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Saturday, September 19, 2009

In His Time

In His Time Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:"

In His time, in His time,
He makes all thing beautiful in His time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time. In Your time, in Your time,
You make all thing beautiful in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time.

God's timing is truly a miracle - especially when it comes to this case. There is so much to blog I don't know where to begin.

Okay, first off, the pseudo-sanctuary (ps) workers are now in total support of saving the ps animals. With the exception of just a few workers (such as the son and one of the daughters and the senior animal caretakers), everyone is working hard to gather evidence and document alleged misappropriation of funds and violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

I am so proud of the workers that stepped out and spoke out on half of those that could not - the animals. I am worried about the workers though, especially after learning the male director removed 3 shotguns, 1 semi-automatic, and related ammunition, and took them to the director's house along with the animal and financial records. Apparently the male director has a real fear of law enforcement personnel, consistently fleeing to the back of the property if a law enforcement vehicle shows up to the property (either driving by out of curiosity or dropping off "road kill"). I am also worried the directors may have relocated the government controlled drugs (i.e. Ketamine) to their personal residence as well; I'm waiting for confirmation regarding this concern.

Next news -- it was reported in the on-line newspaper that the female director, under a false name, filed a police report in which she claimed her husband, in an attempt to use a "company vehicle" clipped the daughter's vehicle in a hit and run accident.

The real story?

According to the information I received, the following events allegedly took place on the night of February 19, 2009.

The female director, wanting to catch her husband with his girlfriend, enlisted the aid of her daughter to follow her husband to the mistress' house. The male director arrived at the mistress' house and parked the vehicle behind the house, so his vehicle could not be seen from the street. The daughter parked her vehicle in such a way that it partially blocked the mistress' driveway, thereby attempting to block any attempt made by the male director to leave the property. The daughter exited the vehicle and approached the mistress' front door to confront her father while female director remained in the vehicle. Apparently, male director saw his daughter and fled out the back door to the truck he was driving. In attempt to avoid the blocked vehicle, the male director hit the daughter's vehicle and then fled the scene. It is my understanding; the vehicle the male director was driving was a ps vehicle, purchased in October 2008, registered to his home address and not to ps' business address (Ford F350SD King Ranch - white/tan in color). It is also my understanding; the male director frequently uses this truck for his personal use. In any case, either the female director or the daughter called the local police department to report the male director was intoxicated and driving erratically on public roads and requested assistance. The male director returned to the directors' personal residence, with the female director and daughter in hot pursuit.

It appears the female director did not provide accurate information to the police officer. While she left off critical details regarding the reason/cause of the accident, she also filed the report under the false name of "Cassidy xxxx." I believe this report was filed in this manner, so she could use it as leverage against her spouse during divorce proceedings or as a means to have him removed as the ps "general manager."

Clearly, the directors had little regard for the ps's property, and the Board of Directors appears to have no control over the use of said vehicles. This type of reckless behavior puts the animals at both properties at great risk; therefore, I highly encouraged the Texas Office of the Attorney General (once again) to assume receivership of the ps before a serious accident occurs.

To make matters worse, one of the animal caretakers told me the female director pulled her away from work to stake out the mistress' place of work before the above incident occurred, so as to learn where the mistress lived. For two hours, the ps employee and the female director staked out the work place, until the mistress came out of her place of employment. They followed her to, what they would learn later, was the mistress' brother's home. While staking out the new location, the male director, riding his motorcycle and his "head bandanna" rode up next to the staked out ps vehicle. Recognizing the vehicle and the ps worker, the male director sped away into a near by lot, know the ps' SUV could not follow. The ps worker was really scared the male director would fire her, but the female director assured her that she would protect her--that she was only following her orders. Needless to say, the animals paid for the time lost while both employee and the highly paid directors were on stake out. The employee said she felt she had no choice but to follow the orders of the female director.

So, not only did the ps directors use ps vehicles for their own gain, but they also use the ps workers for their own personal (and may I say disgusting) reasons!

Where do the board members stand on the issue? I received word that the VP is interested in exploring the idea of removing the male and female directors from the board in light of the blog information, OAG records (which were kept from the board members), and the stories coming out on the on-line newspaper. Apparently, the VP wants to hold a board meeting to discuss the directors' actions and discuss steps to remove them from the ps. I am trying not to get my hopes up -- but this is first positive sign the directors are willing to take fiduciary responsibility for the animals and the finances. The workers are hopeful they will finally do something soon because of what is happening to the animals.

What is happening to the animals? Well, once again, the directors are forcing the workers to serve slimy rotten green meat to the animals. Just like last time, several of the animals went on a hunger strike and now the female director has a policy that if any animal refuses to eat for 2-3 days, then it's to be euthanized. I received this report from one of the senior animal caretakers, and I have no reason to doubt her because I was a witness to the serving of green meat at the ps when I volunteered out there. What is sickening is the female director apparently directed the workers to "wash off the slime" and put out the rotten chicken for the big cats' consumption, telling the workers that if the cats are truly hungry they will eat the green meat. How long can a big cat eat rotten chicken before it refuses to eat one more bite? Right now, Savo, a female lioness is having trouble eating the green rotten meat -- are her days numbered?

Tonight, I learned the employees wrote the board of directors via email, begging them to meet with them privately so they could discuss all the problems and incidents at the ps. I'll say it again -- I am so proud of the workers for standing up for the animals. They are risking everything in the hopes of a change in management. It may have taken them some time to find their voice, but then I guess now is the right time.

[Updated:  Present Day]

Here's the SAPD Incident Report filed by "Cassidy".
SAPD Incident Report - 021909

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