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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"New Beginnings"

Despite the board ordering the former pseudo-sanctuary male director to stay away from the property, as he was on 90-days leave without pay, he decided to showed up to work, apologizing for being late!

So, while the former ps directors sat in the office, the new director was frantically trying to change access to banking and credit card accounts.

I cannot imagine how uncomfortable the situation must have been. Thankfully, the former ps female director didn't show up to work too!

It was reported to me that the weapons were back in the office, which was very strange, for the workers reported the male ps director made a big show of moving the weapons from the office to the house. It was also reported that at least five bottles of Ketamine (controlled substance) was missing from the office safe. Concerned that the drugs may be used against the animals, I contacted the USDA/APHIS investigator and asked her to whom this theft should be reported. I was told to pass to the new director that the veterinarian that sold the drugs to the former ps directors should be notified immediately of the drug theft. Selling controlled substances to a facility that has access to the drugs at any time, with no vet on the premise, I believe is illegal and should never have been sold to the sanctuary in the first place! Then it was suggested the new director contact the Department of Public Safety (Narcotics Team) and the Texas Veterinarian Certified Board of Medicine to report the incident. I passed this information on to the new director and I understand she tried contacting the vet, leaving several messages for a call back.

I pray the Board of Directors decides to officially fire the former ps male director before he goes out, gets drunk, and end up hitting a person or another vehicle. Or just as bad, drain all the accounts and leave the animals high and dry with no funds for feed and care. This is truly a scary time for the sanctuary. Not exactly the best "new beginnings" for the sanctuary everyone hoped for, but it is a start!

Monday, September 28, 2009

So Much For Going Quietly Into the Night

I was not surprised to learn the male former pseudo-director (PS) refused to "go quietly into the good night." I was told the Board was very clear in its instruction to the former directors that they were not authorized to enter the property or office for any reason.

However, later that afternoon, I was told that the former male director went into the office, removed the hard drive from his computer, along with some files and the office cat.

The local police were called and a report filed, but unfortunately the new facility director was unable to show documentation that the former ps directors were no longer authorized to enter or take possession of any ps property, therefore, the new director could not file theft or trespassing charges.

The new director called me because she was very concerned as to what the former ps directors might do overnight to the building and animals. I called a friend in law enforcement whom was able to refer me to off-duty officer service. It took about an hour, but I was able to secure an officer for the night and the morning hours--but it would cost about $450. The VP of the Board approved the expenditure and so the off-duty deputy sheriff was dispatched to the sanctuary.

The new director and office staff member waited at the nearby church for the deputy sheriff as it was well lit and under the circumstances, safer. For you see, the ps former directors live right next store to the sanctuary. And the new director just happens to be the eldest daughter of the former ps directors. Fortunately for the animals, the eldest daughter left the sanctuary years ago and just returned this year to discover all the problems plaguing the sanctuary. Concerned with what she found, she started documenting the events, collected evidence, and spoke with the other workers concerning her findings.

Eventually, the eldest daughter, now the new director, contacted me to let me know that the workers knew the truth about what was happening to the donations and she was grateful I never gave up on the animals. We discussed at length about what happened to her in the past and we talked at length about what she foresees as the future of the sanctuary. I was pleasantly surprised at how much the new director had matured over the years. Within just a few months she was able to put together enough information to present to the board, which supported my allegation of misappropriation of funds. While I was saddened that she was having to go up against her mother, father, sister, and brother, I was very proud of her determination to do what was right for the animals.

Anyhoo, back to the evening events: I was speaking with new director and the staff member as they sat in the vehicle waiting for the deputy sheriff, when the new director received a text from her father saying something like "I can see you." Needless to say I was creeped out when she read me the text. Fortunately, the deputy sheriff arrived shortly thereafter. But the creepiness (if that such a word) continued when the brother pulled up next to the parties and just sat in his vehicle watching the discussion between the new director and the deputy.

As it was told to me, when the new director escorted the deputy to the facility, the former male ps director confronted the deputy, telling him he since there was no signed paperwork showing he was fired, he could continue to come and go as he saw fit, but the officer had to remain outside the gates. So that evening, all the deputy could do was watch the former male ps director ride his "gator" around the property (no doubt scaring the animals) and document the ps activities.

The next day, all the locks were changed on the gates and the office doors. Now everyone is really on pins and needles waiting to see what the former directors will do next.

A Huge Positive Step

I can barely contain myself as I type up the latest developments regarding the pseudo-sanctuary (PS) case!

I received word the Board of Directors called an emergency meeting to discuss several allegations reported to the board by the workers. The meeting was supposed to be on Sunday, but it was moved to today, at 1:30pm.

We were all on pins and needles, waiting for the board results. Finally after waiting on the edge of my seat for about two hours, word leaked out that the female director resigned!

As to the male director, I learned he was suspended for 90-day without pay pending a review into alleged recent events which were brought forth by the workers and the on-line newspaper.

Good news! The older PS director’s daughter was put in charge of running the organization until such time a new manager was hired by the Board. And the animal caretaker that boldly spoke out in behalf of the animals, which was subsequently fired in retaliation, was rehired!

So finally after almost four years, the Board took a very positive step in stopping the alleged misappropriation of funds and violations of the Animal Welfare Act! I wish this action took place three years ago, but I guess the timing was not right. I have to remember, the timing was always in God’s Hands.

I heard the female director left immediately and the male director was very angry. Something tells me the mother, father, son, and youngest daughter will not go “gently into the good night.” I have a feeling the oldest daughter will be labeled as a traitor by her family and will be harassed for some time to come. These four people stand to lose everything and I have a feeling they will not give up without a fight.

The suspended male director made threats that he’s going to sue the PS and the Board and I have no doubt he will attempt to do so. Question is -- will the PS so-called attorney represent him? If so, talk about a conflict of interest! I just pray they Board fires the attorney very soon, since it has become clear to me after talking to the workers and learning he represented the female director in the rental house fiasco, that his interest lies in who will continue to pay him. I’m sure he knows by now his days are numbered at the PS.

So much more to blog, but it will have to wait until later!

[Present Day:  Below is the emergency board meeting minutes. 

ASUS BOD 092809

Did you noticed that WAO's new attorney, Mr. Turton, reported to the Board of Directors that the Texas OAG was still working towards ending this case, despite all the additional abuse of assets/power information sent to James Anthony!  What exactly would it have taken for Mr. Anthony to do his job and prosecute the criminals who stole from the animals and the general public?]

Sunday, September 27, 2009

D-Day Delayed

I received word that Decision Day was delayed until Monday, September 28, 2009. Everyone is on pins and needles. I pray tomorrow will be a great day for the animals!

Decision Day

Today is D Day! I was told the pseudo-sanctuary's (ps) board of directors are meeting today -- they may even be discussing the continued employment of the female and male directors as I type this update! From what I understand, the so-called ps' attorney was not allowed to attend this meeting to "take notes" and neither director was allowed to attend either.

This does not bode well for the female and male directors! So, I'm am anxiously awaiting for word on the final outcome of the meeting! Dear Lord, I pray the Board decides in favor of the animals today.

On this day, I want to remember Mosquite (Skitter for short) and Pooh Bear, two wonderful animals that died this year. It saddens me to learn cougar Skitter died and I will never forget the loving Pooh Bear. Pooh deserved so much better -- from what I understand now, Pooh suffered a stroke on the left side of his body and was left to languish for two weeks, using his front teeth to pull himself up for food and water until his teeth broke off. It took two weeks before the ps' vet finally euthanized him. I still do not know how Skitter died, but I can tell you this, it was not from old age-- he was only about 11-12 years old.

I truly pray this will be a new day for the animals, so such horrific events, such as what happened to Pooh Bear and many, many other animals, never happens again. So this post is dedicated to Skitter and Pooh, may their souls rest in Heaven forever.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Workers Speak Out

Yesterday, the pseudo-sanctuary's (ps) directors informed the workers that later in the afternoon, the board would like to speak with the employees, without the male and female director present. The workers were told they would be interviewed one at a time and no attorneys were allowed.

Needless to say, the rules changed once again, because the meeting consisted of the one board member present, three members on the phone, and of course, the ps' attorney. The attorney was supposedly there to "take notes."

I was told that the attorney kept making faces each time an employee made a negative comment about the male and female directors, that it became such a distraction, two employees actually stopped talking and addressed the attorney's bad behavior.

Three employees told the board exactly what was happening at the ps and two employees, wrote letters to the board explaining why they did not attend and what their thoughts were regarding the male and female directors' work performance.

I was saddened, but not surprised, to learn the two most senior animal caretakers did not participate in the meeting. I don't know if they also wrote letters, but it would not surprise me if they just sat on the sidelines and let the other workers defend the animals. Sure they have a lot to lose financially, but that is NO excuse for not standing up for the animals.

The board meeting lasted several hours and no doubt the members had a lot to think about at its conclusion. I was told the three board members on the phone seemed receptive to the information provided by the workers, but the one member that was there in person (the one with the criminal record and apparently is having a "sexual relationship" with the directors' daughter--the same daughter that allegedly collects a paycheck for very little work performed) asked questions normally posed by a "defense attorney." It would not surprise me if the attorney prepped this board member before the meeting.

Now the board is exactly where I was at three years ago -- they know the truth about what is transpiring at the ps. Question is what will they do now? Do they turn the reins over to the workers and fire the male and female director or do they do absolutely nothing? Did the board even consider the animals' welfare? Do they even care about the animals? When was the last time any of the board members spend a day with the animals? Have they even been to the non-regulated, non-inspected property?

Meanwhile the ps is dangerously close to violating the USDA agreement. It doesn't look like the perimeter fence will be installed by September 30th at the non-regulated, non-inspected property.

It is good to know the workers now understand what I did and why I did what I did. It was never personal -- it was all for the animals. I learned the current board is still upset that I went to the media -- but hey! I would not have gone to the media if they took my allegations seriously. Instead, they followed like sheep behind the female and male director and took absolutely no initiative to learn the truth about what was happening to the animals. In my opinion, this entire board needs to go and a new professional board (with no family members, current/past lovers, or friends ties) installed to overlook the ps.

So now we all have to wait and see what the board will do next. I pray the board makes the right decision for the very first time ever. Will this story have a happy ending?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In His Time

In His Time Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:"

In His time, in His time,
He makes all thing beautiful in His time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time. In Your time, in Your time,
You make all thing beautiful in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time.

God's timing is truly a miracle - especially when it comes to this case. There is so much to blog I don't know where to begin.

Okay, first off, the pseudo-sanctuary (ps) workers are now in total support of saving the ps animals. With the exception of just a few workers (such as the son and one of the daughters and the senior animal caretakers), everyone is working hard to gather evidence and document alleged misappropriation of funds and violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

I am so proud of the workers that stepped out and spoke out on half of those that could not - the animals. I am worried about the workers though, especially after learning the male director removed 3 shotguns, 1 semi-automatic, and related ammunition, and took them to the director's house along with the animal and financial records. Apparently the male director has a real fear of law enforcement personnel, consistently fleeing to the back of the property if a law enforcement vehicle shows up to the property (either driving by out of curiosity or dropping off "road kill"). I am also worried the directors may have relocated the government controlled drugs (i.e. Ketamine) to their personal residence as well; I'm waiting for confirmation regarding this concern.

Next news -- it was reported in the on-line newspaper that the female director, under a false name, filed a police report in which she claimed her husband, in an attempt to use a "company vehicle" clipped the daughter's vehicle in a hit and run accident.

The real story?

According to the information I received, the following events allegedly took place on the night of February 19, 2009.

The female director, wanting to catch her husband with his girlfriend, enlisted the aid of her daughter to follow her husband to the mistress' house. The male director arrived at the mistress' house and parked the vehicle behind the house, so his vehicle could not be seen from the street. The daughter parked her vehicle in such a way that it partially blocked the mistress' driveway, thereby attempting to block any attempt made by the male director to leave the property. The daughter exited the vehicle and approached the mistress' front door to confront her father while female director remained in the vehicle. Apparently, male director saw his daughter and fled out the back door to the truck he was driving. In attempt to avoid the blocked vehicle, the male director hit the daughter's vehicle and then fled the scene. It is my understanding; the vehicle the male director was driving was a ps vehicle, purchased in October 2008, registered to his home address and not to ps' business address (Ford F350SD King Ranch - white/tan in color). It is also my understanding; the male director frequently uses this truck for his personal use. In any case, either the female director or the daughter called the local police department to report the male director was intoxicated and driving erratically on public roads and requested assistance. The male director returned to the directors' personal residence, with the female director and daughter in hot pursuit.

It appears the female director did not provide accurate information to the police officer. While she left off critical details regarding the reason/cause of the accident, she also filed the report under the false name of "Cassidy xxxx." I believe this report was filed in this manner, so she could use it as leverage against her spouse during divorce proceedings or as a means to have him removed as the ps "general manager."

Clearly, the directors had little regard for the ps's property, and the Board of Directors appears to have no control over the use of said vehicles. This type of reckless behavior puts the animals at both properties at great risk; therefore, I highly encouraged the Texas Office of the Attorney General (once again) to assume receivership of the ps before a serious accident occurs.

To make matters worse, one of the animal caretakers told me the female director pulled her away from work to stake out the mistress' place of work before the above incident occurred, so as to learn where the mistress lived. For two hours, the ps employee and the female director staked out the work place, until the mistress came out of her place of employment. They followed her to, what they would learn later, was the mistress' brother's home. While staking out the new location, the male director, riding his motorcycle and his "head bandanna" rode up next to the staked out ps vehicle. Recognizing the vehicle and the ps worker, the male director sped away into a near by lot, know the ps' SUV could not follow. The ps worker was really scared the male director would fire her, but the female director assured her that she would protect her--that she was only following her orders. Needless to say, the animals paid for the time lost while both employee and the highly paid directors were on stake out. The employee said she felt she had no choice but to follow the orders of the female director.

So, not only did the ps directors use ps vehicles for their own gain, but they also use the ps workers for their own personal (and may I say disgusting) reasons!

Where do the board members stand on the issue? I received word that the VP is interested in exploring the idea of removing the male and female directors from the board in light of the blog information, OAG records (which were kept from the board members), and the stories coming out on the on-line newspaper. Apparently, the VP wants to hold a board meeting to discuss the directors' actions and discuss steps to remove them from the ps. I am trying not to get my hopes up -- but this is first positive sign the directors are willing to take fiduciary responsibility for the animals and the finances. The workers are hopeful they will finally do something soon because of what is happening to the animals.

What is happening to the animals? Well, once again, the directors are forcing the workers to serve slimy rotten green meat to the animals. Just like last time, several of the animals went on a hunger strike and now the female director has a policy that if any animal refuses to eat for 2-3 days, then it's to be euthanized. I received this report from one of the senior animal caretakers, and I have no reason to doubt her because I was a witness to the serving of green meat at the ps when I volunteered out there. What is sickening is the female director apparently directed the workers to "wash off the slime" and put out the rotten chicken for the big cats' consumption, telling the workers that if the cats are truly hungry they will eat the green meat. How long can a big cat eat rotten chicken before it refuses to eat one more bite? Right now, Savo, a female lioness is having trouble eating the green rotten meat -- are her days numbered?

Tonight, I learned the employees wrote the board of directors via email, begging them to meet with them privately so they could discuss all the problems and incidents at the ps. I'll say it again -- I am so proud of the workers for standing up for the animals. They are risking everything in the hopes of a change in management. It may have taken them some time to find their voice, but then I guess now is the right time.

[Updated:  Present Day]

Here's the SAPD Incident Report filed by "Cassidy".
SAPD Incident Report - 021909


The workers were betrayed by the vice president of the pseudo-sanctuary (ps)!

I'm shocked! Considering he did the exact same thing to me in December 2005 I guess I really shouldn't be too surprised by his latest action!  Today, a senior animal caretaker was called into the office, where one of the daughters, the male and female directors plus the director's personal attorney (who clearly represents the ps directors and NOT the animals) were waiting to fire the employee. Since she lives on the unregulated, non-inspected property, she was given three days to leave the rental mobile home which she shares with her common-law husband and fellow animal caretaker.
Shortly thereafter, the ps daughter, lawyer, and female director (the firing squad) arrived at the unregulated property to serve notice to male employee -- advising him that his common-law wife had 24-hours to leave the property and if she was seen with him at their rental home, after the 24-hour notice, his employment would also be terminated and he would be evicted immediately. Since they could not find the employee during his lunch hour, the firing squad left a typed memo on the rental property's door way!
The firing squad also fired the other daughter (the only family member standing up for the animals) after the PS director's lawyer allegedly assaulted the daughter's husband, resulting in a Sheriff's Office report.
When the employees contacted the ps vice president, telling him what was happening to the workers, the vp told the workers he supported the attorney's actions! Betrayed!!! What happened to firing the ps directors? Well, apparently the directors' attorney found out about the workers' plea for help (via emails) to the board of directors and so he spoke to the vp at great length, explaining to him that getting rid of the workers would be in the best interest of the ps. How, I ask you, could it possibly be in the best interest of the animals to fire the very people that want to save them? This sounds like a wrongful termination suit just waiting to be filed! Fired the day after they ask for help from the Board! Are you kidding me? What in the world were the directors thinking?
Were all the board members in agreement to this action? If not, are they going to take a stand or are they going to betray the animals and the workers too? Only time will tell. All I can say to the workers is "well done for standing strong and true." I am so proud of them for not betraying the animals--unlike the board of directors whom have a lot of explaining to do.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Not too long ago I learned the pseudo-sanctuary (ps) floated the story that a tiger named Bubba died, around the same time as Vivi's death, in hopes of getting the on-line newspaper to print a false story and to flush out the leak. I imagine the ps directors were disappointed the on-line newspaper did not report the name of the tigers that died and it's my understanding the ps directors are still looking for the leak.

I also learned the animal caretakers have been forbidden to speak with the ps veterinarian. All questions for the vet must go through the ps female director. Wow! From what I heard, the ps director apparently does not want to continue to purchase any pain medicines for the animals (Bubba and Savo) --no doubt because it would cut into the ps directors' salaries.

The ps workers are really concerned they will be fired soon. It was reported to me that the workers believe they are being "followed" and the computers "hacked" into recently. This case is truly crazy.

Later that day: Just learned the ps vp has been on my site for a little over an hour. VP was reviewing the blog for about an hour while a second user, with a Sprint card in Texas, was on for 5 hrs 5 min and 15 seconds! It appears one of the animal caretakers forward the web page to the two users, but I am not completely sure. The time stamps suggest this took place - so the question is who was on the page for over 5 hours?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Prim Rose Path

I spoke with the source this evening and on the surface, the source seemed to be on the level. She was able to confirm much of what I already knew and informed me that some of my previous blog entries was incorrect, so based on this new information, I am updating my blog to reflect the new information:

1. Sabu is alive!! Praise God!! Sabu is living with another female lion and is doing well at the unregulated property. The source confirmed there was talk of euthanizing the lion, but the female director was persuaded to keep him alive. This is excellent news!!

2. Noel was not introduced to the other cougars and did not sustain any injuries. She was moved to Talley Road because she could not be introduced into the cougar compound. Noel is currently living in the New Jersey quarantine cages next to the tigers tigers, such as the Louisiana tigers which were relocated from the regulated property.  Noel is absolutely terrified in this small quarantine cage.

3.  Good news is the fox is still alive, but living in a transporter until his cage is ready. Apparently several workers have worked hard on his new enclosure and they are hoping to move the fox into the new cage very soon.

4.  Sadly the Bayer monkeys are still living in the quarantine cages. If I recall correctly, the primates arrived in December 2007/January 2008. The non-alter males apparently do not get along with each other when forced to live in the same enclosure during cage cleaning. It is my understanding from source, the ps female director plans to move these males into the former enclosure of the NY primates. I've been warned the primates will probably attack one another when forced to leave in this small enclosure.

There was so much discussed that I need some time to digest all the information. At least the source was able to confirm most of my blog's information and interesting enough, the blog is what spurred the workers into action.

As stated in the beginning of my blog, the purpose of starting and continuing the blog was to inform and instruct others in a similar situation on how to report illegal activities and what to expect from law enforcement agencies. I always hoped the ps workers would find the blog -- just didn't know it would take them about two years to find the information! Sadly their mistake was to share the blog with the ps directors, whom are now aware that the workers know the truth as to what is happening at the facilities. Something tells me the workers' working days are numbered.

Oh, and there are now four new animal caretakers working at the touring ps. Where is all this money coming from to pay all these new employees?

This is truly a strange and perhaps inspiring change of event. I just pray I'm not being led down the prim rose patch again.

Events are Sprialing Out of Control!

Things are moving way to fast with this case and for the first time, I am really worried. Am I worried because I have no control as this case spirals out of control? Or am I worried that events are moving in a direction -- a direction that will cloud the issue and not focus on the real cause of saving the pseudo-sanctuary (ps) animals. I just don't know right now.

Let's start from the beginning. A few days ago, I was contacted directly via email by a ps worker. Normally, individuals wanting to remain anonymous, send me anonymous emails or provide me with the important documents at my doorstop. I don't want to know the names of the people giving me stuff because I simply don't want to be responsible if they are found out by the ps directors. Sources have come and gone, but one constant fact is the information provided was always timely. God has a way of making sure the right people come into the case at the right time.

But this is different. Now a person has contacted me directly and I'm not sure if I am being played or if this person is sincere. I've been burned in the past by ps workers, so I just don't know what to think.

From other sources I have learned there may be a police report which implicates one of the ps directors in a hit-and-run accident--using a ps vehicle. Assuming this tip is correct, there should be a police record on file. I'll see if I can obtain the information via open records next week. In the meantime, the local on-line reported earlier this week the ps locks were changed, animal records were moved back to the house, and now a male stalker is stalking the female ps director. If the same person whom contacted me contacted the on-line newspaper with this information, then this person is in grave danger of being found out. No doubt, if it hasn't happened all ready, it will happen soon the ps directors will corner each worker to determine who the leak is.

This means the focus on the animals is lost and instead it's on the directors and the workers. Unless the ps directors broke laws that would implicate them of animal welfare abuse or misappropriation of funds, the USDA and/or OAG will not act. Suddenly the case becomes one of those "he said, she said" cases (ps directors against the workers) and guess who looses. Yep, you guessed it, the animals.

So now I am entering uncharted waters. I've worked so hard on this case for almost four years and I just pray the ps workers do not put themselves before the welfare of the animals. I guess only time will tell. One of the ps workers is calling me tonight... I keep telling myself that God places the right people in the right situations at the right time and I just pray this is the case once again! It's all in God's Hands now.

[Present Day:  If you haven't guessed by now, female PS = Carol Asvestas (aka Cassidy):

SAPD Incident Report - 021909

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The "Stalker" is Back

When I first learned of the lawsuit the pseudo-sanctuary (ps) filed against the on-line newspaper, I just knew the only reason why the directors choose to sue the paper was so she could learn the names of his source(s). I suspected the ps directors are hell bent on getting to me, some how, some way--especially since I suspected the directors read my blog.

Sure enough, it was confirmed, the only reason why the ps directors sued the on-line newspaper is because they want to get to me. I learned the female director read my blog, along with the workers, and were allegedly in a rage over what I wrote. One of the workers commented that the blog had a "ring of truth" and was stunned to learn what was happening at the organization. Now that the workers know the truth, there is no way they can claim ignorance. Finally, the workers have "seen the light!"

Apparently, in a fit of paranoia, the directors removed all the animal and financial files to their personal home and changed all the locks. I even learned the female director claimed there is "some guy hanging around the outside," insinuating that she is being stalked. It's my opinion that she is implying, to others, that the on-line newspaper editor is "stalking" her in an attempt to discredit him before they even go to court.

Gee, where have I heard THIS before? On June 8, 2006, the female ps wrote an email in which she claimed I violated "safety standards by entering a restricted quarantine area that housed infected primates, " that I "threw a temper tantrum" when I was allegedly asked to leave, and "I was "escorted off the property." She went on to say I was "voted off the board because of her [my] irrational behavior" and for the pie topper, she claimed "since then she has taken to stalking my kids and parking outside the sanctuary office for hours. Police reports have been filed and we are in the process of obtaining a restraining order."

Everything she wrote about me was a complete lie and fortunately I have the documentation and audio tape from the emergency board meeting to prove she purposely lied to outside parties. All documentation, including this extremely libel and slanderous email was sent to the OAG. Of course, the female ps did not stop there--she filed false reports about me to OSHA and Wage and Earnings. The board of directors were fed a pack of lies, which they accepted without question or without investigating which, in my opinion, makes them just as complicate as the ps director. I mean really, I "parked outside the [ps] and has left quickly when observed" after being threatened by the male ps at the emergency board meeting in January 2006 not to ever return again. What kind of twisted minds come up this garbage?

So, now there is a "new" stalker in town...wonder if a temporary restraining order was filed yet!!??

Bad news for the employees. I learned the VP was thinking about having a meeting with the workers and the board members, minus the ps male and female directors. Then I heard he decided to let the workers swing in the wind without any help or support until after the lawsuit. Apparently, he was concerned how this might look in light of the lawsuit. Oh, on that same note, the VP decided not to quit just yet -- again, it wouldn't look good if the VP quit right before the lawsuit. So I guess that means there will be no board meeting either until after the suit as the directors probably fear it would be fair game at discovery.

So while the workers are out slaving outside in the heat or rain for around $7.50 - $14.00 per hour, I learned the ps directors earned around $7k - $8k per month for the first half of the year. Looks like they plan to collect their full $100k each this year...and at what cost?

I found on the Internet an abstract of judgment against the ps for failure to pay taxes on land that is not covered under the non-profit exclusion rules. According to the document, the ps owed $2,008.95 in back taxes and $486.01 in court costs. 12% per annum from Feb 28, 2008 applies against the overdue amount until paid! The small piece of land has two mobile homes, (at least one animal caretaker lives in one of the run-down mobile home and the ps director's oldest adult child, husband, and toddler lives in the other one) whereas the rent, in October 2007, was $400 per month per mobile home. That's $800 per month that should have been applied towards the county taxes. According to the Internet tax records, it appears the ps has not paid one thin dime towards this ever growing amount due. Gee, I wonder if the board of directors know about this little 'problem." Highly doubtful. So now the animals have to pay this too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Getting Hot Around Here

It was confirmed this week there are some serious internal problems at the pseudo-sanctuary. I am hearing more reports the directors are highly suspicious of all the employees. They know information is leaking out of the "sanctuary," but apparently do not know who is doing the leaking. I heard the sanctuary directors plan to fire several employees. As previous reported, two new inexperienced animal caretakers were hired recently, which makes me wonder whom they are replacing--the team at the regulated or the unregulated property.

I also learned the workers know the truth about how much the directors earn--and I get the impression the workers were not pleased with the news. I heard the workers were upset because when they asked the directors to purchase supplies for the animals, they were always told there was no money available.

I even heard a rumor that the VP (whom currently lives in Florida) may be leaving the board of directors. Apparently, he has finally caught on with what the directors have been up to lately and wants nothing to do with all the 'monkey business.' So far, the VP's name is still on the web page, so I guess he has not resigned yet.

Finally, the war of the directors is brewing and the female director is worried the male director may expose her activities to the public, so as to embarrass and discredit her and she in turn plans to expose all his activities to the board, in the hopes of getting him fired. Still no divorce paperwork filed, but I'm sure when the divorce proceedings begin, this particular case will become very, very interesting. The male director made it clear he is tired of working at the pseudo-sanctuary, so he really has nothing to lose, if he goes public with all the dirt.

It's not just the Texas sun that is heating up things around here.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lack of Transparency

An undercover tour went to the pseudo-sanctuary today to see how many cougars and tigers were left on the touring property. The tour reported the cages looked unclean compared to the last time the tour visited the property in 2008. My guess is the directors did not report to work today (and probably NOT for the entire holiday weekend) so the workers are probably slacking off again.

The tour guide told the tour that the cougars, housed in the back, would probably not return to the cougar compound, which incidentally was built for three cougars around 1998. According to the guide, the surviving cougars will probably be relocated to the second property. I guess out of 'site', out of mind, applies since no one will ask any more embarrassing questions about the few cougars left at the so-called sanctuary. The tour guide would not disclose the number of cougars living in the back part of the property, hidden from public view.

The wolf pup, Looky, was seen on tour living in 1/2 of the former cougar compound area. The other 1/2 of the enclosure is empty. Cinder blocks were seen outside the second half of the enclosure, presumably to be used to build 'shelter boxes" for either tigers or lions. Are they expecting a new shipment of animals?  I hope not!

There did not appear to be any additional empty cages. However, the tour only saw one tiger living in the back near the cougars--the tour did not see the second tiger and lioness. Are they still alive? Or are they casualties as well?

Beauty, the surviving female liger, was alive and living alone. Bubba, the white tiger, was alive as well.

The tortoises are living in a new enclosure across from Lance and Leyla (tigers).

The tour guide reported the big cats were fed that morning and from what little remained of the big cats' food, it appears the meat was not chicken, but some other type of meat. Finally, are they being fed "prepared" meat?

Apparently the facility hired a second new "animal caretaker" as it was overheard the new employee would need to be taken under the "wings" of a more experienced "animal caretaker." According to the tour, the two new employees appeared very young (19-22 years of age) and neither one appeared to have any animal care experience.  Great.

This is so typical as the pseudo-sanctuary as it would never hire an experienced exotic wild animal caretaker.  Makes me wonder if the new employees have criminal records too...and I wonder who quit recently?

Meanwhile, another local on-line magazine writer picked up on the pseudo-sanctuary story and was told by the director and attorney, right after to so-called 'press conference,' that the news reporter would be allowed to view the dead animal files at a later date.

Once the promise was made, the director and attorney started ducking the reporter, refusing to set an appointment date to review the files. It's been a couple of weeks, and the reporter was not happy with the WAO lawyer, whom was responsible for setting up the appointment, as he has"disappeared" once again.

From what I understand the reporter is not giving up and will continue to investigate the so-called sanctuary. So much for the animal record transparency promised by the directors at the so-called press conference last month. The so-called sanctuary's own web site said it would post ViVi's necropsy report within a "few days." It's been over a month and where is the report?? Where IS the transparency? Just more lies made by the directors and supported by the board of directors. I've said it before and I'll say it again...what a joke!

The on-line newspaper filed his lawsuit response with the court. This case should get real interesting! According to court public records, the former owner of the 24 New Jersey tigers requested a copy of the lawsuit files.

You know, this has me wondering, how many other sanctuaries out there lack transparency?  How many other sanctuaries promise to post pictures, videos, or reports on their websites for people to see,  then renege on their promise?  Where is the accountability? Where is the honesty and integrity in the animal sanctuary and shelter world?  Anyone?