No printing or copying pictures

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sierra and Ekaterina's New Enclosure

Update on Sierra and Ekaterina posted on Facebook yesterday!

Wildcat Sanctuary Thanks to so many of our wonderful donors, Tigers Ekaterina and Sierra moved into Wild Woodlands! Come spring, they will get a pool and cave to also play in. The Wild Woodlands habitats are connected to a central animal building. Read their story here:  November 30, 2011 

Angie Burchell Very good - will they have some trees too?? :) November 30, 2011

Andy Sean How big the Wild Woodland is?? And how high the fences?? We are going to build similar enclosure for Sumatran tiger next national park in Sumatra. Are they have attach small room for health check?? November 30, 2011
Wildcat Sanctuary The fences are 12 ft side walls, with 45 degree, 4ft incurve and hotwire. This habitat is about 12,000 sq feet plus the building. Landscaping and pine trees will take place in the spring. All of that is on hold for our winter months here in MN. You won't even recognize it next year -it will have 6ft tall grass as well. November 30, 2011
The enclosure looks barren right now...I can only pray it will look great soon!

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Much To Be Thankful For This Year!

Yesterday was absolutely amazing and I have so much to be grateful!

First I am grateful that I am healthy, my animal companions are healthy, my house is my home and I have reliable transportation to get me to and from work.

Yesterday I was grateful to have friends over for Thanksgiving meal along with two new friends from Lackland AFB's Training Center.  It was a crazy day, we had fun, and everyone left with full tummies!

I will be eternally grateful that the surviving WAO animals were able to find new homes and were not euthanized because no one would take them in.  It has been a long and emotionally draining five years (it's hard to believe it will be six years in just a few weeks); grateful I was able to come out of the darkness and enter back into the world of life.  Very soon, this whole case will be behind me -- just a memory -- and I can finally move on and have a normal life again!  For that I will be eternally grateful to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!  Thank you Jesus for Your blessings and protections!   

Brian and Kyle
LAFB Trainees!  God Bless and Safe Travels!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Another Great WAO Operations Report for November 2011!

Once again, Kim Myer, WAO's soon-to-be-former Office Manager/Accountant, created another cracker-jack Operations Report for October 2011 and submitted it to the Bankruptcy Court.  The WAO simply does not PAY her enough for this ridiculous report!  See for yourself and notice how many "need receipts" are listed, not to mention all the trips to the gas stations, Home Depot, and of course Wal-Mart & Academy stores!  One would think that with only 113 non-human primates and 3 tigers, expenses would significantly go down.  One would be wrong...again!

WAO Operations Report - October 2011

I added up all the missing receipts and the total came to $2,549.91!  Just how much of these items purchased went directly into the pockets of the Cryers or the workers?  Out of the missing receipts, $708.04 was supposedly gas purchases!  So let me get this straight--greatly reduced animal population equals more gas purchases?  Really?  I wonder if the OAG or the bankruptcy court is taking notice of this?  Probably not.  After all, what do they care if the receipts are missing and extraordinary amount of money is spend at gas stations, Wal-mart or the Academy store!  Both entities, in my opinion, just want this case to go away--even at the expense of defrauding the general public's donations towards the "care of the animals." Oh, and looky looky, the WAO bought another freezer for $478.93 from Lowes!  I just wonder who, from the WAO, will "inherit" this item once the WAO finally moves out the last of the animals!  Just another rediculous expense! 

This entire case has been about money--not about justice for the animals, and for that, I am truly disappointed in our court and government system.  

I pray that the surviving animals still living at the WAO are warm and safe on Thanksgiving Day.  I wonder if the workers will even bother to feed and care for them? Will they receive any turkey treats?  Will they receive lots of fresh fruits and veggies?  I pray they do.  

New Photos Posted to Facebook of Former WAO animals!

These pictures were posted to Facebook in November 2011!

Hello Sabastian!
Wild Cat Haven

What a beautiful pair - Sebastian and Carrie
Wild Cat Haven

Handsome Hon!  Hello Mac
Wild Cat Haven

Sebastian, Sheba, and Tarzan -- What a stunning photo!
Carolina Tiger Rescue

Wild Cat Sanctuary
Ekatrina tackling a turkey toy -- go, girl, go!

Sleepy Sabu!  So adorable!
In-Sync Exotics

Late looks fabulous!
Save the Chimps

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Missing WAO Land Found?

As predicted, the Asvestas' are now battling in divorce court over what little assets they have left.  Normally, I would care less about what happens in their personal lives, except there were a few entries made in the original petition for divorce that caught my attention (ie. Carol Asvestas claimed land in her name only and there is perhaps a safe deposit box in their names), and therefore requires my further investigative attention.

Asvestas vs Asvestas - Original Petition for Divorce

Ron Asvestas Response to Divorce Petition

TRO and Order Setting Hearing for Temporary Orders

Ron Asvestas Written Discovery Directed at Carol Asvestas

Why am I interested in Carol Asvetas' land?  Simple.  In early 2002 I was told about some land and animals that were bequested to the WAO by an elderly woman.  I was told two workers made the trip back and forth (and sometimes staying on the property over night) to care for the animals until they could be moved to the WAO, since this newly acquired property was not located near San Antonio.  This land acquisition was never made public to the WAO board of directors nor was it made public in the organization's 990.  I had to learn about this land from two former WAO employees after I left the organization!

Now, suddenly Carol Asvestas has land?  She did not declare this land in her 2005 bankruptcy filing, so did she acquire this land under her new venture (ASAP) or did she acquire the land during her rein at the WAO?  Either way, the land does not belong to her--unless the elderly woman made a grave error in leaving the land to Carol Asvestas, with the intention of the land sale proceeds going to the WAO.  In that case, Carol Asvestas would be entitled to the land (non-community property I believe) to do as she saw fit, not matter what the deceased woman's intentions were at the time she died.

As to the safe deposit box--I'm very interested in learning whether or not WAO funds were stashed in this box as it could be a rather substantial amount worth fighting for in divorce court!

For some reason, Carol Asvestas supposedly dropped the November 8, 2011 hearing that would have determined whether or not the temporary TRO would become permanent.  Instead, I learned there may be a hearing sometime this week. 

The fallout from the WAO case still continues...and so does the drama.


I haven't found the land yet, but I am hot on the trail.  Looks like a temporary order was issued by the judge in the Asvestas' divorce case on December 20, 2011.  Apparently, the Asvestas' are putting the house/land up for sale; Ron left the residence today at noon; and Ron is to "pay exense of staging from rent and balance of rent to apy off tax lien (?)."  I'm not sure about the last sentence as it's hard to read the judge's writing.  So check out the judge's temporary order notes for yourself!

Asvestas' Court Case - Judge's Notes - 122011

So...if the house and land is sold, where will all the Asvestas' go?  To the hidden land?

Born Free Public Information Material

Below are just a few documents I acquired under the Texas OAG Public Information Act.  For the most part, the documents received were drafts and redrafts of the final agreement between the Texas OAG and Born Free.  There were a few pages that were of interest and I've included them below: 

Public Information Act Document - November 2011

I now know Kaleb is the baboon going to Born Free.  I also learned that the coveted WAO mailing list was not much use to the organization as it claimed only about 4,000 contacts were viable.  Just goes to show the Cryers did not have the real mailing list of over 80,000 names/addresses.  There was a lot of emphasis to move the agreement between WAO, OAG, and Born Free quickly because Born Free wanted to include their latest acquisitions in an upcoming winter magazine so they can appeal to their donor base for more money.  I wonder if they will tell the donor base how much money Born Free received from the WAO in a form of a "dowry?"

I also learned that the OAG (Hal Morris) was more interested in moving this case along than the WAO's attorney (I'm shocked). 

Looks like there are not 112 macaques as reported in the media, but more like 107?  According to the records, there were 112 macaques reported in September 2011, but by November 2011 the OAG learned there may only be 107 macaques left.  Even the OAG acknowledged it was hard to get an accurate number as one or more may die before the transfer?  Yikes!  I have a feeling about 100 macaques will end up finally moving to Born Free.

And finally, there is Joan Byron-Marasek's Public Information Request for documents pertaining to the WAO case.  If she hadn't gone off the deep end and filed false information against me with the OAG in 2009, she'd already have these documents!  Too bad most of the stuff she is asking for is previledged information at this time. 

Busy Day at the Bankruptcy Court Yesterday!

Hearing Held: ***APPROVED***. The Hearing Judge is Judge John C. Akard. . . (Related Document(s): 182 Application to Employ Real Estate Broker, First American Commercial Property Group filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)) (Paez, Daniel) Modified on 11/21/2011 (Paez, Daniel).

Hearing Held: ***APPROVED***. The Hearing Judge is Judge John C. Akard. . . (Related Document(s): 185 Joint Motion of the Debtor and the Texas Attorney General's Office to Compromise and Settle Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019 filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States) (Paez, Daniel)

Hearing Held: ***APPROVED***. The Hearing Judge is Judge John C. Akard. . . (Related Document(s): 187 Motion to Transfer Animals to Born Free USA United With Animal Protection Institute, Along With $500,000.00 From the Debtor to Born Free to Assist With Animal Transition filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B)) (Paez, Daniel)

Hearing Held: ***APPROVED***. The Hearing Judge is Judge John C. Akard. . . (Related Document(s): 190 Motion of the Debtor to Compromise and Settle Issues With Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019 filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)) (Paez, Daniel)

Hearing Held: ***APPROVED***. The Hearing Judge is Judge John C. Akard. . . (Related Document(s): 210 Motion to Transfer Tigers to Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States) (Paez, Daniel)

Here are the related signed orders:

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Order Approving the Use of 1st American Commercial as Real Estate Broker - 112111

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Order Granting Joint Motion of Debtor and TX OAG to Compromise and Settle - 112111

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Order Approving the Transfer of Monks and $500k to Born Free - 112111

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Order Auth Motion of Debtor to Compromise and Settle Issues w USDA APHIS - 112111

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Order Auth Debtor to Transfer Tigers to Carson Springs - 112111

The case is getting closer to the end -- thank goodness!

Which Baboon Is Going To Born Free?

So who is the last baboon going to Born Free?  I'm not 100% sure, but my gut feeling is Kaleb is going to this facility.
Friends of the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary

We've just got the green light to undertake the largest single rescue of primates; 113 will be coming to our Sanctuary - and we need your support! Please consider donating to the Sanctuary by clicking on the "causes" button to the left or visit today! And stay tuned for updates and photos as we undertake this huge rescue...
Mark Hernandez How will the lone baboon coming from the WAO live? Separate housing or will he/she (do you know the animal's name?) be introduced to a new "family?" I think it's great the monks will finally have a new home, especially since they've been through so much already!
November 21, 2011· 

  • Hi Mark, Initially he will be placed adjacent to the current group and given time to settle in and allow us to see if any of the other boons are interested in being his buddy and sponsoring him into the group. The object is to get him integ...rated into the 2.5 acre enclosure with the other baboons just like Dane. This could take some time but we're focused on making sure he doesn't live the rest of his life alone. Thanks! Tim 

  • Once I realized the Baboon was male, it was just a matter process of elimination.  I just pray Kaleb has a wonderful new home at Born Free.

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    The Official Press Release From Born Free

    Here it is:

    Press Releases

    For Immediate Release: 11/21/11

    Born Free USA to Save 113 Monkeys from Bankrupt Sanctuary

    Texas Court OKs Request to Transfer 112 Macaques and One Baboon, Marking One of the Largest Single Macaque Rescues in U.S. History

    On Nov. 21, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division, ruled in favor of the transfer of 113 animals — 112 macaques and one baboon — from the now defunct Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) in San Antonio, Texas, to The Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary in Dilley, Texas. This is thought to be one of the largest rescues of macaques in history.

    According to Adam Roberts, executive vice president of Born Free USA, “Born Free USA has worked for months with WAO and the Texas Attorney General’s office to find a way to help these animals. This is a heartbreaking situation particularly for this large group of primates who would otherwise likely be euthanized without our humane intervention. Every day wild animals need to be rescued from ‘pet owners,’ laboratories, roadside zoos and other abusive circumstances, but this time it is about a large sanctuary having to shut down completely — and demonstrates just how challenging wildlife rescue work is. Wild animals belong in the wild and the scenarios that create the need for sanctuaries should never exist at all. Sanctuaries are filled to capacity, lack adequate funding, and yet are most captive animals’ only hope for a humane future.”

    (Video of macaques living at Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary is available at; still photographs are available at All images are “Courtesy of Born Free USA.”)

    On Aug. 31, 2010, the Wild Animal Orphanage announced the decision to dissolve “due to overpopulation, underfunding and inadequate housing for the animals.” According to the WAO board, they were in a “do-or-die situation.” WAO had to find placement for 112 macaques, 55 tigers, 14 African lions, 16 chimpanzees, six wolf hybrids and 20 baboons. Sanctuaries were found for all of these animals, in part through the leadership of the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), of which Born Free USA is a member.

    Finding a home for the 112 primates presented the biggest challenge. In addition to the number of macaques involved, there are other highly complex issues including:

    •Their sensitive social groupings — 12 different animal groupings with troops as small as three and as large as 25.

    •The age range — from a 1 year old to some in their 30s.

    •Many physical health conditions, from blindness to cataracts to skin and age-related bone issues.

    •A multitude of mental health issues many of the monkeys still suffer from as a result of the effects of their captivity prior to their rescue by WAO.

    At the spacious 186-acre Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary, these 113 animals (112 macaques and one baboon) will join the current 532 primate residents and live as freely as possible. Their relocation from the WAO in San Antonio to Born Free USA in Dilley will take place in approximately three to four months after each animal is thoroughly medically tested, sterilized and tattooed, and the Born Free USA facility and staff are completely ready for their highly sensitive transition.

    Among the macaques is Fifi, a rhesus macaque who had been a “pet” in a tiny cage in her “owner’s” New York City basement. Her tail was amputated, probably to facilitate putting diapers on her. Chappy, a crab-eating macaque, was a biomedical research subject. The stress of life in the lab led him to pluck his body bald. Dex, a stumptail macaque, also exploited for research, has only his thumb and index finger on his right hand. Fifi, Chappy and Dex, along with Maddie, Leo Stiggy and dozens of others, all suffered at the hands of humans before they found sanctuary at WAO.

    The Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary is already preparing for the 113 new arrivals and building several structures and enclosures. While Born Free has, as part of the bankruptcy agreement with WAO, already secured much of the funding needed to create the new enclosures, a great deal of additional support is needed for the ongoing care of the monkeys who can live to over 30 years old — additional caregivers, food, veterinary services will need to be covered.

    To learn more about the sanctuary, make a donation or “adopt” a primate, visit

    Born Free USA (BFUSA) is a nationally recognized leader in animal welfare and wildlife conservation. Through litigation, legislation and public education, BFUSA leads vital campaigns against animals in entertainment, exotic “pets,” trapping and fur, and destructive international wildlife trade. BFUSA’s Primate Sanctuary in Texas is home to more than 500 primates rescued from laboratories, roadside zoos and private possession. BFUSA brings to America the message of “compassionate conservation,” the vision of the United Kingdom-based Born Free Foundation, established in 1984 by Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, stars of the iconic film “Born Free,” along with their son Will, now CEO of both organizations. BFUSA’s mission is to end suffering of wild animals in captivity, conserve threatened and endangered species, and encourage compassionate conservation globally.

    More at; on twitter at; and facebook at

    Media Contact: Rodi Rosensweig, (203) 270-8929;  
    Wow -- the macaques from Madison, WI are suffering "a multitude of mental health issues many of the monkeys still suffer from as a result of the effects of their captivity prior to their rescue by WAO." Yikes! I wonder if BF even know their history of theses monks! The monkeys are suffering because of the type of care they received at the WAO for almost 10 years! Lack of nutritional meals, vitamins & minerals, lack of heat during the winter, lack of proper stimuli, lack of proper enclosures, lack of water during the hot summer months, and lack of vet care. For Born Free to allow the reader to assume the monks had a great life at the WAO after they left their previous environment, is outrageous. If BF personnel spent any time with these animals, then they know the truth. Breaks my heart that BF is printing this information for public consumption when they refuse to tell everyone the truth about the WAO monkeys--just like how much money they stand to receive from the WAO estate!

    Gee, I wonder if the reason why the number of monks keeps changing is due to additional offspring and the death of middle-aged monks each month?

    If we have a very cold winter again, you can expect the number of monks to decline dramatically, again.


    Local press coverage -

    The Wild Animal Orphanage took in this rhesus macaque in 1998. Along with a baboon, 112 macaques will be placed at Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary.
    Photo: RICK HUNTER / SA

    A transfer of 113 primates from the defunct Wild Animal Orphanage to the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary in Dilley was approved Monday by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas.

    In August 2010, the Northwest Side animal orphanage announced on its website that it was being dissolved because of overpopulation, underfunding and inadequate housing.

    More than 190 animals were at two locations, a 7-acre site at 9626 Leslie Road and 102 acres on Talley Road, at the time of the announcement.

    The primates, 112 macaques and one baboon, will remain at the orphanage for three to four months until each animal has been medically tested and sterilized and additional structures at the 186-acre Dilley sanctuary are built.

    Sanctuaries were found earlier for 16 chimpanzees, 55 tigers, 14 African lions, 20 baboons and six wolf hybrids through the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.

    Much of the funding needed to create new structures at the Born Free sanctuary was secured as part of the bankruptcy agreement with the orphanage, but the Born Free sanctuary states on its website that it needs donations to help pay for the care of the new additions.

    Born Free USA worked with the Texas attorney general's office and the orphanage to arrange for the animals to join the sanctuary, which cares for 532 primates rescued from roadside zoos, laboratories and private owners.

    Securing a home for the large number of primates wasn't easy, said Adam Roberts, executive vice president of Born Free USA.

    “This is a heartbreaking situation, particularly for this large group of primates who would otherwise likely be euthanized without our humane intervention,” Roberts said in a statement.

    “Wild animals belong in the wild and the scenarios that create the need for sanctuaries should not exist at all. Sanctuaries are filled to capacity, lack adequate funding, and yet are most captive animals' only hope for a humane future.”

    Former orphanage staff members were unavailable for comment.

    The animals range in age from 1 to more than 30 years old, with physical conditions that include cataracts, blindness and age-related bone issues.

    During the 24 years the orphanage was open, it took in hundreds of animals from private owners who couldn't care for them.

    There was Chappy, a crab-eating macaque, whose stressful life in a lab resulted in his plucking his body bald. Fifi, a rhesus macaque, had been caged in a New York City basement. And there was Dex, a stump-tailed macaque, used for research that left him with only a thumb and index finger on his right hand.

    In October 2010, law enforcement officers recovered a 12-year-old escaped cougar after police shot it with a tranquilizer dart 100 yards from the orphanage.

    “Every day wild animals need to be rescued from pet owners, laboratories, roadside zoos and other abusive circumstances,” Roberts said.

    “But this time it is about a large sanctuary having to shut down completely and demonstrates just how challenging wildlife rescue work is.”

    Staff researcher Kevin Frazzini contributed to this report.

    Read more:


    I found this on their website:

    Animal News

    Our Biggest Rescue Ever!
    Published 11/21/11

    We are thrilled to announce that the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary in Dilley, Texas, soon will have 113 new residents! A bankruptcy court's ruling on Nov. 21 represents the last legal hurdle in our agreement to care for 112 macaques and one baboon from the Wild Animal Orphanage, which declared bankruptcy last year. But there is one more major hurdle for us to overcome, namely our ability to provide shelter, food and caregivers for these rescued monkeys. Please consider helping us out by making a generous donation today to our Primate Sanctuary Rescue & Rehabilitation Fund.

    Born Free USA is incredibly grateful to the indefatigable attorneys at Bingham McCutchen who helped negotiate the agreement permitting the transfer of all 113 nonhuman primates to the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary.
    Interesting.  No mention of the $500k from the WAO estate to build new enclosures and to help off-set the cost of animal care.  I'm shocked!

    And now for the heartbreaking photos of some of the WAO macaques.  Notice their thinning body hair; no doubt from poor diet and/or stress.  With winter coming, this is not good for the macaques.  Hopefully, with increased food, vitamins & minerals the coats will thicken up and look beautiful again.  The red faces are normal for younger macaques--as they age, the face color will darken.

    These pictures were taken by Michelle Reininger, one of the two caretakers responsible for their "supposed" care at the WAO...

    An Assault Committed Over the WAO Animals?

    Normally, I'm not interested in the petty, illegal going-ons of the current WAO "directors," Michelle and Jamie Cryer, but this particular incident (assuming if it is all true) exemplifies why I did not want the Cryers anywhere near the WAO animals.

    Here is what I was told:

    Allegedly, on June 12, 2011, Jamie and Michelle Cryer were drinking in a local bar called Fast Eddie's located near the former WAO Leslie Road facility, when Ron Asvestas entered bar. I heard that Jamie Cryer started taunting Asvestas by yelling out something like "I've got tigers, and I've got lions..." and Asvestas reportedly responded with "Yeah, but they are either dying or in the process of being taken away from you..." Nasty exchanges were made back and forth until Cryer allegedly came up behind Asvestas at the bar and started choking him. Asvestas supposedly was thrown to the floor, with Cryer still trying to choke him. I heard the bartender and bouncer had to pull Cryer off of Asvestas. Cryer allegedly fled the scene with his wife in tow after Asvestas called the police.

    Crazy, huh? Wanting to verify this story, I visited SAPD and obtained a copy of the assault report. Sure enough, there was a report on file for an assault incident at Fast Eddie's involving Asvestas, but the "suspect's" name was suspiciously blank! The story I heard pretty much matches up with the SAPD narrative report. I thinking it was left off because the officer was not present to witness the assault and therefore cannot add Cryer's name to the report.

    SAPD Assault Report - 061211

    SAPD Key Card for Asvestas_Cryer Incident on 061211?

    Is anyone besides myself outraged by the acts of the Cryers, assuming the above story is true? Why didn't Michelle Cryer speak up? Or did she, making the situation worse by joining in on the taunting? And these are the individuals taking care of the remaining WAO animals at Talley Road. Oh, jeez.

    I was also saddened to learn the Asvestas' son burned the WAO sign that used to hang on the outside of the visitor building. What a waste.

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Ho Hum...More Legal Paperwork Moving Tigers and Paying the WAO Attorney

    Still no word yet when the three tigers will be moving, but I have a feeling it will be soon!

    WAO Bankruptcy Court - Motion to Transfer 3 Tigers to Carson Springs - 111511

    WAO Bankruptcy Court - Motion Expedite Hearing on Motion to Transfer 3 Tigers to Carson Springs - 111511

    Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (Related Document(s): 210 Motion to Transfer Tigers to Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Davis, William)) Hearing Scheduled For 11/21/2011 at 09:30 AM at SA Courtroom 1 ***SET ON EXPEDITED BASIS, WILLIAM DAVIS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTICE*** (Elizondo, Lisa)
    Now for the WAO's attorney compensation and reimbursement of attorney expenses.  I am not including all the attachments as they are repeat documents already posted to this blog and serve no additional information to the original filed this week.
    WAO Bankruptcy Cover Sheet for 2nd Interim Attorney Compensation and Reimbursement of Attorney Expenses

    WAO Bankruptcy Court - Coversheeet for 2nd Interim Applicatio for Comp and Reimbursement of Attorney Expens...

    WAO Bankruptcy Court - Coversheeet for 2nd Interim Applicatio for Comp and Reimbursement of Attorney Expens...

    WAO Bankruptcy Court - Coversheeet for 2nd Interim Applicatio for Comp and Reimbursement of Attorney Expens...

    How wonder to see how involved Michelle and Jamie Cryer are in the closing of the WAO.  Too bad they are not a legal board of directors.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    USDA Declares WAO Case Closed

    From: Kristina Brunner

    Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:34 PM
    Subject: ASUS dba WAO

    Greetings Dr. Gibbens:

    Has the WAO case been finally resolved? If not, when do you anticipate this case finally closing?


    Kristina Brunner
    From: "Gibbens, Robert - APHIS"

    To: Kristina Brunner
    Sent: Mon, November 14, 2011 12:13:51 PM
    Subject: RE: ASUS dba WAO

    Although I have not seen the final document, it is my understanding that the USDA’s case involving WAO has been settled. Parameters of the settlement provide for the facility to stay in operation until such time as the remaining animals are moved to new homes.

    Robert M. Gibbens, DVM
    Director, Western Region
    USDA, APHIS, Animal Care
    Phone: 970-494-7478
    Fax: 970-472-9558
    In a previous posting, you can see the "final document" that was submitted to the bankruptcy court.  I'll bet the USDA/APHIS is relieved they will not be receiving anymore requests to investigate "alleged" violations of the AWA anymore from me.   And I will be relieved that I don't have to hear or read that the "WAO's paperwork is in order!"  The demise of the WAO, I'm sure, was the ideal solution to the USDA problem.  Too bad, no one will be held accountable for all the animals that died and were buried in the two 12x12 animal burial pits at the Talley Road property.

    The USDA case showed a major flaw in the wild animal sanctuary licensure and animal verification (inventory) process, or lack thereof...

    So while everyone is focused at private big cat ownership, no one is aware of the major flaws with some wild animal sanctuaries!  Wow!

    Looks like it's finally time to submit my USDA FOIA this should be interesting reading!

    Monday, November 14, 2011

    The Truth is Still MIA

    I rarely see any former WAO animal pictures posted by Safe Haven, so when I found these three pictures, I just had to post them together.  Two I have already seen before, but the one of Lulu is new to me:
    Siberian tiger Lulu was rescued from owners in FL, and
    was passed around other 'sanctuaries' before arriving at SHRZ.
    Okay, why not tell the truth about what really happened at the WAO?  Lulu was at high risk for death when she lived at the WAO simply because she could not be integrated with any other tiger and back before the WAO closed, Carol's Asvestas creed was unless an animal can be paired with another, than the animal must be destroyed.  I made it my mission to make sure the WAO knew, during the investigation, that I was watching over Lulu.  I have no doubt this watchful eye is what kept Lulu alive.
    Kovu's enclosuremate Ifaw was previously housed too
    close to another animal that was able to bite off part of his tail.
    Again, where is the WAO mentioned in this caption?  Just where did Kovu lose part of his tail?  Many tails and limbs were bitten off over the years at the WAO.  Kovu was just one of many that lost a body part at this facility.
    African lion Kovu arrived with Ifaw, rescued by a
    sanctuary in Texas that had to ultimately close down.
    "Rescued" is a stretch -- most of the WAO animals were rehomed to this failed facility.

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    One Year Later The Reorganization Plan Was Submitted!

    Better late than never, I suppose. 

    The only comments I have regarding these files are:  Looks like the OAG and USDA may not collect funds from the WAO Estate after all.  And I'm pleased to see that the Cryers, and other former WAO board directors decided to drop their "claims" against the WAO estate.  Mary & Michelle Reininger should be ashamed for making a claim against the animals after what I learned they told the USDA investigators.  Shameful.  Not to mention the large number of animals that died under their care.  Doubly shameful.

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed 103111

    Exhibit A is the September 2011 WAO Operations Report.

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed - Ex B 103111

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed - Ex C 103111

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed 103111 - Ex D

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed - Ex E 103111

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed - Ex F 103111

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed - Ex G 103111

    WAO Bankruptcy Case - Disclosure Statement to Plan of Reorganization Filed - Ex H 103111

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    More Name Changes Happening with the Former WAO Big Cats

    Looks like BCR is not the only facility changing the former WAO New Jersey tigers' names!  Very interesting.  So, I turned to FB to learn why their names, after all these years, were chanaged and found this posting:

    Mark Hernandez

    I just finished reading your Fall 2011 newsletter and noticed that the names of the former WAO tigers were changed? I thought they were named China, Kashmir, Swathe, and of course, Kismet. Can you let us know who is who now so we don't get confused with their new names? Thanks!

    Carolina Tiger Rescue
    Of course! China=Christian, Kashmir=Max, Swathe=Marcus, and Kizmet is still Kizmet. We changed China's name because we had a binturong named China in the past, and we worked with the couple that assisted us with their rescue to come up with the ideas for the new names. ~ Amanda B.
    Carolina Tiger Rescue - 2011-11Pawprint

    You will note in the article that the big cats receive chicken as their main meat with a smattering of dead animals brought in by the public as what?  Special treats?  Do the big cats even receive bones on a weekly basis? Vitamins?  Minerals? I am concerned about their diet -- sounds a lot like what the WAO staff used to feed the big cats.  Not good.  I pray the cats' diet improves for China, Kizmet, Swathe, and Kashir's sake.

    Much later: 

    Found this on Facebook.  Who is "Tiger America" and what did they actually do for the WAO tigers?  Is this another group trying to insert itself into the WAO case?  Sigh.

    March 19 · Edited ·

    Tiger TBT - some of our rescues when they were very small, circa 1996. We caught up with them and rescued them from a failed Texas Sanctuary in 2011 and took them to Carolina Tiger Rescue in Pittsboro, NC.
    L to R: Kizmet, Marcus and Christian down front and center