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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Events are Sprialing Out of Control!

Things are moving way to fast with this case and for the first time, I am really worried. Am I worried because I have no control as this case spirals out of control? Or am I worried that events are moving in a direction -- a direction that will cloud the issue and not focus on the real cause of saving the pseudo-sanctuary (ps) animals. I just don't know right now.

Let's start from the beginning. A few days ago, I was contacted directly via email by a ps worker. Normally, individuals wanting to remain anonymous, send me anonymous emails or provide me with the important documents at my doorstop. I don't want to know the names of the people giving me stuff because I simply don't want to be responsible if they are found out by the ps directors. Sources have come and gone, but one constant fact is the information provided was always timely. God has a way of making sure the right people come into the case at the right time.

But this is different. Now a person has contacted me directly and I'm not sure if I am being played or if this person is sincere. I've been burned in the past by ps workers, so I just don't know what to think.

From other sources I have learned there may be a police report which implicates one of the ps directors in a hit-and-run accident--using a ps vehicle. Assuming this tip is correct, there should be a police record on file. I'll see if I can obtain the information via open records next week. In the meantime, the local on-line reported earlier this week the ps locks were changed, animal records were moved back to the house, and now a male stalker is stalking the female ps director. If the same person whom contacted me contacted the on-line newspaper with this information, then this person is in grave danger of being found out. No doubt, if it hasn't happened all ready, it will happen soon the ps directors will corner each worker to determine who the leak is.

This means the focus on the animals is lost and instead it's on the directors and the workers. Unless the ps directors broke laws that would implicate them of animal welfare abuse or misappropriation of funds, the USDA and/or OAG will not act. Suddenly the case becomes one of those "he said, she said" cases (ps directors against the workers) and guess who looses. Yep, you guessed it, the animals.

So now I am entering uncharted waters. I've worked so hard on this case for almost four years and I just pray the ps workers do not put themselves before the welfare of the animals. I guess only time will tell. One of the ps workers is calling me tonight... I keep telling myself that God places the right people in the right situations at the right time and I just pray this is the case once again! It's all in God's Hands now.

[Present Day:  If you haven't guessed by now, female PS = Carol Asvestas (aka Cassidy):

SAPD Incident Report - 021909

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