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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good-Bye Spazz and Friends

I learned earlier today that the Capuchins were loaded onto a vehicle (not one of WAO's vehicles) this afternoon, bound for Florida. 

I just pray all the monkeys make in this heat (upper 80's outside).  I've been told Jungle Friend is a good home for the monkeys.  May God continue to watch over Spazz and his buddies. 

They will all be missed.

Cold and Calculating

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

about an hour ago via Facebook for iPhone · Share
Talk about insensitive and having absolutely no class.  This picture of Bubba was uploaded from Michelle Cryers iPhone and placed on her Facebook page with no comments attached.  As you may recall, Bubba died in May 2010 while under the care of the Cryers.  Unbelievable.  Her Facebook page shows everyone exactly what kind of person she truly is -- cold, calculating, and possess no respect for animals that have passed. 
I wonder if the other animal pictures she placed on the site are dead too.  She failed the WAO animals and now she is going around taking pics of them and posting on her Facebook page, much like a teenager would do -- wow -- when will she ever grow up?
More comments from her page:
Michelle Anthony-Cryer We love you

September 26 at 9:09pm via Facebook for iPhone · View Feedback (2)Hide Feedback (2) · Share.
Micheal Matteo Orlando did you finally take over the zoo?
September 26 at 9:49pm.Michelle Anthony-Cryer We have been since April ... Lots of changes
Monday at 9:49am.
Funny - Cryer never mentioned that the "lots of changes" that took place at the WAO was that she closed the place down due to her incompetency!  Since April?  Doesn't she mean "since May?"  What a joke.

October 29, 2010:  Well, the weather is getting colder and I am worried the WAO is not ready to provide heat for all the primates.  So what is Michelle Cryer's solution to the problem?  Look below:

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

Michelle Anthony-Cryer I love my sweaters

Then there's these pictures added to her Facebook page on Saturday, November 27, 2010:




After I reviewed these photos, one thing is painfully obvious, while Cryer had a Thanksgiving dinner, the primates apparently received very little in the way of fresh fruits and veggies as there were no remanents left in their enclosures.  Instead, the primates received "monkey chow." 

Here was Facebook entry in the day: 
Michelle Anthony-Cryer Going to spend time with the baboons this afternoon.

Can't wait ;-)
Good grief - why isn't she there almost every day helping the animal caretakers take care of the animals.  Instead she's what, making a short afternoon trip to play with the animals?  Why isn't she bringing them produce? 

Hey Michelle, how about, instead of playing with the animals, you actually do some WORK out there?  Sad.  I guess this her little petting "zoo."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Judgement Day

Last month, Judgement Day arrived for Ron and Carol Asvestas.  I think this final judgement was apropos considering the Asvestas' were the root cause of the WAO animals losing their homes -- so why shouldn't they lose their own?  Truly what comes around, goes around.

Read on....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Stages of Grief

Every since May 1st, I knew the WAO was doomed. At first, I could not believe the Cryers took over the WAO in such a sneaky and deplorable manner. For about two weeks, I kept praying she would realize how much out of her league she was and bring back the people who actually made a difference at the WAO.

Once I learned the WAO closed and the animals were either relocated or, in the cases of Maverick and Royale, euthanized, I felt incredible pain and guilt. Learning that Mindy also died during this timeframe was heart breaking. I kept thinking if I’d only did “this” or “that,” things would have been different and the animals would still be alive today. My heart hurt for the animals because I was powerless to save them.

Today, I am in the third stage of grief – Anger. I’ve already passed bargaining as I kept bargaining with God to give me a second chance to save the animals months ago. I blamed God for letting the animals die or move away and I was absolutely furious at the Cryers for their incredible selfishness. Clearly, I am still angry at many people responsible for the downfall of the sanctuary – the Asvestas’, the Cryers, all past and present board members, the all the animal caretakers who kept their mouths shut when they should have been advocating for the animals), and even Dawn Smith for playing games with me during this most difficult time of feeding and protecting the animals. Oh, and let’s not forget those who sat on the sidelines and just watched this disaster as it happened: OAG, USDA, IFAW, HSUS, PETA, SPCA, Voices for Animals, and the like.

I don’t know how long I’ll be in this state, but I don’t blame God any more as I know He is with the animals, either in body or spirit. I also know he will protect the WAO animals as they move on to their new homes.

So instead, I plan to use my current feelings of anger and work hard on updating my blog, to include information from my very first year of the investigation into a new blog called BB Notebook (Before Blog Notebook). I know I will eventually work through all the grief steps, and I plan to do with by taking just one day at a time.

So, if my blogs during this period sound curt and sarcastic, well, just chalk it up to my “anger” period and read on!


You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for weeks.


As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the suffering of unbelievable pain. Although excruciating and almost unbearable, it is important that you experience the pain fully, and not hide it, avoid it or escape from it with alcohol or drugs.

You may have guilty feelings or remorse over things you did or didn't do with your loved one. Life feels chaotic and scary during this phase.


Frustration gives way to anger, and you may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for the death on someone else. Please try to control this, as permanent damage to your relationships may result. This is a time for the release of bottled up emotion.

You may rail against fate, questioning "Why me?" You may also try to bargain in vain with the powers that be for a way out of your despair ("I will never drink again if you just bring him back")


Just when your friends may think you should be getting on with your life, a long period of sad reflection will likely overtake you. This is a normal stage of grief, so do not be "talked out of it" by well-meaning outsiders. Encouragement from others is not helpful to you during this stage of grieving.

During this time, you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss, and it depresses you. You may isolate yourself on purpose, reflect on things you did with your lost one, and focus on memories of the past. You may sense feelings of emptiness or despair.


As you start to adjust to life without your dear one, your life becomes a little calmer and more organized. Your physical symptoms lessen, and your "depression" begins to lift slightly.


As you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one. You will start to work on practical and financial problems and reconstructing yourself and your life without him or her.


During this, the last of the seven stages in this grief model, you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. Given the pain and turmoil you have experienced, you can never return to the carefree, untroubled YOU that existed before this tragedy. But you will find a way forward.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Animal Politics

The WAO continues to play games with the animals’ lives. I was told by a person working with Dawn Smith (IFAW contract employee) that the WAO required fruits and vegetables. I was told by this same person that Dawn was expecting to hear from me so I could help her acquire free fruits and vegetables.

So I sent her a quick email that day:

Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 8:57:13 AM
Subject: WAO Produce

Greetings Dawn:

Does the WAO require fruits and vegetables this week?


Several hours later I received this email:

From: Dawn Smith
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 2:45:29 PM
Subject: WAO produce

Hello Kristina,

We are ok at the moment as people are donating money direct to our produce supplier, allowing us to pick up only what we need when we need.

This serves two ways as it also reduces our waste situation.I'll be in touch if our needs change.



Hmmm. That was strange, but I figured she had everything under control. I did send her a reply email:

To: Dawn Smith
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 3:44:37 PM

Subject: Re: WAO produce

Greetings Dawn:

If you'd let me know who is your direct produce supplier, perhaps I can assist in providing additional donations directly to the company.

Please keep in touch in case your needs change.


To which I never received a reply. I figured the first email was a kiss-off email. Turns out I was right (read on).

So I figured animal politics were in play and decided I would stay out of Dawn’s way as she appeared to have everything under control. I let my friend know of Dawn’s email and he told me not to take it personally—chances are she was just busy and didn’t realize it was “me” who wrote her offering assistance.

On Thursday, I asked my friend if the WAO required produce as this was the day to set up a produce order from a friend of mine.

Here is the email exchange:

Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: WAO produce

No word yet regarding the produce? Must order today if they need fruits & veggies.

Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 11:17:45 AM
Subject: Re: WAO produce

They have a full supply as of now.

I mentioned you and she now realizes your previous efforts.

She is getting 100 emails a day and all receive a short reply. Please don't feel a short reply was personal.

So I told him I canceled plans on obtaining the produce for the primates.

Then…..on Friday, I received another plea for produce from my friend. He told me the animals would be out of produce by Wednesday and that Dawn requested my assistance to obtain more fruits and veggies.

What the heck is going on?? Who is running the show over there?? The chimps (no, can’t be the chimps for they wouldn’t be this incompetent over their own food supply)??

Apparently attempts to secure fruits and veggies from various produce companies were unsuccessful because someone from the WAO (Dawn? Jamie?) called and made a scene over the phone with their main suppliers. Turns out this produce companies was still owed money for past delivered produce and wanted payment first before it would resume shipping produce to the WAO. This just happened to be the company I was able to obtain fresh produce last Saturday. In any case, the owner said no more produce, period, until the bill was paid. Well, there went my contact to score fresh fruits and veggies at a low price! Not only that, but produce companies apparent talk to one another and so now no produce companies in San Antonio wants to help the WAO.

I spoke to my friend who has connections to various produce companies and he told me that the WAO turned away a large delivery of produce on Wednesday, after responding to pleas for produce. This was the second time the WAO turned away this same company’s produce deliveries, so now the owner of this company is ticked off.

My friend tried talking the owner into giving the WAO one more chance. The owner stated over the phone that if the WAO wanted produce, they can go dumpster diving behind their building. Great. Just great.

So, my friend gave me the names and locations of three other companies that would probably donate free produce, if we went there in person and explained the situation.

So, I let my friend know the latest on “operation secure produce”:

Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: WAO produce

Houston we have a problem....

There is more to the River City story that you have not been told ...

And yes, the word has gotten out about what transpired between this company and another company that apparently tried to donate produce this Wednesday and was turned away. The produce people are not happy with WAO ...

I think I have found three places that may donate, but I will need help from the IFAW volunteer. I can explain when I get home tonight....k

Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: WAO produce

Free produce and fruit would be awesome. Why was produce turned away? Was it rotten?

If all else fails, I called and talked to {name removed} at {sanctuary removed}, and he will get back to me after he talks to {name removed}. He is fairly certain we can order through them if push comes to shove. They have a huge number of primates and has a pretty decent volume discount. He indicated they could do it through and not through WAO. WAO can pick it up though, no problem.

Again, free would be about 1000 times better :)
River City didn't go into detail, but Catalani Produce was quite friendly until I mentioned WAO. I even offered to pay in advance and have them pick it up. Their entire demeanor seemed to change when I mentioned WAO. I explained we weren't associated with WAO, and was just helping the animals. Didn't seem to make a difference. Saying "WAO" killed the conversation

Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: WAO produce

I can get free fruits and veggies - so hold off on ordering anything from {sanctuary removed}. May need them later if the companies gets tired of giving away free.

Nope, the fruits and veggies were all good - whoever told the driver to leave didn't even look at the produce! Just told the driver that they did not need the donation. This is the second time this has happened and so now I have to try and make nice nice with the owner.

I can give you more details later this afternoon - right now it's time for grocery shopping! Talk to you later -

Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 9:37:40 AM
Subject: Re: WAO produce

I will tell Dawn. They will be out of fruit and produce by Wed.

That afternoon, my friend told me Dawn was expecting my call and that she and I could work together. He encouraged me to call her right away. He said she was a very nice person and that we would probably hit it right off.
So I called her. When she answered the phone, I identified myself and asked if she still needed assistance in acquiring produce for the animals. There was a pregnant pause and then she hemmed and hawed for a few seconds, saying she was just emailing my friend to let him know that she did not need produce.

She claimed she received a grant that was to be used specifically for animal care, such as food and paying the animal caretakers.

I was stunned that despite receiving the grant, she was still turning down FREE produce. After working with grant projects for years, I know how important it is to show that grant recipients to demonstrate fiscal responsibility. So I asked her, “You don’t need FREE produce after all?” And she said no, now that she had this grant, she didn’t need my help after all. No apologies offered for the jerk-around. She tone towards me was not friendly—she sounded chilly to me.

Okay, so now I have to go back to my contact a second time to say “never mind, they don’t need produce after all.” I know when I do this; I’ll lose every opportunity to ever get FREE produce from the San Antonio community for the animals.

I do wish Dawn good luck in scoring low cost or FREE produce for the animals as she and the WAO have effectively cut me out of helping the animals.

In my opinion, animal politics is once again interfering with animal care. Just goes to show that IFAW only wants “certain people” to help them and God forbid if the person who tried to warn them in the first place back in 2006 about the WAO’s dismal situation, wants to continue to help the animals today, well they just have to keep me away from the WAO! It appears I have been labeled the enemy even though I was the only one who stuck with the animals for the entire 4.5+ years the WAO was under investigation. And where was IFAW? Where was Dawn?




Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:16 PM
Subject: Re:

I'm not so sure it was Dawn being wishy washy as it was WAO BOD people being buttheads. Dawn is pretty frustrated there, and has no real decision making powers.

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 2:36 PM
Subject: Re:

Well, when I told my contact that the WAO did not want free fruits and veggies after all, he immediately called the produce company and told the owner that the WAO changed their minds--again.

But it was too late as a truck was just dispatched to the Orphanage. I could hear the owner yelling at my friend over the phone telling him never to call him again. My friend told him, don't worry, I won't call you again and hung up.

I don't know if Dawn turned away this truck. I pray she did not, but regardless, the produce companies in San Antonio will certainly know about what transpired today. Thanks to Dawn's wishy-washy attitude regarding free produce, the WAO will probably have to pay full fare for all produce orders. No free goodies for the animals.

Now my friend is upset with me. Today was not a great day after all.



Turns out the workers had trouble finding the WAO (the sign was taken down from the building), and so they did not deliver the produce until the following day. The workers, not wanting to throw away a truckful of produce, attempted the produce delivery one more time (their boss said this was the last delivery since the people at the WAO "cannot seem to make up their minds") and met with success. The drivers were told to take the produce to Talley Road, where we know the anmials there received at least a weeks worth of free produce.

Rewriting History

So now it has been announced within the "industry" that the Cryers are in bed with the Discovery Channel.  Apparently the Cryers made an exclusive contract with the Discovery Channel, barring other reporters and camera crews from the property.  No doubt these other folks would have asked tough questions.  Instead, the are sticking with one person who will cover the location of several WAO animals and turn this entire mess into a puff piece!

So I guess the new story out there is that the Cryers tried really hard to save the WAO, but due to the hard economic times and due to the large animal population, they realized they could not keep the WAO animals any longer.

What a load of tiger manure.  These criminals, in my opinion, had no business operating the WAO in the first place and now they get to rewrite history?  They did NOTHING to save the Orphanage, rather quite the opposite.  The Cryers are most interested in partying then carrying for the animals. First it was the Asvestas' and their drinking issues -- now it's the Cryers. 

How special--Michelle Cryer labeled this drinking buddies photo on her Facebook page as "You know your bitches when you see them!"  She said it --not me. 

What was also startling was the number of previous "divas" that worked at the WAO posting pictures of themselves posing check-to-check with the WAO animals.




Tisk, tisk tisk, ladies.    I thought this kind of behavior was frowned upon by the workers and management...  I guess the old axiom of 'do what I say and not what I do' applies, hmmm?  You can find these divas on Facebook as this is where I found their photographs.  Can you believe it?  The WAO is closed partly because of their FAILURE to properly care for the WAO animals and they have the audacity to post these pictures as their primary ID photos on Facebook!  I am continually amazed as to what pictures these divas choose to make public on their Facebook pages. 

Nice, ladies, real nice.

Animals Were Near Starvation

I was very sad to learn the WAO were probably close to starvation as their rations were cut and the animals were forced to go without food at least two days (probably more) per week from probably the last weeks in July and early weeks of August. The USDA report below shows the animals were slowly starving and the Cryers plus the workers never said a word to anyone.

These animals were given cheap chicken without vitamin and mineral supplements. This means the animals were susceptible to the same conditions the animals had to endure under the Asvestas', which in my opinion, directly led to the deaths of approximately 12 big cats in 2009.

Why is it important for the big cats to have a proper diet?

According to:

"Cats do not synthesize vitamin D3 adequately in the skin, and require a dietary source 15 16 17 18 . Fat-soluble vitamins work synergistically as well as antagonistically, particularly if imbalanced 19 . Felines also lack the ability to convert provitamin carotenoids, including ß-carotene, into active vitamin A 20 . Vitamin A is important to the integrity of the epithelium of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Large cats that lack vitamin A can develop sinusitis, diarrhea, blindness, conjunctivitis and neurologic signs 14 . Clinical signs from vitamin A-deficient immature lions include incoordination, "star gazing", blindness and intermittent convulsions 21 . Neurologic dysfunction accompanied by malformation of both the skull and the cervical vertebrae has been described in lions kept in captivity worldwide, and this dysfunction and malformation were most often related to vitamin A deficiency 22 .

When big cats eat whole animals or are given bones they ingest calcium and phosphorus in a ratio of two parts calcium to one part phosphorous. Chunk lean meat has a calcium:phosphorus ratio of 1:15 to 1:30. Great cats deficient in calcium intake can develop osteomalacia; thus, their diets should be fortified with calcium 14 . It easier for cubs to chew softer bones, such as those of goats, rather than the hard bones of horses 4 ."

Wow! This sums up exactly what happened to the WAO, the animals were literally dying inside due to the care given to them, first by the Asvestas' and then the Cryers.

So what happens to animals when they suddenly are given lots of vitamin and mineral enriched foods after a long period of near starvation?

"The desire to generously feed a starving animal is human nature, but can have disastrous consequences if done incautiously. "Refeeding syndrome" refers to the metabolic derangements that occur with the reintroduction of food after a prolonged period of malnutrition."

"During starvation, carbohydrate, fat and protein stores are depleted in that order, preserving vital structural proteins as long as possible. Serum electrolyte balance is maintained by a shift of intracellular ions (potassium, phosphorus and magnesium) to the extracellular space, leading to overall depletion of these electrolytes although serum values may be normal. Organ function is eventually comprised, leading to reduced cardiac, renal, immune and other functions. (5) "

"The major complications of refeeding are related to electrolyte imbalance, particularly hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia. (3) The mechanism varies, but in general when a starved animal is fed glucose or carbohydrates, these electrolytes are driven into the intracellular compartment, which can lead to severe deficiency of serum levels. Ideally, serum electrolytes should be monitored at least every 24 hours for the first 5-7 days of refeeding, particularly if problems are encountered. Signs to watch for include muscle weakness, neurologic dysfunction (weakness, seizures, coma), and cardiac dysfunction. In addition to these signs, hypophosphatemia can cause hemolytic anemia, and hypomagnesemia can cause irritability or aggression. If any of these signs are observed, close monitoring and correction of electrolyte imbalances through fluid therapy is required. "

What other symptons can occur from a vitamin A decicient big cats?

"An animal nutritionist, funded by a local veterinarian concerned about the animals' care, had found vision problems attributable to vitamin A deficiency; bowleggedness in big cats from rickets, metabolic bone disease, or vitamin A deficiency"

So as you read the USDA Inspection report below, keep in mind the symptoms of animals near starvation and vitamin deficient and tell me -- where was the USDA?

Also, did anyone even consider the animals may have been suffering from "refeeding syndrome" once they were given the really good meat in late August or early September? It explains why the animals at the WAO took a turn for the worse within two weeks AFTER being fed the quality meat.

I want to correct a past post regarding the bobcats that went to Wildcat Haven Sanctuary. According to the USDA report, the small exotic cats did arrived in poor condition and did require medical care. It saddens me that the animals left the WAO in such poor condition and no one even bothered to check the animals to make sure they were even okay for travel.

I am very happy the cats' new home provided the medical care they so desperately needed--thank you Wildcat Haven!

But this does beg the question -- where were the animals caretakers? Could they not see that the animals were suffering from flea infestations? Why weren't the animals examined by a vet BEFORE transporting them to two other states? The poor small exotic cats had to suffer for a long time with fleas/internal parasites and I warned Dr. Pannill by email (below) about a possible flea and mosquito infestation as it was reported on the news that both bug populations were up due to the heavy rains received in May 2010.

Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2010 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Tigers and Cougars

Greetings Dr. Pannill:

Yesterday a tour was sent in to the WAO in order to ascertain the condition of the tigers and cougars. The tour guide confirmed the 5 tigers (used to live at the rear of the property closed to the Asvestas') and 6 cougars were all okay.

The five tigers were moved from the rear of the property to what used to be the cougar compound (far right-side cage with the "lemonade stand”). The tour was only able to see three tigers but was assured there were five tigers living in the enclosure. The weeds were rather high and the two "hidden" tigers could have been sleeping behind the wooden structure or in the weeds. I am concerned with the height of the weeds because they could hide snakes (I have found several on the property over the years), ticks and fleas [emphasis added]. It also makes it difficult to ascertain the condition of the animals. It is my understanding the workers were still working on securing the back panels of the tigers’ enclosure, to ensure the animals were properly contained, at the time of the “change in management.” You might want to take a close look at the rear of the tigers' enclosure to make sure the work was completed before the tigers were relocated.

The tour was not allowed to see the cougars as they were still located at the rear of the property and tours are not allowed back in this space.

There were a few concerns that surfaced during the tour:

1. There were no food remnants in any of the enclosures, except for one—Tiny and Natasha’s (two bears) enclosure had one brown banana peel and several small carrots. When asked about the carrots, the tour was told by the tour guide that someone donated a lot of baby carrots and the bears were tired of eating the carrots. There were no other food remnants in the bears’ enclosure. Since feed should be given out in the morning, one would expect some food remnants in the bears’ or primates enclosures.

2. The use of pallets in the primates’ enclosures may not be the best wood accessory. Pallets were used several years ago and we discovered the wood cracks and breaks down rather quickly when exposed to the elements. Also, if not properly secured, high winds and rains can easily displace the pallets. It appears one of the pallets used as a shelf in the Barbary macaques’ enclosure has already fallen down as it is seen leaning against once side of the enclosure on the ground. I am concerned this type of shelf material may be dangerous for the macaques as well as the capuchins.

3. There were a lot of construction materials lying around the property which could be hazardous to the animals and the employees (wolf-hybrid enclosure and the quarantine cages).

4. It appears the animals’ above ground pools were painted inside and out. Even though it was hot outside, not one single animal were seen in the pools. I am concerned the paint chemicals used to paint the inside of the pools may leach into the water. This chemical contamination may not be good for the animals, especially if they try to drink the standing water.

5. The tour observed several dirty water bowls. If not cleaned regularly, mosquito larvae will develop in the water bowls and the animals could be exposed to a lot of mosquitos during the summer.

5. The tour was only able to see 2 primates living in the quarantine cages. Does that mean the dozen or so Bayer long-tailed macaques are now living at Talley?

6. The patas monkeys were not in their normal enclosures. Does that mean the patas monkeys were moved to Talley?

7. The tour was concerned with a missing dog that used to live in the wolf-hybrid enclosure (used to belong to Nicole Garcia) and Stripes the WAO domestic cat. Are there any records showing as to where they went?

Thank you Dr. Pannill for keeping an eye on the WAO’s animals

I brought this up primarily because the workers continually failed to clean the animals' water bowls. The workers are responsible for the care of these animals and they FAILED miserably. What is worse is they are still "volunteering" at the WAO. In my opinion, they are just as guilty as the directors for not protecting the animals from harm. Judge for yourself and read the USDA Inspection Reports below:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bye Bye Web Tracker

Well, it took the WAO long enough to finally remove the Statcounter program from the WAO website (more like Zoomla removed it as these people have no idea on how to make changes to the website!).

I have to admit, I am relieved that I no longer have to track the WAO anymore. It's not like the information helped save the WAO anyway. All it showed was how incompetent the current board of directors is and I've already made that information public by way of filing complaints with the OAG/Charitable Trust Division.

Instead, I can now focus on preparing my Blog for public release as soon as the WAO is no more. I have so much information and pictures to update! I've decided to include my handwritten notes into the blog as some of the information is very interesting. It will take some time to transfer the notes to a new blog (still trying to come up with an interesting blog title), but I think it will give everyone an idea of just how many people were involved in the case from the beginning.

I can also work with those parties wishing to learn more about what the WAO's board of directors did (and for the most part refused to do--like their JOB) to their animals.

I have now come to the conclusion that any animals not placed in good homes will be killed. I am going through the mourning process for the animals simply because I have given up any hope that the USDA or the OAG will do what is right by the animals. To these people, the WAO case is undoubted an embarrasment and I'll just bet they cannot wait to sweep this entire case under the rug. But I am not going to let them! I am going to make sure that nobody forgets what these animals went through. The animals' stories will live on forever by way of this blog.

I plan to load up as many pictures that I can of the animals, so everyone can see just what IFAW, USDA/APHIS, and the Texas OAG destroyed. If they only took this case seriously, like they did for the Priarily Primates, Inc case, back in 2006, then perhaps the WAO and its animals would still be alive today.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Death Camp

To fully understand this page, please read from the bottom up.


If the USDA plans on killing animals that live alone, happen to be a "senior", or appears to have no "joy" in his/her life, than I fear there will be a lot of animals destroyed. When I first arrived back at the WAO on December 17, 2009, the animals looked miserable--they too had no "joy" in their lives. By March 2010, the animals were active and excited with all the changes made to the WAO's animal program. They got enrichment toys and scents plus they received a lot of attention and treats from everyone who volunteered at the WAO. Boris was even happy towards the end of my time at the WAO (he was trying to hibernate during the first months of my return) because of the return of the juveniles volunteering at the WAO. I think he missed all the kids working around him. He used to get so excited when he saw them coming through the gates back in 2005. Now they are gone forever.

It appears the WAO is turning into a death camp for many of the WAO animals. I sure hope Kelsey Dyer, Mike Dereadt, Jenny Spellman, Michelle & Mary Reininger, Jenna Peters and all the other employees and board members who were responsible for the WAO's downfall, are very proud of their accomplishments. They thought they could run the place so much better with their wonderful "suggestions" for fundraisers ( like holding a BBQ on the premise), constantly whinning that no one listened to their bright ideas. Well, they had the run of the WAO from May - August 2010. So what do they have to show for the last four months? All their ideas apparently BOMBED resulting in the WAO being in worse shape than when Nicole left it. Oh, and let's not forget Mary and Michelle Reininger's participation in the WAO's downfall. They could have ended the WAO case against the Asvestas years ago, thereby avoiding this disaster today, but because they kept their mouths shut and went with the Asvestas and Cryers, animals died needlessly. I sure hope they are proud of their accomplishments now.

Later: I have received word that Royale and Maverick were euthanized. May God be with both of them.

Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 8:43:05 AM
Subject: Re: WAO

Dear Laurie:

I understand what you are trying to say, and I appreciate your honesty. As a person who has several older animals alive today, and recently accepted the loss of two animals this year, one which, with the consultation of my long-time vets, was gracefully put to sleep in January 2010 and another who died in my arms a few months back, I understand how hard it is to make the determination as to when it is appropriate to end the suffering of an animal.

Since I am not there, I cannot see for myself what has happened to Maverick and Lance. All I can say is when I last saw Maverick and Lance in April 2010, they were doing well. Then five months later, their health declined to such levels as now they must be euthanized. I'm having a hard time putting these two mental pictures together, simply because I cannot see them and will have to accept that I will never see them again to say goodbye.

As you can imagine, I am having a hard time trying to come to grips as to what happened to the WAO animals for the last several months.

As to euthanizing a lion because he cannot live in the same enclosure with another lion, I must strongly disagree. Sabu was born in captivity and raised by another owner who did not have any other lions on the property. For many years he has lived by himself and I do not think it is appropriate to euthanize him just because Atti does not get along with him. He may not be able to live with another big cat, but he certainly can live next to one.

When Sabu lived at Leslie Road for about a year, I had the opportunity to care for him. I always told the workers that Sabu could never be placed with other WAO lions based on his temperament and physical condition. At that time, he was living in an enclosure (at the rear of the Talley Road property where I believe Kira and T'Salvo live today) in the front cage, and the juvenile lions (at that time) were living in the rear enclosure. He could see and communicate with the other lions, but showed very little interest in wanting to join them. According to the attending vets at the time (2005), Carol Asvestas made an appointment to have him euthanized because he could not be integrated with other lions.

I was shocked to learn he was moved to Talley Road and placed with Atti, knowing her disposition was more aggressive than Sabu's. This was a disaster waiting to happen. I recommended at that time (January 2010) that he be separated from Atti as I saw a wound on his hide quarters, inflicted apparently, by Atti.

Sabu loves "people" attention as he was raised and cared for by humans. Therefore, I strongly disagree that Sabu should be euthanized because he cannot be housed with another lion. He can be housed next to other big cats--just not live with one.

What you may not know is that Carol Asvestas euthanized tigers, lions, cougars, and other animals simply because they could not be integrated with other animals. Those animals deserved to live back then and Sabu deserves to live today.

So what will happen to the other animals Royale (female tiger at Talley), Kira (female tiger at Leslie), T'Savo (female lion at Leslie--she lives with Kira) and the cougars? Are they going to be euthanized as well? These animals have health issues as well.

The WAO animals have gone through so much in the last several years. No enrichment were ever provided until November 2009 - April 2010 for any of the animals. During that period, the animals' mental and physical state changed as they were challenged to find treats, given enrichment "toys" so they would have something to play with and treated to new smells as we introduced spices and perfume to their enclosures.

I believe the animals can come out of their "depression" once again, if they are given the attention and enrichment items they so richly deserve. The workers simply did not have time to give the animals attention as they were move focused on cleaning and feeding the animals. That is why I spent so many hours with all the animals -- and they responded to the this TLC.

At this point I feel helpless, because their is nothing I can do to save these animals. I spent 4 1/2 years trying to remove the original and the latest board of directors from the WAO in an attempt to save the organization and turn the facility around. You have no idea how frustrating it is to have really good, hard working professionals in their field, ready to step in and use their connections and talents to turn the financial state of the organization around -- and then not even been given a chance to make a difference. So instead of the directors leaving, the animals are leaving and that was not supposed to happen.

All I can do now is pray for the big cats and the primates for they are the true victims of the story and I so wish someone listened to me back in 2006 when I predicted this was going to happen to them. I just kept hoping that there would be a "happy ending" to this story...

Thank you, for listening, Laurie -

From: ""
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 10:25:05 PM
Subject: Re: WAO


I do not know if anybody will come forward and purchase Talley Road so the chimps and macaques can continue to live there. That would be great if it were true! I've hear the same rumor but frankly I have not heard that is going to happen for sure. I hope it will because I would feel so badly if those chimps had to move or if family groups had to be disrupted. But frankly there is nobody out there that to date, has offered an appropriate place for the chimps. I think some of the chimp sanctuaries could maybe take the three chimp families if they had enough money coming with them to build them new quarters and cover the cost of their care.

As far as the big cats go, there are a few cats there that in my opinion have a poor quality of life and in my opinion (which I am sure won't be popular) need to be euthanized because their quality of life is poor right now because of age-related problems. They do not have a medical problem that can be solved.

Here is what I wrote earlier today to Mr. Webb about Mavrick the leopard.

As far as Maverick the black leopard goes, I would NEVER want to euthanize an animal just because it is old. I thought Maverick was 17 years old and I've know leopards to live into their 20's and do very well. The problem with Maverick is that his front carpal joint is badly deformed (this apparently has just gotten worse in the past 2 - 3 months ) and then when we looked at him last week, he did not ever get up and walk around, but WAO's vet was out there for another reason, and she saw him walking the day after we saw him, and had not seen him in about 2 weeks and said he was MUCH WORSE, and I thought she meant his front leg but she said no, it was his rear end. She said he was so wobbly he had trouble walking. .

As a veterinarian I am happy to do whatever it takes to help animals especially old animals (you should see my old dog) but once they start to fail and can't walk properly and can't have a good quality of life, it seems inhumane to me to make them suffer along like that until the humans think they look bad enough to euthanize. I think their last days should be good ones, not ones where they are so crippled and have so many problems that WE feel good they should be euthanized.

We have MANY homes for Maverick. Amarillo Zoo will take him, Oregon Tiger Sanctuary will take him, and other places too! And I was the vet at OTS for many years and I KNOW he would have a wonderful home there. I did not see him when he was up and trying to walk, but if Dr. Finkelstine is correct, I feel it would be inhumane to load Maverick into a crate and ship him to a new place in his present condition and then have him die in a strange place. I think that is being inconsiderate of HIS needs. So I think euthanasia is the most humane thing to do for Maverick, especially considering his mate recently died of problems related to old age, and that he has had a rapidly progressive problem with both hind legs, and his front carpus is also badly deformed. Euthanasia, defined, means "good death". I would hate to see Maverick have to suffer, crippled and with little quality of life, and then die when we could help him to have a "good death".

But I don't make these sorts of decisions for these animals. I can only offer my opinion.

I have to be honest with you, Kristina, but I think Lance is in this same category. I see no joy in Lance's life. But I'm not sure I can convince anybody at WAO besides their vet, who agrees with me, to euthanize, especially when there is some pressure not to. Please look into your heart and understand that for a few of these animals, the greatest gift we could give them now is a peaceful death. This is NOT because it is convenient. I would say the exact same thing if the animals didn't need new homes. But I don't make these decisions, I can only state what I believe to be true and the right thing to do. And the very ataxic lion out at Talley has to live alone because of his progressive neurologic condition, what kind of life is that?

I know I am telling you things you may disagree with, and I am very encouraged we will find homes for everyone. I just don't think it is fair to a few animals to keep them going until we all feel they look so bad they need to be euthanized. We need to be compassionate and come to that decision BEFORE they get to that point. .

Laurie J. Gage, D.V.M., Dipl. ACZM
USDA APHIS Large Cat Specialist

09/22/2010 04:53 PM
Subject WAO

Dear Laurie:

There is a rumor circulating that the primates at Talley Road when remain on property under a new sanctuary name/organization.

While I am pleased that the chimps, baboons and the macques will probably remain at Talley Road, I am greatly concerned the big cats (like Maverick - black spotted leopard) unable to find a new home due to age or health issues will be euthanized.

The other big cats I am concerned about are:

Sabu (male lion at Talley)
Royale (female tiger at Talley)
Kira (female tiger at Leslie)
T'Savo (female lion at Leslie--she lives with Kira)
Lance and Leyla (male and female tigers)
All the cougars

Will these animals be euthanized if they cannot be placed? I was with these animals for many years and since I will never be able to see them again, I'd like to know that the will be taken care. It would mean a lot to know these animals will always have a safe and secure home.

Thank you so much -



What the vets didn't know was that many of the large cats suffered from extreme vitamin deficiency due to a very poor diet while in the hands of the Cryers and the Reiningers.  

Sabu could barely walk when he left the WAO to live at In-Sync Exotics.  Thanks to  a strong vitamin program, Sabu was not only walking within a few weeks, he was running!  

Without taking the time to conduct proper tests, the vets made snap diagnosis that may or may have not been correct.  In Sabu's case, they were wrong.  So what about the other cats?  I guess we'll never know.

Getting Rid of the Those Who Actually Care About the Animals

The fallout continues - this morning they needed fruits and veggies and this afternoon they need nada:

From: Dawn Smith
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 2:45:29 PM
Subject: WAO produce


We are ok at the moment as people are donating money direct to our produce supplier, allowing us to pick up only what we need when we need.This serves two ways as it also reduces our waste situation.  I'll be in touch if our needs change.
Later:  Never heard back from her - not surprising.

And it appears others have been discouraged to help the animals as well:

Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010
Subject: Re: WAO animals

In a message dated 9/22/2010 7:36:45 A.M.
Me: I have received word that the WAO has found homes for about 1/2 of the animals. I was told there were about 21 tigers, 6 lions, 125 macaques and 16 chimps still requiring homes.

Unfortunately I do not have a current inventory and don't know the status of anything.

Me: There is also a rumor that someone may purchase the Talley Road land and allow the animals left behind to live out their lives on this property. I sure hope the rumor is true! Perhaps USDA and IFAW liked the proposed plan to save the WAO animals after all? I don't want to get my hopes up just yet as this case has been full of ups and downs...

I am told to continue to try to place animals. I have no contact with the WAO board, staff or IFAW. So I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. You might know more about that than me.

Me: Have you been able to find out what big cats have found a home yet? Still worried about the leopard, cougars, and the special needs lions and tigers!

I understand all that still need a place to go are tigers, and perhaps a few elderly cats. But I don't know who is already placed or where they were placed. [We have] sort of been sidelined because others want to control, and take credit -- people who don't like [us].

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

OAG - Web Statistics BAD and WAO Death Panels GOOD

Wow! If this is all that Mr. James Anthony gleemed from the submitted proposal, then I guess the animals are doomed for sure. Today, I learned that Maverick may be euthanized due to his AGE. So the WAO death panels begin and Mr. Anthony is worried about tracking web statistic. Yeah, I can see how serious he's taking this case. How pathetic!

From: James Anthony
Cc: Chris Smith ; Suzanne Straw ; Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 12:33:16 PM
Subject: Fwd: Business Proposal Plan for the WAO Animals Left Behind

Note: Forwarded message is attached.

Ms. Brunner, The Attorney General appreciates your advising of your efforts and the efforts of others on behalf of the animals at Wild Animal Orphanage.

The Attorney General notes also that within your notice to us of your efforts, you refer to the Wild Animal Orphanage website and provide your analysis of the "hits" made by persons going to the site.

From earlier information you have provided, you advised that your ability to access the website to make changes and to post e-newsletters and your ability to check the "hits" on the website was based upon authorization provided to you while Nicole Asvestas Garcia was associated with Wild Animal Orphanage. However, as you well know, she is no longer, yet you have continued to use this proprietary information in August and September, 2010.

Anticipating that you would not want to be doing anything with respect to Wild Animal Orphanage without current authorization from the organization, I ask that you please provide the Attorney General the authority upon which you are presently acting or confirm that you have obtained current authority to not only access the website but to also use the software purchased by WAO to perform the searches you are presently conducting.

We appreciate your anticipated cooperation on this matter. Thank you.

James L. Anthony
Assistant Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
P. O. Box 12548 MC 010
Austin, Texas 78711-2548
(512) 475-4178 Office- Direct Dial
(512) 322-0578 Facsimile

My response! Keep in mind, I advised Will West and Sumner Matthes of the Statcounter added to the website. They KNEW that I was tracking WAO web statistics. I guess they never filled in the Cryers of this little FACT!

----- Forwarded Message ----
To: James Anthony
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Business Proposal Plan for the WAO Animals Left Behind

Mr. Anthony:

I am NOT using the Zoomla program currently used by the WAO. I do NOT have access to their website.

I am using STATCOUNTER to view the activity not only my personal web blogs, but I can see the ACTIVITY of the WAO website TRAFFIC.

If the WAO does not want me to see their TRAFFIC ACTIVITY, then all they have to do is remove STATCOUNTER from their website.

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It It Should Not Be this Hard to Donate

Sadly, the board of directors refused to discuss the donations both I and another person wanted to make to the WAO. The Cryers and Straw ducked my pleas for return telephone calls. I wanted to discuss the fruit and veggie donations, plus the possibility of sending out an e-newsletter regarding the WAO's closure.  But for whatever reason, these two ladies, Straw and Cryer, refused to speak with me directly. Oh, and apparently they are also refusing to return phone calls from concerned donors (I've been told several individuals left messages on the WAO's answering machine).

Instead, Straw indicated in an email, seen below, that returning calls was on her "list of things to do." Straw has enough time to take around a camera crew, but she doesn't have time to call people that want to help?

This is no way to end a business.

----- Original Message -----
From: s straw
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 1:14 PM
Subject: Re:

Thank you for your email. We have a skeleton staff, so answering messages is still on our to-do list. Email is the best communication method.

Yes, we most definitely need food donations! Our 9626 Leslie Road (San Antonio, TX 78254) location typically has Animal Caretakers available Monday-Friday, 9:00-12:00, to accept deliveries.

Please let us know if an AM delivery is convenient for your donation; if not, we'll make alternate arrangements to be on hand.

Thank you again so very much for your thoughtful assistance!


Suzanne Straw

Sent from my iPad

Full View
Fwd: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
From: Michelle
Add to Contacts
To: Kristina Brunner

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

Begin forwarded message:
From: Michelle
Date: September 18, 2010 8:08:31 PM CDT
To: Michelle
Cc: Kristina Brunner ""
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

I'm not sure if you are comfortable with giving out your address - the animals would like to send you a thank you - and also I have a couple of things that I think you would want - actually I thought of you when I ordered them

Please let me know
Thank you

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

On Sep 18, 2010, at 9:53 AM, Michelle wrote:

The slander has gone both ways - and I'm not doing it any more [emphasis added] my focus is on the animals - your other comments are your opion

I am not hateful and your thoughts on me are yours to have

Again tks for the dontation

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

On Sep 18, 2010, at 9:45 AM, "Kristina Brunner" < wrote:


I wish I could believe you, but unfortunately I have read the libel comments you wrote the OAG about me and the slanderous comments you instructed the tour guides to provide to individuals inquiring about my service at the WAO. Yes, we are all supposed to be working for the animals, which is why I do not understand why there will be no one at the WAO today receiving phone calls from concerned citizens wanting to help and accepting cash and in-kind donations. I also cannot understand why there will not be a person there to help me unload the truck and provide me a donation receipt -- all very reasonable requests considering the dollar amount of the items provided. Is this how you plan to work with other contributors? Or was this treatment singled out just for me?

If you truly want to help the animals, then step down and allow my team of professionals to go in and help save the WAO animals before it is too late. We have the resources, the connections, and the volunteers willing to help the WAO animals. And despite your assertions that I want to "take over other people's sanctuaries" I can assure you that as a 22-year HR professional, I have never owned a sanctuary, nor do I have any designs of owning one myself. I will advise the board on HR, marketing, and public relations matters, so as to not cause the WAO any greater harm than has already been inflicted on the organization.

Clearly a change in leadership is required. I hope for the animals' sake you make the right decision before it's too late.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle"
To: "Kristina Brunner"
Cc: ; "Mary Reininger" ; "Michelle Reininger"
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re:

Hello there will be a donation form taped on the gate for the donation today
Kristina we are all in this for the same reason we all love these animals it would be much easier if we all try and work together - we greatly appreciate your donation and email anytime - I am not an enemy

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

On Sep 18, 2010, at 9:16 AM, "Kristina Brunner" wrote:

I will only drop off the donation if there is donation receipt in hand at either the time the donation is made or emailed to me before I leave for the distribution center..

I plan to leave in 45 minutes to pick up the produce. Please work with me on this as I am making a large contribution towards the primates' care. Thank you.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information, which is intended only for the named recipient (s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error please contact the sender below immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient (s) is strictly prohibited.

---- Original Message ----- From: "Michelle"
To: "Kristina Brunner"
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re:

The girls do not want to be there we talked yesterday- and I am the only board member available this weekend

We appreciate the donation and the thought

Please work with Wao availabilty - the caretakers at Leslie know about the donation and will bring it inside as soon as it is delivered- and a donation reciept will be mailed - I will try and have one ready for you by 11:45 if poss

Again the donation is very generous and appreciated

Thank you
Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

On Sep 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, "Kristina Brunner" < wrote:

I will require a signed document acknowledging the donation so I can write my contribution off with the IRS at the time I'm making the drop. I am bringing in about $300 retail worth of produce. Please have either Mary or Michelle Reininger or one of the other two board officers meet me.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information, which is intended only for the named recipient (s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error please contact the sender below immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient (s) is strictly prohibited.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle"
To: "Kristina Brunner"
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: Re:

Let me know when u drop it off and I will let someone know to bring it in

Thank you

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

On Sep 18, 2010, at 8:07 AM, "Kristina Brunner" wrote:

I will be at the WAO at around 11:45am. Please have someone else there to meet me. k

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information, which is intended only for the named recipient (s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error please contact the sender below immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient (s) is strictly prohibited.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle"
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 7:21 AM

I will be the one meeting you for all future donations

I am available at 12;15- there Is a donation area by the gate if you can not wait for me then leave them at the gate

Thank you
Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors
After all that I went through, the WAO received the fruits and vegetables! It should not be this hard to get donate produce to the animals. This entire event reinforced my belief that the Cryers and Straw are not capable of running the WAO--even as its shutting down.

Later:  Learned Jamie Cryer was not the one who went to retrieve the meat; he sent someone else instead.  Big surprise there... Could it be because DOT did not receive the payment for the fines Jamie Cryer incurred as a "contract" employee, while driving the 'Humane Train' for the WAO (2005-2009), and so now the DOT was forced to "ground" the WAO transport vehicles until further notice?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Standing Up and Refuting All the Lies

One of the tactics Carol Asvestas used against me, in an attempted to discredit me with federal, state, and local investigators, was to make up the most horrendous stories about me and my services to the WAO animals. 

Michelle Cryer learned a lot from Carol Asvestas, as she too, tried to discredit me with the OAG and the general public by lying about my service to the WAO.  She knew these statements made to the OAG were lies and yet she had the audacity to think I would not find out and then challenge her "claims!"  What is worse, she encouraged her employees to spread these very same lies.  It seems to me the WAO employees were happy to spread the lies about me to anyone willing to listen while on tour.  It just goes to show that the Cryers and the Asvestas are cut from the same "lying" mold.

Below is the libel letter sent by Michelle Cryer to the OAG:

Michelle Cryer's report to oag email - 050610

Now listen as Kelsey Dyer trashes me during a tour taken by a friend of mine on July 24, 2010:

I know it is hard to hear all of words, so I provided the text of the conversation below:
Guest: I kinda helped a lot when they bring the ah, you know the kids that went through ah, like Juvenile Detention.
Kelsey: Oh okay

Guest: So I was there, there doing a lot of those projects, kinda of helping…

Kelsey: Were you with Kristina Brunner on that?

Guest: Yeah, I haven’t talked to her in such a long time.

Kelsey: Yeah, yeah, okay.

Guest: Is she still here?

Kelsey: No.

Guest: Oh, really?

Kelsey: She actually technically did not work here. She did a long time ago, but she got kicked out because she tried to remove a monkey by hand and she also let a tiger get out. So they fired her.

Guest: Ohhh

Kelsey: And then, umm, well she was not ever supposed to come back, but the previous owner, I mean previous management, let her come back and she was doing all the volunteer stuff and then we had another change in management back at the end of April, and so umm the owner or the CEO took over and she wasn’t allowed back.

Guest: Oh, and so it’s under new management now?

Kelsey: Oh yeah.

Guest: Wow, when did this happen? Last April?

Kelsey: Yeah, yeah.

Guest: Wow, I’ve missed so much. Wow. Who’s doing it now?

Kelsey: The volunteer stuff?

Guest: Oh, or in general who is the management?

Kelsey: Umm, we have the board of director’s president.
Guest: Oh, okay
Kelsey: She is the one that walked by.
Guest: Oh, Michelle, right?
Kelsey: Uh, huh. And then ah, her husband, Jamie, is the director right now. So they’re both running it.
Guest: Oh, okay. I had no idea. Gosh, I was gone longer than I thought.
After I learned about what Kelsey Dyer said about me while giving a public tour, I immediately wrote the OAG to set the record straight.  By the way, Kelsey, I was a paid employee at the WAO from August - December 1996.  I voluntarily quit because of all the office drama and instead resumed volunteering for free (hence the word "volunteered") until I left the WAO on December 17, 2005 (once again, voluntarily!).  Kelsey, learn to get your facts straight before you start spouting off garbage!
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 5:15 PM
To: James Anthony
Subject: Memorandum to the ASUS/WAO File



July 10, 2010

Please accept this memorandum to file in response to statements made by Michelle Cryer previously submitted to your Office on May 6, 2010. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged Animal Welfare Action violations and misappropriation of funds perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization’s owners/operators of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society.

I am in possession of an email dated 5.6.10, Subject: 05/06/2010 day at wao, which I obtained from your Office under the Public Information Act.

Normally I do not respond to false inflammatory statements made by individuals associated with the WAO, but I felt it prudent to respond since this particular email is a matter of record.

Here is a portion of the email in question:

(See email above for complete text)

I am going to see if I can obtain the San Antonio police report made apparently against me last month to ascertain what type of information was provided to this agency by Ms. Cryer. I have not made a single complaint against Ms. Cryer with SAPD and so I am interested in learning the details regarding this meeting she had with SAPD officers.

Ms. Cryer lied when she said I started my own sanctuary in the past and that it “didn’t work out so now shes trying to take over existing ones if she can [sic].” Since 1987 I have distinguished myself as a Human Resources professional and my work history does not include starting a “sanctuary” and I am certainly not interested in “taking over” an existing sanctuary.

Ms. Cryer lied when she reported I tried “to steal a copuchian out of Quarantine 5yrs ago and got caught and was asked to leave…[sic].” I would never attempt to steal an animal from any facility. Unlike the Cryer family, I do not have any criminal history on file, including theft. I do not know where Ms. Cryer came up with this libelous comment as there are no facts to support this statement.

Ms. Cryer further stated there were “other crazy stories of her putting a tiger in a situation where it almost got out when she tried to go in inclosure to get a stray cat out that wondered through. I was there and saw it with my own eyes and she was asked to leave the property and all hell broke loose ever since…[sic]”

This is a complete falsehood as this 'event' never occurred and I have never met Ms. Cryer. I would never attempt to enter a tiger cage to save a stray cat as this action would no doubt cause serious injury or death to my person. This was the most ludicrous and vague statement I have ever read in regards to the characterization of my past volunteer work at the WAO.

There is absolutely no proof that these libelous ‘events’ ever took place and Ms. Cryer should be asked to provide proof supporting her claims of these damaging statements. I believe Ms. Cryer’s inflammatory false statements were made maliciously in an attempt to besmirch my reputation with the Office of the Attorney General/Charitable Trust Division and she should be held accountable for her actions.

Her libelous comments, in my opinion, are further indications that Ms. Cryer is neither qualified nor capable to lead the Wild Animal Orphanage as Board President and should be removed immediately.

Thank you for including this statement to the ASUS/WAO file.

Kindest Regards,

Kristina Brunner
Michelle Cryer stated in an email to me that we are on the "same side." Yeah, right.  Our short dialog below:
From: Michelle
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: ""
Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 9:53:27 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

The slander has gone both ways - and I'm not doing it any more [emphasis added] my focus is on the animals - your other comments are your opion

I am not hateful and your thoughts on me are yours to have

Again tks for the dontation

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
Wild Animal Orphange
Board of Directors

On Sep 18, 2010, at 9:45 AM, "Kristina Brunner" wrote:


I wish I could believe you, but unfortunately I have read the libel comments you wrote the OAG about me and the slanderous comments you instructed the tour guides to provide to individuals inquiring about my service at the WAO.

Yes, we are all supposed to be working for the animals, which is why I do not understand why there will be no one at the WAO today receiving phone calls from concerned citizens wanting to help and accepting cash and in-kind donations. I also cannot understand why there will not be a person there to help me unload the truck and provide me a donation receipt -- all very reasonable requests considering the dollar amount of the items provided. Is this how you plan to work with other contributors? Or was this treatment singled out just for me?

If you truly want to help the animals, then step down and allow my team of professionals to go in and help save the WAO animals before it is too late. We have the resources, the connections, and the volunteers willing to help the WAO animals. And despite your assertions that I want to "take over other people's sanctuaries" I can assure you that as a 22-year HR professional, I have never owned a sanctuary, nor do I have any designs of owning one myself. I will advise the board on HR, marketing, and public relations matters, so as to not cause the WAO any greater harm than has already been inflicted on the organization.

Clearly a change in leadership is required. I hope for the animals' sake you make the right decision before it's too late.
