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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Character Letter from Peaceable Primates

Another glowing character reference for Ron and Carol Asvestas:

Some history regarding the baboons that were supposed to go to the non-operational Peaceable Primates Sanctuary:

Subject: RE: Baboons that belong to Peaceable Primates
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:24:44 -0500

Hi all,

Firstly, the housing situation with these baboons. We currently have them housed inside the boon building. They are in two separate groups because Kaleb has not been vasectomized. They were okay together as a group provided they have more space. If we are going to give them more space (i.e. half of the outside area) I believe we should have Kaleb vasectomized so we don't have any more babies.

Because of this current situation we cannot allow our own baboons inside the building, because these boons are using both inside areas. This is a problem with winter coming up. If they do end up staying here permanently I do believe they could be integrated with our troop.

My understanding of the whole situation:

pre-2005: Scott Kubisch visited WAO and Talley property to get ideas on caging and how to set up a non-profit from Carol. To my knowledge, he has been working on this project since at least 1999, when he incorporated as Peaceable Primate Sanctuary.

2005: Judy arrived at WAO from a private owner here in Texas. She was given up to us, but because she was a single baboon, Carol said something about sending her to Scott. I have never seen any records on Judy. She lived at Leslie Road for 2 years before being moved to Talley.

2006: Lucy (a.k.a. Freddy, a.k.a. Amelia) arrived from a rescue in Michigan. Someone from Peaceable Primates (Scott's organization) was at the rescue and spoke to the owner. She mentions him in an e-mail. Lucy was sent to WAO along with the remaining animals. I have only seen a health certificate that a vet in Michigan signed and it included all the animals that were shipped with her. Lucy lived at Leslie until moving to Talley in 2007.

2007: Kaleb arrived from a medical research lab. I have never seen any records on him at all. He has always been at Talley since his arrival. We were told by Carol that he would be going to Scott also, but he was shipped here. We presumed he was vasectomized because he'd come from a lab and Carol assured us he was. However, Lucy gave birth to an infant in 2009. After the birth, Scott contacted the lab Kaleb came from and they told him that they had sent money so that we would get him vasectomized.

2007: After Kaleb's arrival, the girls were sent to Talley although we only had transporters to house them in. We decided to try to integrate them so they could have better living arrangements. It worked out and they got along well. That's how they ended up being housed in half of our baboons' area.

2008: George arrived from a medical research lab. Again I have never seen any records on him. I presume they came with him, but I've never seen them. We were told to integrate him with "Scott's baboons" (as Carol called them). He was successfully integrated with the troop and they all shared one half of our baboons outdoor and indoor areas.

2008-2009: Told repeatedly that Scott was going to be picking up the boons "in another month". Then this year we were told that we (the WAO) would be transporting them up to Indiana in late April. In early April, Annie was born which meant she could not be transported for at least six weeks. So everything was put on hold again.

June 2009: We were told by Carol that Scott was having "second thoughts" and the boons might not be going to Indiana.

July - present time: Have not heard anything more about the boons situation.

This is a brief assessment on what I know of the boon situation. I don't know anything concerning the agreement between Carol and Scott. As far as I know, the monks were released into WAO custody upon their arrival at WAO, but I don't know the particulars. They have always been referred to as "Scott's baboons".

Dr. Ehrlund has been out before and checked them out, but they've not been sedated for a physical or blood draws since living at Talley. On Lucy and Judy, I don't know if they ever were when they were housed at Leslie.

Feel free to e-mail me any further questions, Michelle and I will be glad to help.




When is Peaceable Primates ever going to pick-up the baboons?  Ever??  Email from WAO attorney's office:

Subject: baboon letter
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 11:38:40 -0600


Just letting you know we made the requested changes to the baboon letter and sent it out. We gave him a full two weeks to respond, so by November 30th, 2009 he either takes them or they are yours.
Peaceable Primates

You will never guess what happened next!

Subject: WAO: Peaceable Primates Baboons
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 09:36:56 -0600

Dear WAO Board,

I write to inform you that the demand letter sent out to Scott Kubisch regarding the baboons currently housed at the WAO has been returned to sender. I am attaching both the return to sender envelope and a copy of the demand letter that was sent out.

Currently there is no other known address for either Scott Kubisch or Peaceable Primates. Thus both [attorney name removed] and I conclude that at least for the time being, it is safe to assume that the baboons belong to the WAO. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
I guess Peaceable Primates only exists on the Yahoo! email exchange and can only be found by Carol and Ron Asvestas.

Tried to access the Peaceable Primates using the web address on the Facebook page:  (as of 10.15.10 this is a bogus web address)

I was able to find some construction photograph on its Facebook page:!/album.php?aid=11241&id=121237047925258

Plus I found only two baboon pictures (I think these pictures are of Judy and Kaleb):

Present Day:  Both baboons went on to new homes -- not to Peaceable Primates.

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