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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Special Plea to the DJ & T Foundation on Behalf of In-Sync Exotics

In honor of Sabu and in memory of Jinx and Okemo, I wrote this letter to the DJ & T Foundation in the hopes of securing funds for a clinic for In-Sync Exotics, so something like the canine distemper virus, can be control much better and animals don't have to travel for care.

I don't know if a grant will be granted by the Foundation.  All I can do is pray for their help...

Later:  Sent an update letter to the Foundation announcing the date/time change for the FOX News story on the sanctuary's plight.  I sure hope they can help save the animals.

Much later:
I received word that ISE received a large check from the Bob Barker Foundation (DJ&T Foundation) on July 23, 2014!  I was told the donation should cover the cost of medical equipment for the new ISE on-site clinic!  Yay!

Check it out - most of our medical supplies have arrived!! We received a very generous grant, and were able to purchase over $100,000 in supplies for our planned vet clinic! The contractor for the vet clinic is working on permits, so we aren't sure when we'll break ground, but it's great to have so much of the equipment already!

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