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Friday, July 12, 2013

Will IFAW Turn Their Backs on In-Sync Exotics?

Even though I am no longer a part of In-Sync Exotics, I still want to help them raise enough funds so they don't have to worry about the cost of medical care and medicines.  Since IFAW refused to help the WAO animals in 2006, I thought they might like to "redeem" themselves by helping a sanctuary who took in three of the WAO's big cats.  

From: Kristina Brunner
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 7:02 PM
Subject: Important Request Regarding a Former WAO Lion

Dear Ms. Gail A'Brunzo:

Your kind consideration to this urgent plea would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if there is something IFAW can do to help this sanctuary.  Thank you -


Kristina Brunner response.  Not a surprise.  Time for a follow-up email:

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 7:25 PM
To: A’Brunzo, Gail
Subject: Re: Important Request Regarding a Former WAO Lion

Ms. A'Brunzo:

I don't know if you looked at the urgent plea I sent you last week.  I just wanted to update you on the situation.  Two big cats, Apollo (tiger) and Layla (lioness) died on Sunday and Monday, respectively.  [Link:  Two Big Cats Die at In-Sync Exotics From Distemper]

The volunteers and staff are grief stricken.  Several more cats are on the critical care list.  If IFAW plans on helping In-Sync Exotics, I'd say now is the time to provide them financial assistance so they can continue to provide the level of care these cats deserve.  The last thing the volunteers and staff should be worrying about is how to pay the vet and medication bills.

Please do not turn your back on these exotic big cats when they need your help the most.  It's that important.


Kristina Brunner

Finally!  A response.

From: "A’Brunzo, Gail"
To: Kristina Brunner 
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:18 AM
Subject: RE: Important Request Regarding a Former WAO Lion

Dear Ms. Brunner,

Thank you for your email. IFAW has been in ongoing communications with InSync Exotics regarding the outbreak. Between the two organizations, we are in the process of determining how best to assist.

Gail A'Brunzo | Animal Rescue Manager - Wildlife Rescue
IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare
World Headquarters
290 Summer Street - Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
tel. 1.508.744.2197    email.
mobile: 774.487.0617
IFAW rescues and protects animals around the world

Time to thank IFAW!

From: Kristina Brunner 
To: "A’Brunzo, Gail"
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: Important Request Regarding a Former WAO Lion

Dear Ms. A'Brunzo:

That's excellent!  I look forward to reading how IFAW assists In-Sync Exotics with their Canine Distemper outbreak and subsequent treatment.


Kristina Brunner

Decided to share the good news on Facebook!  Thank you, Mark, for letting me use your FB page once again!

Good news! I was told yesterday by International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW that they have been communicating with ISE regarding the distemper outbreak and is determining on how best to assist. I pray that IFAW will provide much needed financial support to ISE so they can continue to provide the level of care these cats deserve. The last thing the volunteers and staff should be worrying about is how to pay the vet and medication bills! Please thank IFAW for assisting ISE!

Figures!  Looks like IFAW lied to me!  I am not pleased -- Ms. A'Brunzo should not lie about a topic that is literally a matter of life and death.

From: Kristina Brunner 
To: "A’Brunzo, Gail"
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Important Request Regarding a Former WAO Lion

Ms. A'Brunzo:

Can you explain why In-Sync Exotics says they have not heard from IFAW yet?  You told me in your email below that you've had "on-going communications with InSync Exotics."  According to In-Sync Exotics, they have not heard from IFAW yet.

I'd appreciate an honest answer regarding this most serious situation at In-Sync Exotics.  Lives are at stake.

Please do not summarily dismiss the tigers and lions that are suffering from canine distemper at In-Sync Exotics.  They NEED your help now!

In honor and memory of former WAO big cats Sabu, Okemo, and Jinxie,

Kristina Brunner

So far, no response from IFAW.  Big surprise there.

I pray the staff and volunteers can hold on...

Mak Bedwetter
I just can't handle this anymore, I just don't get why this is happening to us.... Please just make this nightmare end.
Do wonders ever cease?  I guess all the emails, Facebook and Twitter nudges to IFAW finally paid off!
July 17, 2013· 
Great news! The International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW will donate $10,000 to In-Sync Exotics, to help us with all our medical expenses right now, and to help with another project that we will be announcing soon. Please join us in expressing our appreciation to this wonderful group!
Thank you, IFAW for not letting Sabu down!  Wait a with another "project"?  Egad, I'm thinking IFAW wants them to take in another animal, what-do-you-bet-me?  If I remember correctly from my WAO days, $10k meant you took in two big cats for IFAW.  Since In-Sync has sick tigers and lions, I doubt they would be foolish enough to send more big cats to In-Sync.  Right?  I hope In-Sync has the fortitude to say "no" to IFAW when they come a-knocking at their door to take in their so-called rescued animals.
Much later on Facebook:
July 27, 2013
Please join us in welcoming little Luna to our family! Luna is a female serval, who arrived last night.
We were recently contacted by IFAW (the International Fund for Animal Welfare) about this little one. Apparently, she was found wandering in Oklahoma, and was taken to a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation facility. This facility didn't really have experience with cats, as their normal rescues are squirrels, raccoons, deer, etc., so they contacted IFAW for help in placing her where she would be safe and loved. IFAW contacted us, and here she is!
We don't know much about her yet, but she will go to our vet on Monday for a full check-up. Her front left leg appears to have been broken in the past, and perhaps healed badly, so she'll get x-rays on that as well. We'll keep you posted on her medical checkup.
She is a very chatty, happy little girl, who readily approaches anyone who nears her cage, and meows for attention. We're very happy to be able to offer her a home, and she is lifting our somewhat battered spirits.
Well, wouldn't you know it...the serval is not well...
July 31, 2013

Little Luna visited the vet yesterday! She has a skin infection, her left front leg has a severe break in the upper area between the two joints, and the ligament in that shoulder is torn. Her leg x-rays have been sent to an orthopedic sur...geon to determine what can be done for her. Blood was drawn for viral testing and we should get results by Friday. She has a spot on her tail which we will have to watch closely to make sure it heals. Our vet said if it doesn't heal well, we may have to remove part of her tail. We also had her micro-chipped (she did not have one previously). She was a very good girl during her visit, and she continues to love company. Due to the location where she was found, and how old the break in her leg is (6-8 weeks), it is likely that she was a victim of the tornadoes in Oklahoma. Poor little thing! Well, she's safe now, and we're so glad!

...and there's more...
The orthopedic vet has recommended that Luna's front left leg be removed. So, we're still waiting on blood test results for, and we'll have to get her healthier before she could have the surgery, but she will most likely have that leg removed in the future.
I wonder if IFAW is paying for this cat's medical bills...hmmm...they should!

Next day:

Found this on Facebook!  Word is getting around!

I stopped subscribing to IFAW a long time ago, they haven't cared about the plight of the animals they're supposed to protect for a long, long time!
Global Wildlife Warriors
As you may recall, the Wild Animal Orphanage closed its doors in 2010 and many of its animals were rehomed. All but one sanctuary received a large amount of money to care for the animals—the only one who was awarded money from the WAO trust was Born Free in the amount of $500k because they took in the last of the WAO macaques.
Sadly, many of the animals that were relocated throughout the US died within two years of their rehoming from various diseases, including cancer, all attributed from their time spent at the WAO. None of these sanctuaries received a dime from the WAO trust or any other animal rescue organization.
When a concerned former WAO member learned Canine Distemper swept through a Texas exotic cat sanctuary, where a favorite lion of hers currently resides, she immediately contacted @International Fund for Animal Welfare for help.
Some back history:
In 2006, IFAW failed to respond to a whistleblower’s complaint to IFAW that the WAO misappropriated donated public funds and failed to provide even the most animal care (such as food, water, shelter, health care) to its animals. Instead, IFAW chose to take the side of the corrupt board of directors and essentially made fun of the whistleblower’s complaints. In 2012, the USDA substantiated the whistleblower’s allegations, but not before over 80 animals died during the course of their investigation (USDA, TCEQ, Texas OAG).
IFAW “loaned” about $60k to the WAO for food and basic health care treatments until all the animals were eventually rehomed in 2012.
Fast Forward:
The former whistleblower contacted IFAW this month to see if they could help the In-Sync Exotics with their canine distemper outbreak. It seemed reasonable, that the $60k loaned to the WAO could be granted to In-Sync Exotics so they would be able to pay off current and future medical bills (about $50K)
An email from IFAW’s Animal Rescue Manager stated IFAW was “ in ongoing communications with InSync Exotics regarding the outbreak. Between the two organizations, we are in the process of determining how best to assist.” This “good news” was posted on In-Sync’s webpage. To everyone’s chagrin, it turns IFAW did not contact In-Sync Exotics, but the sanctuary is hopeful that they will call very soon.
This type of playing “fast and loose” with the lives of In-Sync Exotics big cats is deplorable and should be condemned. IFAW failed the WAO animals in 2006 – let’s encourage IFAW to do right by the In-Sync Exotics cats affected by canine distemper.
In-Sync Exoctics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)


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