisor (at least until the OAG said "no")
Talley Road Employees:
Michelle Reininger
Mary Reininger
Leslie Road Employees:
Mike Dereadt (criminal history on file with Bexar County)
Jenny Spellman (current fiancé of Mike Dereadt as of April 2010)
Henry Newman (criminal history on file with Bexar County)
Aaron and Melissa Asvestas (adult children of Ron and Carol Asvestas)
Leslie Road (Divas) Employees:
Jenna Peters
Myrna Leal
Kelsey Dyer
Former Leslie Road animal caretakers:
Norma Lagutchik
Brandon Prill
Terry Minchew (was in a relationship with Mike Dereadt until approximately December 2009)
And of course, the whistle-blower, former board director, and animal caretaker: Me, Kristina Brunner
I have no doubt this list will continue to change as time goes on.
Oh, and let's not forget about introducing the Texas OAG attorney (I've got better things to do than prosecute this case) James Anthony and USDA/APHIS' (but the paperwork is in order) Dr. Pannil.
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