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Friday, March 2, 2012

Andre is Unhealthy with Teeth Problems

According to Big Cat Rescue's blog, Andre, one of the former WAO NJ tigers, underwent dental surgery:

Today at Big Cat Rescue Feb 27

Two Tigers Sedated for Surgery

Jennifer compliments Cynthia on her hat while everyone is arriving for the two dental surgeries for Andre and Cookie the tigers. 
Dr Wynn arranged for Dr Peak to do the dental work and for Dr Miller to examine Rufus, Calvin and Narla’s eyes. 
I didn’t get pictures, but Dr. Tammy Miller, our eye expert, examined Rufus and concurred that his eyes are fine but he can’t see. She thinks it is from brain swelling and made recommendations for treatment. She stayed and helped with Andre the tiger.

Justin and Dr Wynn install IV line into Andre the tiger

Jeff is our marksman who stands ready if the tiger should awaken and escape

Andre had broken off all four canines in 2003 when he went
from NJ's Tigers Only Preserve to Wild Animal Orphanage

We rescued Andre a few months ago and had to wait
for him to be healthy enough for this extensive surgery

Andre died on the table but thanks to four vets in the room, he was revived

Two teeth are completely done and the other two have temp fixes

My what big paws you have, Andre tiger!

In 3 months we will complete the root canals after Andre is stronger


This photo says how Andre the tiger is feeling after his root canals

Tiger Andre Feeling Better

So, Andre arrived at BCR with four broken canines  and they broke off "when he went from NJ's Tigers Only Preserve to Wild Animal Orphanage" back in 2003.  Yeah, right.  Over the years, a lot of WAO big cats broke off their front teeth because of the small automatic metal water bowls.  I've seen tigers and cougars with broken teeth over the years; I was told by the animal caretakers that when the cats were too rough with the small metal water bowls, they would crack their teeth.  So do I seriously doubt that Andre lost all four of his canines in 2003?  Oh yeah.  The above BCR statement was probably attached to the picture in order to "discredit" the  former NJ tiger owner--they should have denounced the care the former WAO tigers received while living at the WAO!

What is even more telling is that Andre was unhealthy, too sick to under go surgery until after several months of living at BCR.  Just exactly how unhealthy was Andre??  How about his cagemates?  Are they very unhealthy too?  What in the world did the WAO do to these beautiful tigers?

What is even scarier is that he actually died on the table and then revived by the vet. And now poor Andre has to undergo a second root canal in three months once he is stronger.  This is just horrible.  Poor Andre...I'll be praying for him.  The WAO animal caretakers and board of directors should be ashamed of themselves for what they did to these tigers.  They deserved so much better.

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