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Saturday, July 20, 2013

I Love You Simon...

Over the years I have written too many blog posting about animals that have passed away from this earth. Some of the posting were of animals from the Wild Animal Orphanage, and some were of cats and little Nugget from In-Sync Exotics.  But the hardest posts I ever wrote were about the passing of one of my own fur babies.

Picture taken in December 2004

Meet Simon.  My handsome son.  My handsome bun.  My handsome one-of-the-kind honey bunny.  Or so I used to say to him each night before he passed away on Thursday, July 17, 2013 at around 3:00pm.  Simon was about 18 years old when he died.

This picture was taken in January 2011

A long time ago Simon used to live at the Wild Animal Orphanage.  He was one of about 50 cats that were relocated to the WAO from a private owner who was labeled a cat hoarder.  Because he was an older cat with severe dental problems, resulting in his inability to eat dry food, Lilac, a former WAO employee, asked me to take the boy home.  After seeing his adorable face, I decided Simon was going to have a wonderful life with me.  It wasn't until years later I learned that I really did save his life.  Breaks my heart what happened to the other cats that were taken to the WAO...but that's another story...

Simon's first road trip was to the vet; poor boy required immediate dental surgery where he had several teeth extracted and for years after he had to take antibiotic drops for his gums. Unfortunately, Simon did not have very many teeth left, so he ate his favorite "meaty meals."

Simon was the true patriarch of the cat family, even earning the respect of my dogs Endy, Rex, and Ardy.  All my cats loved him, except Arcie, who may have been a little jealous of my relationship with Simon.

Simon served a "father" to my beautiful girl - 2012

Anytime I was feeling blue, Simon would magically appear in my lap, head-butting my chin or kissing my face.  He was such a love bug and comfort during the WAO case and when volunteering for In-Sync Exotics.  My only regret is I didn't spend enough time with him.  I was always too busy on the computer...either writing letters to the OAG, USDA, or some other agency or I was spending hours producing videos or writing blog stories for In-Sync.  During those long hours into the night, Simon would lay next to my computer or he would try and jump into my lap.  After several years of this routine, I guess he got tired of watching me on the computer, so he would patiently wait for me to finish my business in the living room near his favorite food dish.

My baby girl took good care of my Simon - 2013

Simon loved food.  I mean, he REALLY loved food.  He continued to eat his special food up until the day he died.  I don't know how I could have pursued the WAO case or wrote the sad blog postings of animals passing without his strong and loving presence.  When I cried, he was there.  When I cheered, he was there.  He was always there for me.  He was a beautiful friend and I miss him terribly.

After his passing, it broke my heart to return home and see his empty kitty bed, so I put it up.  Now the "space" is too empty and it reminds me even more that he is gone.

Today was the first day I was able to tweet about my boy.  I figured no one would be on the computer, in the middle of the day, on a Saturday, tweeting.  Boy was I wrong.  I tweeted for about two or so hours about my boy.  I've been locked out twice by Twitter for going over my allotted tweets and I still have a lot of tweets to respond to later tonight.  There is just something very special about my boy that my fellow tweeter see too.  The outpouring of love and support from my tweeting friends was overwhelming and I am very humbled.  I have the best twitter pals ever...

TYVM for the adorable picture of my boy, Simon!
So it's with a tearful adieu I pray my handsome son Simon is with my Lord and Savior, sitting next to his brother Piewacket and his loving doggy brothers Endy, Ardy, and Rex.  May they all live in peace and harmony in Heaven, forever and ever.  Amen. 

Taken shortly before he passed away...God Bless you Simon

   ❤   >^..^<   ❤

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