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Monday, September 28, 2009

So Much For Going Quietly Into the Night

I was not surprised to learn the male former pseudo-director (PS) refused to "go quietly into the good night." I was told the Board was very clear in its instruction to the former directors that they were not authorized to enter the property or office for any reason.

However, later that afternoon, I was told that the former male director went into the office, removed the hard drive from his computer, along with some files and the office cat.

The local police were called and a report filed, but unfortunately the new facility director was unable to show documentation that the former ps directors were no longer authorized to enter or take possession of any ps property, therefore, the new director could not file theft or trespassing charges.

The new director called me because she was very concerned as to what the former ps directors might do overnight to the building and animals. I called a friend in law enforcement whom was able to refer me to off-duty officer service. It took about an hour, but I was able to secure an officer for the night and the morning hours--but it would cost about $450. The VP of the Board approved the expenditure and so the off-duty deputy sheriff was dispatched to the sanctuary.

The new director and office staff member waited at the nearby church for the deputy sheriff as it was well lit and under the circumstances, safer. For you see, the ps former directors live right next store to the sanctuary. And the new director just happens to be the eldest daughter of the former ps directors. Fortunately for the animals, the eldest daughter left the sanctuary years ago and just returned this year to discover all the problems plaguing the sanctuary. Concerned with what she found, she started documenting the events, collected evidence, and spoke with the other workers concerning her findings.

Eventually, the eldest daughter, now the new director, contacted me to let me know that the workers knew the truth about what was happening to the donations and she was grateful I never gave up on the animals. We discussed at length about what happened to her in the past and we talked at length about what she foresees as the future of the sanctuary. I was pleasantly surprised at how much the new director had matured over the years. Within just a few months she was able to put together enough information to present to the board, which supported my allegation of misappropriation of funds. While I was saddened that she was having to go up against her mother, father, sister, and brother, I was very proud of her determination to do what was right for the animals.

Anyhoo, back to the evening events: I was speaking with new director and the staff member as they sat in the vehicle waiting for the deputy sheriff, when the new director received a text from her father saying something like "I can see you." Needless to say I was creeped out when she read me the text. Fortunately, the deputy sheriff arrived shortly thereafter. But the creepiness (if that such a word) continued when the brother pulled up next to the parties and just sat in his vehicle watching the discussion between the new director and the deputy.

As it was told to me, when the new director escorted the deputy to the facility, the former male ps director confronted the deputy, telling him he since there was no signed paperwork showing he was fired, he could continue to come and go as he saw fit, but the officer had to remain outside the gates. So that evening, all the deputy could do was watch the former male ps director ride his "gator" around the property (no doubt scaring the animals) and document the ps activities.

The next day, all the locks were changed on the gates and the office doors. Now everyone is really on pins and needles waiting to see what the former directors will do next.

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