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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Updates on In-Sync Exotics' Facebook Page

Here are a few snippets from In-Sync Exotics' Facebook page:

In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
A lot of folks are asking for updates on the sick cats. Unfortunately, right now I don't have a lot of news to report. We are continuing our fight to get the sick cats to eat, and to take their meds. We are going through an astonishing amount of meat, in our efforts, and any help with monetary donations or meat continue to be very much appreciated. Thanks, and I'll keep you posted.
June 18, 2013
A girl has left several messages on our phone at the sanctuary, asking if Jett is ok, but she has never left her name or phone number so that we can call her back. If she sees this, Jett is fine! He's not sick at all. Please call us back and leave your name and number, so we can return your messages, thanks! 
 Mark Hernandez Are any of the lions sick? Is Sabu sick too?

 In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center Sabu is not showing any symptoms
Diana Ramadani I don't know anything, but I have to wonder if Tacoma's relative lack of mobility (and Sabu's lack of desire to get up and romp about!) have been their saving grace for this situation, but I will also FIRMLY mention that I have no idea if those particular cats have gotten canine distemper.
I'm really glad Jett is okay!
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center Tacoma has tested positive for distemper. Jett is fine
Cheryl Glover Brown Is Kazuri okay? All of the cats and you are in our Prayers!!
Jonathan Ray How's smuggler?
Bill Riley....Tacoma..?
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center Yes, Tacoma is one of the sick cats
Jen Gritzuk Yeah... I've been wondering which cats are sick as well..... Praying they all pull out of it!!!
Michelle Lee Baker Yes please - that would be so nice
Erin Hallman The cougars, bobcats, cheetahs and servals don't get canine distemper, so they should be ok. I'm not speaking as an official InSync rep, just a concerned kitty lover. It is good to know Jett is ok!
Donaldson Ang R DonaldsonWould love to know how everything is going over there with the cats & all v of you? How long does it take to fight off this distemper?
Jennifer Overholt I'd kinda like to know too how they are doing if u can post a blanket post. Yes Khan, Smuggler, Tacoma, all of em! Since '09 I've loved ur home!
Lora Phillips can we have an update on each cat?
Linda Mclean i too, would like to know which ones are sick and their status. we all have our favorites. sabu is mine!
Sandra Jean Beddow I know you are all so busy and stressed so it is understandable if you don't have the time to talk about each and every cat. It's just that we all have favorites in addition to concern for all the cats. You guys are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Tacoma and Kiro seem to be missing from this list...

June 19, 2013

A lot of folks are asking which cats are sick, how they are doing, etc. Right now, our sickest cats (showing the worst symptoms) are: Abrams, Kazuri, Harley, Kshama, Iona, Emma, Stryker, Aurora. There are some who seem to be feeling a bit better: Lucca, Saber, Jazz, Shazam, Eve, Amol, Mohan, Kaiya. There are others who seem to have good days and bad days, so can't really say about them yet. Please keep all our cats in your thoughts and prayers. They really need them.


In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center  
Oh, and Kiro is also feeling better

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