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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Decision Day

Today is D Day! I was told the pseudo-sanctuary's (ps) board of directors are meeting today -- they may even be discussing the continued employment of the female and male directors as I type this update! From what I understand, the so-called ps' attorney was not allowed to attend this meeting to "take notes" and neither director was allowed to attend either.

This does not bode well for the female and male directors! So, I'm am anxiously awaiting for word on the final outcome of the meeting! Dear Lord, I pray the Board decides in favor of the animals today.

On this day, I want to remember Mosquite (Skitter for short) and Pooh Bear, two wonderful animals that died this year. It saddens me to learn cougar Skitter died and I will never forget the loving Pooh Bear. Pooh deserved so much better -- from what I understand now, Pooh suffered a stroke on the left side of his body and was left to languish for two weeks, using his front teeth to pull himself up for food and water until his teeth broke off. It took two weeks before the ps' vet finally euthanized him. I still do not know how Skitter died, but I can tell you this, it was not from old age-- he was only about 11-12 years old.

I truly pray this will be a new day for the animals, so such horrific events, such as what happened to Pooh Bear and many, many other animals, never happens again. So this post is dedicated to Skitter and Pooh, may their souls rest in Heaven forever.

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