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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Getting Rid of the Those Who Actually Care About the Animals

The fallout continues - this morning they needed fruits and veggies and this afternoon they need nada:

From: Dawn Smith
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010 2:45:29 PM
Subject: WAO produce


We are ok at the moment as people are donating money direct to our produce supplier, allowing us to pick up only what we need when we need.This serves two ways as it also reduces our waste situation.  I'll be in touch if our needs change.
Later:  Never heard back from her - not surprising.

And it appears others have been discouraged to help the animals as well:

Sent: Wed, September 22, 2010
Subject: Re: WAO animals

In a message dated 9/22/2010 7:36:45 A.M.
Me: I have received word that the WAO has found homes for about 1/2 of the animals. I was told there were about 21 tigers, 6 lions, 125 macaques and 16 chimps still requiring homes.

Unfortunately I do not have a current inventory and don't know the status of anything.

Me: There is also a rumor that someone may purchase the Talley Road land and allow the animals left behind to live out their lives on this property. I sure hope the rumor is true! Perhaps USDA and IFAW liked the proposed plan to save the WAO animals after all? I don't want to get my hopes up just yet as this case has been full of ups and downs...

I am told to continue to try to place animals. I have no contact with the WAO board, staff or IFAW. So I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. You might know more about that than me.

Me: Have you been able to find out what big cats have found a home yet? Still worried about the leopard, cougars, and the special needs lions and tigers!

I understand all that still need a place to go are tigers, and perhaps a few elderly cats. But I don't know who is already placed or where they were placed. [We have] sort of been sidelined because others want to control, and take credit -- people who don't like [us].

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