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Monday, May 10, 2010

Recognizing the End is Near

It has been a full week since the hostile take over and the situation has gotten much worse. Last week I was told by the USDA/APHIS' Dr. Pannill, the big cats had less than 10 days of food left and the primates had less than 2 day left, before the food coffers were empty.

The USDA investigator, along with another inspector, visited the animal sanctuary. Afterwards, I was told by Dr. Pannill that the facility did receive a couple of write-ups, which I could see once the report was posted to the APHIS website or via FOIA.

She told me that the USDA could not seize any animal at this time, but would continue to "monitor" the situation.

What she told me next had me floored! I was told by Dr. Pannill that she felt confident that the new director had the animals' best interest at heart. That if necessary, he (Jamie Cryer) would dig into his own pockets to pay for animal care. I was also told that he was expecting a very large donation which would pay for the animals feed and care for several months.

Whoa Nellie!!! I replied that he was an unemployed person and his wife was a vet tech -- what money could they possibly have and why didn't they use this so-called money to help the sanctuary before things go so bad? I told the inspector that the new director and his wife never visited the sanctuary during the time I was there--why didn't they volunteer to help the animals sooner? The inspector replied that she doesn't concern herself with the politics of the sanctuary--her main concern was for its animals. I asked where the new director expected to receive this large amount of money that would essentially pay for animal feed and care for several months. She told me she could not reveal the name of the person who was going to donate the funds.  My gut feeling says this is just one of may lies the Cryers told the USDA. Time will only tell for sure.

That's when I told Dr. Pannill that I QUIT! I told her that I have no intention to lose another four years of my life battling another Ron and Carol Asvestas. The Cryers are manipulating her, telling her exactly what she wanted to hear, just like Ron and Carol did. Dr. Pannill agreed that Ron and Carol did tell her what she wanted to hear, but in this case, she felt Jamie Cryer was being genuine.

I repeated again that I wanted nothing to do with this case any further. I QUIT! After all, what's the point. Dr. Pannill suggested I work for a dog or cat shelter. "HELL N-O! I replied. But Dr. Pannill was insistent I consider working with other animals. Even suggested I work on-line to help fund raise for local shelters. I repeated again "Oh, HELL N-O!! I want nothing to do with animals ever again. What's the point? I'm going into plant rescue business.  Yes, plant rescue is the way to go."

The conversation ended with Dr. Pannill saying that she will not abandon the Wild Animal Orphanage's (WAO's) animals, that she will check on them regularly to ensure there is enough food left for the animals.

I wished her well and that ended that chapter of my life. No more USDA/APHIS for me.  What a joke!

I called a few friends, letting them know I had enough of this case. No one, who actually have the ability to get rid of the Cryers and the so-called board consisting of two board members, cares about the animals.  

Not the USDA - After all, the "paperwork is in order."
Not the OAG/Charitable Trust - "We are monitoring the situation."
Not the press - "Aren't the animals cute."

Hello??? The WAO's board of directors consists of two people: Sumner Matthes ("I had no idea the financial situation was this bad") from Sarasota Florida. This 79 year old man had the wool pulled over his eyes for years by the Asvestas and now by the Cryers. He can't travel to San Antonio due to his poor health, so he has to rely upon what he is told by others.

Then there is Michelle Cryer, who has absolutely no idea how to run a million dollar operation. This "dimwit" lives only 3.8 miles away from the sanctuary, but not once did she ever spend some time at the sanctuary, checking on the animals, speaking with me (long time volunteer), or working with any of the animal care staff (which they complained to me on two occasions).  And what qualifications, to assume the WAO Board President position, does Michelle Cryer bring to the "WAO table?" Check out her work history and decided for yourself:

Michelle Cryers Resume - 01072006

In a recent article in the SA Current Michelle Cryer is quoted as saying:

"They were doing things backwards," said Cryer, "people came first and animals second." Cryer plans to put the savings from the firings toward animal food, at least a $15,000 per month expense.

Really? She came to this conclusion, how? Can this person even add 1 +1?

In any case, here is the link to the article and the article itself. Keep in mind a few things as you read the article:

1. These "hicks" have criminal records;
2. These "hicks" tried to seize control in October 2009, which I reported to the OAG;
3. These "hicks" only lived 3.8 miles away! And they couldn't be bothered to learn who worked at the WAO? Its financial situation?

What a crock!
WAO: Still a Family Affair

There were big shifts at the Wild Animal Orphanage last weekend, but will it help the beleaguered animal sanctuary move in the right direction? We reported on the hot mess that was the Wild Animal Orphanage last fall, when founding couple Ron and Carol Asvestas were ousted by their own daughter, Nicole Asvestas Garcia, following a laundry list of animal deaths that some (including Garcia) alleged were suspicious. The board then elected Garcia, 28, as Chief Executive Officer based on her previous full-time employment at WAO.

"It was a big risk," said board member Michelle Cryer, "that was temporary, pending every 30 days."

Late last week, Garcia was notified via email that she was fired by the board, though at the time she was also one of its three members, along with Sumner Matthes and Cryer, both longtime board members. Jamie Cryer, Michelle's husband and an experienced animal rescuer, was named acting director. He proudly affirms that he literally "changed the locks on her," in order to protect office documents and equipment.

But Garcia wasn't the only one to go. The board, which filled Garcia's spot with Matthes' wife Elise, axed nine of the 17 employees, mainly office staff. "I didn’t know anything about it, I was surprised," said Charlie Shamlin, the head of maintenance hired by Garcia last October, who was let go last weekend. "I knew there was some grumbling, but that’s everywhere," he said.

While showing us the Leslie Road tour facility "to [prove] the animals are still being cared for," Cryer said he would keep one maintenance staff person and intended to help with maintenance himself. However, Shamlin told us maintenance, which also addresses any requests from USDA inspectors, was a busy full-time job for him. "I had more work than I could do."

The abrupt terminations were in response to the dire financial straits in which WAO now finds itself. According to Cryer, WAO is at least $100,000 in the hole. Former board member Kristina Brunner puts that figure closer to $150,000. Michelle Cryer claims as a board member she never received any financial information from Garcia, and when she and her husband finally saw the books, they discovered much of the budget went to payroll instead of animal care for the more than 700 rescued wild animals on two sites in Northwest San Antonio. Just standing in the WAO offices on Thursday, we heard the fall-out of a bloated staff. "Who is she?" someone wondered looking at a staff sheet. "She was a Nicole hire. She came here after her day job. I think she worked in the gift shop?" someone else answered.

"They were doing things backwards," said Cryer, "people came first and animals second." Cryer plans to put the savings from the firings toward animal food, at least a $15,000 per month expense.

Jenny Spellman, an animal care specialist at WAO, says the animals currently get red meat every other day, supplemented with chicken for big cats and dog food for wolves and bears. The several primates get "monkey chow" with as much produce as WAO can provide. She hopes additional money will go toward "enrichment" activities for the animals currently kept in modest wire enclosures and additional pools to keep animals cool in summer.

The new board retained the existing animal care staff and veterinarian, Dr. Ariana Finkelstein. Spellman, for one, agrees with the staff change, "it's going to make our jobs a lot easier, they're getting things handled in a lot more efficient ways." Garcia thinks the board will be in for a surprise when they try to divide the work of nine employees among the Cryers and the Mattheses, who live in Florida. The WAO mailing list goes out to aproximately 20,000 people and is a primary tool for fundraising the organization's $1 million-plus income, in addition to events, tours and the constant maintenance needed to keep up the animal enclosures and habitats. The Cryers say that several thousand dollars from donors have come in during the past week alone. "We tried just a little bit," said Cryer. "The people before us, they didn't try at all."

That phrase, "people before us," or "prior management" (as Garcia refers to her parents) is a phrase heard frequently at Wild Animal Orphanage. Both Garcia and the Cryers agree that the Asvestas put their sanctuary in a troubling financial position that isn't easily remedied. Garcia said she was working on fundraising events but, "We were so far behind from prior management and things hitting us that we didn’t know about." Those things included an unpaid payroll tax and USDA-required maintenance including tree removal and a new perimeter fence. Cryer bluntly says the Asvestes "thieved everything you could think of out of here."

Self-described as retired, Cryer, 39, says he'll work for free as acting director on a temporary basis until "we get past the shitstorm." Garcia isn't so sure the board will be able to turn things around. Both Matthes and Cryer were board members during the Asvestes' tricky reign, and both Garcia and former board member Kristina Brunner find the Cryers' participation in WAO troubling. Garcia had at least one angry run-in with Cryer when he worked as an animal transporter for WAO. The Current received a forwarded email from a SMatthes account to Nicole and two other WAO stakeholders dated Oct. 30, 2009, recommending that Cryer be fired as a WAO volunteer and that, "it is time to ask Michelle Cryer to resign from the BOD and stop any further association with the WAO. It is obvious that she is not willing to work with us on our reorganization and change," said the e-mail.

In a phone conversation with the Current a few days later, Matthes said "I have heard nothing but positive things on Nicole since she’s taking over the operation as CEO. I have been in touch with her on a daily basis to determine if there are any real problems." The Matthes could not be reached for comment, but, assuming the email is valid, we're interested to see what changed their minds. The accusations levied against Garcia and her response are eerily reminiscent to those reported just six months ago when it was the Asvestases on the chopping block. Her biggest beef is that two-person board meeting could not have had a quorum to fire her, exactly the same argument her mother used when claiming only three board members moved to remove her and her husband. In her last email to the board, sent just two hours before she received notice that she was fired as CEO, Garcia wrote "you may recall last year we all had a long discussion that family members should not hold board positions at the same time because of the conflict of interest and appearance which was apparent under prior management."

For now, the Cryers are pleased with a recent (as in last week) USDA inspection and plan to implement a financial plan. Meanwhile, Garcia says "I’m going to be starting a new life and watching the animals from the outside."

Posted by Callie Enlow on 5/8/2010 11:05:53 AM 
Sadly, I give the WAO just a few more weeks and then there will be an announcement at either the USDA/APHIS is seizing the animals or the OAG will simply close the facility and then the USDA/APHIS will be forced to seize the animals.  At that point, many of the animals may be rehomed to other sanctuaries.  But will happen to those animals that are too old, too sick, or too great in number, to find homes?  Will mass euthanasia begin? 

The worst part of this story is that I begged the Charitable Trust Division for YEARS to remove the former directors, Ron and Carol Asvestas, and remove the current board of directors. My pleas were ignored. Why? Simple. This case is about animals. Not about the elderly being swindled. Not about children being mistreated. It's about animals and to the Texas OAG this case has the lowest priority.

And then there's the USDA/APHIS chanting the mantra "the paperwork is in order, the paperwork is in order."

A friend of mine just called the WAO to find out when they would be open for tours. She was told by a young bubbly person that "the WAO is closed to the public, but we might be open this weekend, so call back on Saturday to see if we are open. I know I gave you a lot of information, but right now we are trying to get issues resolved with former management."

So where does this leave the less than 400 animals? At the point of a needle and a shovel?

[Present Day:  The email below gives you an idea of what concerns Matthes and Cryer had regarding the WAO.  As you can see, Nicole asked for help, but sadly, none was forth coming.  The two board members were quick to criticize and unbelievable slow to help.  Too bad the board directors could not be bothered to help  try and save the Orphanage when asked. 
In a message dated 11/27/2009 9:41:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, waonicole@... writes:

Nicole Garcia  [Note:  Nicole's responses to the questions are highlighted after each question]

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 21:04:30 -0500
Subject: Re: UpDate
To:; waonicole@...
CC:; W.westcpa@..; waomary@..; waomichelle@...

To All: I certainly agree with Michelle as relates to her concern for the animals, especially at Talley. I have been asking Nicole about preparing for the winter temperatures because I note in the papers that it is getting pretty cold down there at night. She advised me the other day that the heaters were in place and that someone was picking up the freon that day
Heaters arrived on Friday and Monday - we have to complete the boxes for these heaters as this is a new setup we will be using. We have never used propane heaters before. We are working with Mary to get this done.
As to the primate facility, I don't understand if that project has not been completed. It was my understanding that that was a top priority project.
This was the cage that the BOD gave Jamie the permission to complete with the 5,000.00 for the contractor - It was not complete, we are welding in house. Should be done soon.

The bears are another story. I was advised by Ron at least 2 years ago that they were going to expand the bear facility so that the bears would have far more open spaces to use. From what I can determine this was never done. As a result we still have very unacceptable bear facilities.
Waiting for the donor and we do not have the funds to do this today - $28,000.00 this was included in the newsletter as well.
I am not totally aware of the reason that the bear situation has not been addressed although I did remember that there was a problem with procurement of a septic tank being needed for the project.
If we complete the enclosure - we might not have to worry about septic.
I would like Nicole to advise the BOD as to the current status of the bear project, how much it will cost to complete, do we have the money to do the work and when can we anticipate the start of the project?
$28,000.00 for both sides - It needs a five foot safety hand on the top all the way around.
As to the items that Michelle and Mary indicated that they needed, I hope that these items have already been provided to them. If not, why not and when will that be accomplished?
Mary and Michelle and all of us are communicating daily. They have welded the baboon enclosure and some immediate safety concern areas already. We are working on everything.
I know Nicole has really been busy with administrative matters but we must all adhere to the WAO policy that the welfare concern and care must be foremost for the animals under our care.

The animals are the only concern for WAO. But with recent events and fines - we have to wait for the funds from the newsletter and donor sources. I have also put out letters that should get some response from those
If additional funds are required to complete any of these projects the BOD should, indeed, get together and determine how these additional funds can be raised.
I would love for the board to help, I think that it is extremely important to have an active fund raising board. Can we please take care of finding board members and working on policies and stuff first? I can really use the help with AG stuff as well.

These are very important matters that must be addressed by the BOD in conjunction with the Talley Road people.
You guys have received the list from Mary and Michelle and I am very aware of what needs to be done but I thought we agreed that it would be left between myself and the staff without the board contacting in regard to these matters. Please work in conjunction with me on this.
It is good to see BOD members becoming more involved. Let's continue to move forward.


In a message dated 11/27/2009 1:33:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, michelleanthonycryer@... writes:

hello- i know that there are alot of AG issues , attorneys, 990 and other very important office matters .Me being an animal person more than an office person and these things i do understand the importance of, but i do have concerns other then these things . Talley road and Leslie road animals . it pains me daily to think of the bears at Talley road, there are 2 sets of bears and both break my heart!! One set of bears are in the worse way its like walking the green mile .I worry that with USDA fencing TCEQ and other agencies wanting us to get things in legal operating order that the animals getting new enclosures will have to be put on hold once again. i worry that for WAO just to fix what is needed the animals are going to be left behind. We need big help real soon with monies to get these bears out and i don't think we can handle it on our own. Realistically our funds are not able to make all of these things happen. We have not recovered financially each month we are alittle lower in our counts I have big money concerns and would like to know what WAO is going to do to make this happen . This is an email to put all of our heads together and resources together and hope that a plan of action will happen. Are the monkey enclosures finished are the infected monkeys still on the tour trail and are the monkeys still in Isolation ? i know that roof on the Talley monkeys enclosure needs major repair work . ( a whole other group) Winterizing and lots of other animal concerns... but what are we going to do with the poor bears !!! another question i have is - Did Mary and Michelle receive a computer yet, animal records filing cabinets and any other requests yet? We need to make sure that the simple things they requested have happened. Again this is an email to share our thoughts -Thank You Michelle

--- On Tue, 11/24/09, SMatthes@... wrote:

From: SMatthes@...
Subject: UpDate
To: waonicole@...
Cc: karenmaxfield@..., michelleanthonycryer@..., W.westcpa@..
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 10:58 PM

1. I received an email from Will about the 990. Hope that problem is just about behind us. Looking forward to seeing the amended 990.

2. I'm still trying to figure out the BOD Minutes for Sept 21st. Hope Karen or Michelle can help me with this. I sent everyone an email on this today. Has anybody picked up the tapes from the lawyer??

3. Has anybody been able to check into the Leslie Rd. Property Deed?

4. What is latest status on the lawsuit? What is the plan to get this into or keep out of the courts? We need to keep up to date on it and provide them with any and all information that will help to clear this up.

5. How is the getting ready for winter program coming along? I worry that it will get cold and we won't be ready.
For three years, Cryer never gave a damn about the Talley Road bears and now she is suddenly lamenting about the "poor bears?" Why didn't she care about the bears when the Asvestas' were in charge? Was it because she was too busy "partying" with the Asvestas that she just didn't have time to give the bears a first or second thought?

I just love Matthes' closure "It is good to see BOD members becoming more involved." Involved how? Did anyone come into the office and help Nicole put together the OAG's CID material request? Help fundraise money for the "poor bears" so their enclosure could have been finished in May? Why didn't Jamie Cryer finish the primates' enclosure again?

No doubt Cryer will claim she did try and help Nicole.  Let's take a look at one of Cryer's "helpful" emails sent to Nicole during a critical time she was desperately trying to raise funds for the animals.  As you read this, keep in mind, one of the responsibilities of the board secretary (and yes, at that time, Cryer was the board secretary) was to type-up the board meeting minutes.  Instead of fulfilling this responsibility, Cryer fostered it onto Nicole and her staff (as if they didn't have enough things to do in the first place -- like maybe save the Orphanage?).

From: Michelle

Date: March 30, 2010 11:26:28 AM CDT
To: Sumner Matthes, Will, Nicole Garcia >
Subject: Bod minutes and books

I sent Nicole a message a couple of weeks ago requesting the bod minute books back and the last 4 maybe 5 bod minutes that should be complete by now for my approval and signature I have not heard back from her. So this is my second request for these items.

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 08:08:28 -0700

From: michelleanthonycryer@...
Subject: Fwd: Bod minutes and books
To: nicole.garcia@...
CC: smatthes@...m; w.westcpa@...

I sent this request a couple of days ago - still no response ! This is my third request !!!! I need all bod books back and the minutes for approval and signature - this affects my postion as secetary and not able to do my job properly if Nicole will not provide these items to me !!! I expect to hear from you a.s.a.p.

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

On Apr 1, 2010, at 11:17 AM, Nicole Garcia wrote:

If you need the books then I cannot respond to the legal questions regarding the minutes. Please come to the office and make copys and then take the originals. I do not have the staff to copy all of it right now.

You are also welcome to take the tapes of the meetings that we have not completed due to all of the work that we are completing at this time as well as the events we have held - so that you can complete the minutes. We will have those tapes gathered and ready for you to take this weekend. I have to make sure I am not sending any tapes that we need for staff meetings.

Thank you for your time and look forward to seeing you.

Nicole Garcia
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 09:22:28 -0700

From: michelleanthonycryer@...
Subject: Re: Bod minutes and books
To: waonicole@...
CC: nicole.garcia@...;; w.westcpa@...

This is unexceptable. This is your job and I am not doing it for you I will be picking up books and waiting for complete minutes from you this is your JOB per bod - get it done !!!!

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

On Apr 1, 2010, at 12:00 PM, Nicole Garcia wrote:

I am not going to be talked to this way and I am doing my best to complete everything, now I am asking you to finish this as the secretary. Please do not speak to me in this manner.

Thank you

Nicole Garcia

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 10:11:53 -0700

From: michelleanthonycryer@...
Subject: Re: Bod minutes and books
To: waonicole@...
CC: nicole.garcia@..; smatthes@...; w.westcpa@..

I am picking up books have them ready - and finish what you said you would do and what is asked of you

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
I was very proud of Nicole on how she handled herself - a demonstration of true professionalism.

So--what would you have said to Cryer if she ever spoke to YOU that way, if you had been the CEO and director of the sanctuary, hmm?]

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