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Friday, March 23, 2012

IFAW Fundraising Fables

Well, well, well, doesn't this sound familiar!  From Facebook:

A heartfelt thank you to International Fund for Animal Welfare who provided an emergency grant to help bring Tasha and Nikita to TWS!

And now from IFAW's e-appeal I received today!


I'm trying to raise $25,000 by March 26th to help move two big cats and build a proper new enclosure for a beautiful white tigress.

Nikita is the white tigress, and she and Tasha the cougar were each raised under cruel and sorrowful circumstances. They are currently restricted to a tiny enclosure in Ohio.

With your help, we'll be able to move them to beautiful and spacious Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone, Minnesota. And we'll be able to build a wonderful new enclosure for Nikita.

The Wildcat Sanctuary will allow them to live out the rest of their lives in an enriching and humane setting.

Can you please help?

March 26th is next Monday - that doesn't leave much time but if ever two wild animals needed and deserved our immediate help, it's Nikita and Tasha.

Nikita's sad story starts as many captive big cats stories do. As a cub she was used as a photo prop - but as soon as she became too big, she was used to breed more tiger cubs also used as photo props.

Tasha's early life was miserable as well. She lived in a garage for nine years – nine years! - and was forced to breed repeatedly. One day she escaped, but with no skills to survive on her own, she soon returned, scared and hungry.

Each cat currently lives in a cramped 10' x 10' enclosure. At the Wildlife Sanctuary, they will be free to roam an 8,000 foot area, complete with the tall grass they love to run through, trees to stretch up and scratch their claws on, a pool to cool off in, and access to an indoor, temperature-controlled den.

And they'll finally have expert veterinary care and the undivided attention of devoted caregivers.

Of course, big cats should never be kept in backyards or garages, and IFAW is leading efforts to pass the Big Cats bill that will prohibit the ownership of big cats except by accredited facilities like the Wildcat Sanctuary.

Nikita and Tasha have never known what it feels like to be free, to roam around as big cats like to do.

Please help us move Nikita and Tasha and build a spacious new enclosure.

You'll be giving these two deserving cats a new start in a forever home where they can live out their lives in a natural setting. And you'll be helping IFAW's mission to rescue, care for, and protect animals around the world.

Thank you for caring,

Fred O'Regan Fred O'Regan Signature
Fred O'Regan
IFAW President

p.s. I was outraged to learn about Nikita and Tasha's inhumane past. But I'm very hopeful for their future at Wildcat Sanctuary. Please hurry to help give them a second chance.

Did you know, from reading his e-news appeal, that the cats are already scheduled to arrive at WCS early next week?  It's already been arranged.  Shame on IFAW for making up a false deadline encouraging folks to donate funds ("March 26th is next Monday - that doesn't leave much time but if ever two wild animals needed and deserved our immediate help, it's Nikita and Tasha."), making it sound like if people don't donate right now, right this very second, the consequence could be...what?
Exotic animals from Ohio bound for Minn. sanctuary

By | March 23, 2012 at 12:46 pm | No comments | TWS in the News

An Ohio exotic animal owner is sending two big cats to Minnesota ahead of stricter rules in her state.

A tiger and a cougar will arrive at The Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone, Minn., next week after their owner contacted the sanctuary for help. The animals, Nikita and Tasha, will join the more than 120 wild cats already living on the Sandstone property.

Lawmakers in Ohio and in Congress are proposing tougher regulations on private ownership of exotic animals following the release of dozens of animals in October by an Ohio man who then killed himself.

By: Lauren Radomski 3/23/12 ABC 5 Eyewitness News

Here's where it gets weird.  Does WCS plan to place one cougar in a 8,000 feet enclosure by herself, as pictured above (which by the way, where are the trees and the pool??  They all must be behind the photographer! Or will she tossed in with the other cougars living on the property?).
And I guess that mean WCS plans on building the white tiger her own enclosure -- another 8,000 square foot cage just for her? 
"At the Wildlife Sanctuary, they will be free to roam an 8,000 foot area, complete with the tall grass they love to run through, trees to stretch up and scratch their claws on, a pool to cool off in, and access to an indoor, temperature-controlled den." 
Well, I'll be, here's a picture of the cage already under construction -- picture was posted on WCS's Facebook page, dated March 19, 2012:

The perch has been built in Nikita's new enclosure. Logs, boulders and toys will be moved in this week. Landscaping, the pool and caves will have to wait until the summer. You can still donate to her rescue at
Wow, no mention that the female owner voluntary relinquished her cougar and tiger.  The way IFAW writes about the animals' previous life experiences, she must be a really horrible person, right? Let's look at WCS Razoo project page to find out:

"We received a tearful call from an Ohio woman asking us to help her and her cats.
She is a USDA licensed owner who was committed to providing a home for her cats but realizes what the future will mean for her and the animals she has in small cages in her backyard. Though she’d like to provide more for these animals, she’s struggled financially to keep up and is fearful she can’t meet the regulations the new legislation will require. She researched different sanctuaries and contacted The Wildcat Sanctuary because she felt we could offer what her animals deserved – a home for life, where they wouldn’t be uprooted again and where they would have the open space she couldn’t provide for them."

As of today, $18,490 was raised out of $30,000 on their Razoo page.  With IFAW's donation of $25k added to the $18k+, I guess both animals will have pretty fantastic enclosures. Hmmm....Looks like this Razoo project has been in the making since the end of February! 
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not "slamming" Wild Cat Sanctuary.  In fact, as far as I can tell, they didn't do anything wrong in fundraising for the two cats. 

I'm merely pointing out how IFAW does not actually tell everyone the full story behind their little e-fundraising letters, nor do they solicit funds in what I would consider to be in an ethical manner.  They used the same, in my opinion, deceitful fundraising practices for the WAO tigers moving to Carolina Tiger Rescue.  I guess you can tell I'm not a fan of IFAW or the way they conduct business in the United States.  It's no wonder people are hesitant to donate funds--who knows if anyone is telling the truth anymore.  One shouldn't have to do this much investigating into a cause, just to find out that a large animal organization failed to get the entire story correct--all in the name of money.

Later on Facebook - 03.29.12

Wildcat Sanctuary
We love the media coverage that has come with bringing Nikita and Tasha to TWS, but with it comes some inaccuracies. One station had announced that these were the Zanesville survivors and another mentioned they were pets. The truth is that this was a USDA licensed facility that was struggling with finances and pending legislation. The owner of the facility rescued Nikita nd Tasha from their horrific backgrounds. It was her selflessness that ensured they ended up at TWS! And we applaud her for that. She had the best interest of the animals at heart..

I had no idea the cats came from another rescue center!  IFAW NEVER mentioned this in their e-appeal letter!

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Tigerlady <tigerpaws57@...> wrote:

Okay let me clear this up! These cats are from my facility! I made the decision to put them there, it is not a mistake, I do not see anyone else stepping up to the plate here to do something to help us in the situation we will be in once laws are passed, we financilly ill not be able to fund what will be required by the State of Ohio, and I am being selfless, and proactive, and doing what is best for the cats in my care, I have have brought them from terrible situations, to a safe haven, and now they will have a great forever home at the Wild Cat Sanctuary! After much research, because personally some places that are out their are complete shitholes! I wanted to be able to home them at good places, with lots of room to be a cougar, and a tiger, which what they deserve after living in horrible situations before coming to Tiger Paw Center here in Ashland Ohio, these cats deserve more, and we can only offer this to an extent, our space is limited, they were rehabilitated, and left our facility healthy, and well cared for and now they have even a better life, it is for the well being of the cats. So give credit where it is deserved to WCS for making room for theses animals, it is very costly to move cats to new locations, and enclosures etc. they have done a great job! And remember the media always twists the truth, that the bad part about it, and I expected that!

Denise Flores-Founder
Tiger Paw Exotic Rescue Center

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