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Friday, September 24, 2010

Bye Bye Web Tracker

Well, it took the WAO long enough to finally remove the Statcounter program from the WAO website (more like Zoomla removed it as these people have no idea on how to make changes to the website!).

I have to admit, I am relieved that I no longer have to track the WAO anymore. It's not like the information helped save the WAO anyway. All it showed was how incompetent the current board of directors is and I've already made that information public by way of filing complaints with the OAG/Charitable Trust Division.

Instead, I can now focus on preparing my Blog for public release as soon as the WAO is no more. I have so much information and pictures to update! I've decided to include my handwritten notes into the blog as some of the information is very interesting. It will take some time to transfer the notes to a new blog (still trying to come up with an interesting blog title), but I think it will give everyone an idea of just how many people were involved in the case from the beginning.

I can also work with those parties wishing to learn more about what the WAO's board of directors did (and for the most part refused to do--like their JOB) to their animals.

I have now come to the conclusion that any animals not placed in good homes will be killed. I am going through the mourning process for the animals simply because I have given up any hope that the USDA or the OAG will do what is right by the animals. To these people, the WAO case is undoubted an embarrasment and I'll just bet they cannot wait to sweep this entire case under the rug. But I am not going to let them! I am going to make sure that nobody forgets what these animals went through. The animals' stories will live on forever by way of this blog.

I plan to load up as many pictures that I can of the animals, so everyone can see just what IFAW, USDA/APHIS, and the Texas OAG destroyed. If they only took this case seriously, like they did for the Priarily Primates, Inc case, back in 2006, then perhaps the WAO and its animals would still be alive today.

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