No printing or copying pictures

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sabu Playing With His Ball at In-Sync Exotics!

Sabu is absolutely adorable as he pauses in his play to look around to see if everyone is still watching him!

He slowly looked right, then left a couple of times, before he resumed his play--as if to check to make sure everyone was watching him!  Too cute!!

It's hard to believe that Sabu is about 21 years of age!  I love and miss you, Sabu! 

She's Back...Again! And So Am I!

Well, bravo!  Joan is not giving up the fight...
WAO Bankruptcy Court - Joan Byron-Marasek Brief Against WAO's Bankruptcy Attorney - 122311

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Notice of Appeal From Joan Marasek - 123011

WAO Bankruptcy Case - Chapter 11 - 123111

This got me thinking about the missing November WAO Operation Report...

From: Kristina Brunner

Cc: James Anthony ; Chris Krhovjak
Sent: Fri, December 30, 2011 11:12:41 AM
Subject: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office. The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, and alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization's owners/operators and Board of Directors of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America ( PSA ); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker's and Wag's Humane Society.

I have been following the bankruptcy court proceedings regarding the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba “The Wild Animal Orphanage,” located in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas; specifically the WAO's monthly Small Business Monthly Operating Reports.

Thus far, the WAO has NOT submitted its November 2011 Small Business Monthly Operations Report and I am concerned that the current director and employees may have no intention of filing any more reports, with the rationale that there are so few animals left at the sanctuary for the months of November 2011 - January 2012.

I have heard reports that several individuals with the WAO were seen taking home WAO assets for their own personal use and probably have no intentions of returning said assets! If this is a true bankruptcy proceedings, shouldn't all tangible assets such as the $2500 diamond necklace, computers (and various peripherals and computer accessories), controlled drugs (ketamine), shotgun, rifles, semi-auto assault rifle (all weapons used to be located at the Leslie Road facility prior to it being sold), large animal tranquilizer guns, office equipment and furniture, tools and equipment, new refrigerators (purchased Sept/Oct) and the like be sold at auction so the money raised could go toward sanctuaries that took in sick or dying WAO animals?

Organizations such as Mindy’s Memory, Wildcat Haven, In-Sync Exotics, and Carolina Tiger Rescue, just to name a few, spent a lot of money in an attempt to either treat or save the lives of WAO animals now in their possession.

While I applaud the Born Free attorneys for working such a great monetary deal in accepting the WAO 109+ primates, I believe the money raised from the sale of the WAO’s assets should go towards those facilities that took in sick or dying WAO animals—not into the pockets of the individuals that were directly responsible for the WAO’s downfall.

Since the last of the WAO animals will be leaving Talley Road sometime early next year, I believe the temptation to steal from the WAO monetary accounts and property may be problematic for the months of November, December, and January 2012, and therefore I believe the OAG should immediately take control of all WAO assets and liquidate them in a public auction as soon as possible so the resulting funds can be sent to wild animal sanctuaries that accepted WAO animals.

In closing, someone should be closely watching the Bank of America accounts, demanding that all past missing receipts be provided to the bankruptcy court immediately as once again the October 2011 Operations Report revealed a lot of suspicious “need receipts” entries. If the WAO personnel are fraudulently stealing money and tangible assets from the WAO, the court and creditors need to be made aware of this situation, and the people perpetrating these illegal thefts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Therefore, I believe a full investigation should be initiated to find out just how much of the WAO assets were taken without the Court’s approval.

Please share this information with Judge Leif Clark, Western District Court, as believe the Judge should be aware of this growing concern.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you -
Kristina Brunner

It's always great to get an acknowledged receipt.  Would be even better if action was taken!

From: Christopher Krhovjak

To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Hal Morris ; James Anthony
Sent: Tue, January 3, 2012 11:12:50 AM

Subject: Re: Addendum to ASUS/WAO et al Case

Ms. Brunner:

This email is to acknowledge receipt of your supplemental complaint. Thank you.

Chris Krhovjak, Investigator
Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
Much later:

Well, the Bankruptcy Court refused to hold a hearing on Joan's allegations. I'm shock...again. 
WAO Bankruptcy Case -Joan Hearing Denied 2nd Time - 010412

WAO Bankruptcy Case -Joan Hearing Denied 2nd Time1 - 010412

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Born Free's Year in Review

Here is the latest information regarding the primates moving from the WAO to BF early next year (
new "caregivers."  As sad is the sister's story is to others, claiming that they were innocent in the mess the WAO board created, the fact is they too condoned the board's act by remaining silent while animals suffered and died.  They could have come forward years ago and possibly saved 60+ animals from horrific deaths.  Instead, they chose employment over ethics and love for the animals.  It is my opinion these two people should no longer be allowed to work in the animal care industry.  This may sound harsh to some, but the reality is these two people brought this entire mess upon themselves.  They had the power years ago to make a real difference in the lives of the WAO, but instead chose the easy way out--silence.  
Born Free USA: 2011, the Year in Review

With animals facing innumerable challenges worldwide, Born Free USA and its members worked tirelessly on their behalf in 2011, and those efforts were rewarded with many victories, advances and other positive developments. Challenges remain many and daunting as the new year approaches, but with your continued generous support and activism we can build on our 2011 successes, many of which (but by no means all!) are listed here.

Primates and Our Sanctuary

Rescued 112 macaques and a baboon. When the Wild Animal Orphanage declared bankruptcy, we started a long, difficult but very rewarding process of arranging for the transfer of 113 primates to the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary near Dilley, Texas. The monkeys are scheduled to arrive early in 2012, but late in 2011 we were busy making preparations such as the construction of enclosures and the search for more caregivers.
I pray BF makes the wise decision not to hire the Reiningers as their

Animal caretakers should be the voice of those animals that cannot speak for themselves.  Right?

On a different note, the Cryers still have not submitted the November WAO Operations Report.  What a surprise.  Gee, I wonder when the OAG and the bankruptcy court will finally catch on that the Cryers are undoubtedly stealing money, supplies, and equipment from the WAO?   

Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Last Christmas Reflection of this Horrible Case

Well, this being Christmas Day and all, six years from the start of the WAO investigation, I cannot help but reflect this will be the last Christmas any WAO animal will have to endure at the hands of inept and corrupt animal caretakers and lying board members.  While the OAG case may finally end in 2012, seven years from the start of the investigation, I believe memories of this horrible ordeal will last forever. 

I will always be haunted by the faces of the animals I could not save--not for want of trying--for I tried as hard as I could to get the USDA, OAG, and other agencies involved in the hopes of saving the WAO and its animals from greedy corrupt board members and employees.

But it was simply not meant to be.  Sadly, no one will ever be punished for  wrong doings in this lifetime--this comment extends to the latest bankruptcy court filing on December 22,2011 by Joan.  Even if the allegations in the Joan Byron-Marasek's filing were true, and I have a feeling that for the most part they were, I knew there was no way this court would actually act upon the information she provided. After all, the government wouldn't want to ignore its history pattern of non-action against the Asvestas and other responsible parties for killing hundreds of animals, rights?

I have to admit, Joan gave it her best shot.  Looks like it just wasn't enough...

Bankruptcy Court - Joan's Request for Hearing Denied - 122211

So, this will probably be my last Christmas Day posting, thank heavens, and I can finally move on with my life--a life before I even heard of the letters W-A-O.  I just pray the monkeys that are left behind at Talley Road received a lot of special treats and attention on this day. God bless the monkeys still living at that filthy property now covered with trash and debris.  Breaks my heart they are still living there.  Hopefully they will move on very, very soon!

PS.  I noticed the Cryers still have not filed the November 2011 operations report with the bankruptcy court.  Something tells me they have gone nuts with the WAO money and equipment, no doubt pocketing both for their very own "special" Christmas this year.  I'll be very surprised if they file any additional reports now that the tigers are gone.  After all, whose going to make them file any additional operations reports?  OAG?  Bankruptcy Court?  Yeah, right!  Ho ho ho. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

She's Back With A Vengeance!

When I went on-line to check on the WAO's November 2011 Operations Report (which is late by the way) with the bankrupcty court, I did not expect to see the document below.  I need to go through this filing again, for I am just blown away! Wow!
WAO Bankruptcy Court - Joan Byron-Marasek vs ASUS and William Davis - 122111

Wow, again.  Just when I thought this case couldn't get any stranger...

USDA Goes After A Donor Who Questioned the Their Motives

When I read this article, I was absolutely shocked at how the USDA/APHIS went after someone who tried to keep the sanctuary afloat by donating funds.  My comments below are in orange.
press release

Dec. 21, 2011, 8:25 a.m. EST

USDA Issues Notice of Withdrawal Against Wildlife WayStation Supporter

LOS ANGELES, CA, Dec 21, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- The RHL Group, Inc. ( ) today announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued a withdrawal of a complaint against its Chairman and CEO, Robert H. Lorsch, in connection with his philanthropic contributions to the Wildlife WayStation as its Best Friend, Financial Supporter and Director. The Notice of Withdrawal stated that, "Pursuit of this matter would not further the goals of The Animal Welfare Act." The Wildlife WayStation ( ) is a Los Angeles-based non-profit wildlife sanctuary founded by Martine Colette. Lorsch said that he hopes the resolving of this action will enable him to focus on raising money to call attention to the needs of legitimate charities working to protect and rescue animals of every species.

Lorsch, who serves as Chairman and CEO of MMRGlobal, Inc. /quotes/zigman/606524 MMRF +14.05% , was recently profiled in The Daily Beast about a million-dollar lawsuit brought on behalf of shareholders of against "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star, Taylor Armstrong.

According to Lorsch, "I regard this as an example of Occupying Bureaucracy for the benefit of taxpayers who foot the bill for millions of dollars of waste in the form of USDA legal costs, travel to California and other expenses from the USDA's actions, while at the same time reminding everyone how important it is to care for all animals everywhere who suffer from neglect and illness." I agree--this is a prime example of the USDA going after the wrong people and letting bad sanctuary boards of directors, like the WAO, get away with murder for years.

The withdrawal of the complaint came less than one week after Lorsch filed a four million dollar Federal Tort Claim against the USDA following procedures required before filing a lawsuit for Malicious Prosecution and other possible claims. The claims came out of nearly five years of involvement and efforts helping the Wildlife WayStation, which included helping raise millions of dollars to get the wildlife sanctuary into compliance and keep it running for the benefit of the animals and the community. What if this person did not have the where-with-all to file a $4m lawsuit against the USDA?  Would his life been destroyed for trying to save the animals?

On August 4, 2008 in a 52-page decision, Chief Administrative Law Judge Marc R. Hillson found that Lorsch did not commit any violations of the Animal Welfare Act, commenting, "In many ways, the government's case against Lorsch illustrates the maxim that 'no good deed goes unpunished.' He was trying to help an organization he had supported for some years to be able to continue its worthwhile function of serving as a sanctuary for animals who generally had no other places to go." (A video played during the trial with comments by Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley can be seen at .) Yep, no good deed goes unpunished!

The USDA appealed the Judge Hillson decision, after which Administrative Law Judge William Jenson on July 9, 2010 issued a final and binding denial of the investigating law enforcement officers' and the USDA's claims against Lorsch, finding that Lorsch was not liable for any actions of the Wildlife WayStation. It's sad this case even went before the judge. 

However, the USDA continued to prosecute a 2007 action for essentially the same claims in earlier actions with different dates. After nearly a decade and millions in costs, expenses and legal fees, the USDA finally, last month, settled with the Wildlife WayStation's Martine Colette for $5,000.

"I have been a sponsor and supporter of the Wildlife WayStation for nearly a decade," said Lorsch. "I was added to the USDA's lawsuit against the WayStation in an amended complaint simply because I questioned the motivations of inspectors, which I thought were unfair. At the expense of the lives of hundreds of animals, the USDA insisted on hiring a psychiatrist for a chimpanzee, which held up licensing and nearly shut down a home for more than 800 animals. So instead of spending thousands for food, the WayStation spent money buying coloring books for Sammy the chimpanzee, along with a therapist to color with." Well, well, well, there you go.  Question the motivates of a "public" servant and look what happens.  Never mind that at the WAO  20+ chimps (at one time) never received any special enrichment or medical care, let alone coloring books and a therapist, plus the animal caretakers failed to follow AWA regulations regarding chimp care (they had no idea AWA even had a chapter on chimp care)--what, is it cheaper to go after sanctuary sponsors than do actually do something to protect the animals?  I surprised the USDA/APHIS didn't go after me in an attempt to shut me up as I demanded they do something, anything to save the lives of the WAO animals.

Lorsch continued, "The record is clear that I had no liability in the 2003 complaint against the Wildlife WayStation, which was appealed and reaffirmed. However, the USDA must have believed they have a blank check to pursue claims against certain individuals at the expense of taxpayers such as myself." I'm shocked! Okay, not really.

The Wildlife WayStation for years has had to fight inspectors of the USDA in their mission to provide care for animals. The facility is still in danger of closing because of declining donor support in the face of the economy and the continuous litigation from the USDA.

"It would appear that in these difficult economic times, when our nation faces some of the greatest financial struggles in its history, why would our government allow anyone to allocate millions to pay for this type of a lawsuit? I hope anyone following this story will support the animals at the Wildlife WayStation this holiday season by giving a gift to ," Lorsch added.  God only knows.  Government has it priorities all screwed up.

About Bob Lorsch

Robert H. "Bob" Lorsch is a Los Angeles businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is Chairman and CEO of MMRGlobal, Inc., a position he has held since 2005 when he launched, Inc. MMR provides a suite of health IT products and services based on its proprietary patented technologies, including the Personal Health Record for consumers and the MMRPro end-to-end electronic document management and imaging system for physicians, surgery centers and small hospitals. Additionally, MMR's MyEsafeDepositBox provides secure online storage solutions to the insurance, legal and financial services industries. Mr. Lorsch also heads up the business management and investment-holding corporation, The RHL Group, Inc. with diverse interests in e-commerce, entertainment production and natural products for pets. From 1994-1998, he was Chief Executive Officer of SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc., leading the company he co-founded through a successful public offering in 1996 and building it into one of the largest providers of prepaid telecommunications products and services in the world. Prior to that, he partnered with Pacific Bell Information Services to build a voice mailbox system that became part of the WinFax product offerings. In the 1980s, he built and headed Lorsch Creative Network, a full-service advertising and sales promotion agency specializing in marketing campaigns for national and international blue chip clients, including the ABC, CBS and NBC broadcast television networks, Campbell 's Soup, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Marvel Entertainment, Northrop Grumman, McDonald's Corporation, and others.

Mr. Lorsch is currently a Member of the Board of Governors of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of D.A.R.E. America, and Member of the Board of the Sheriff's Youth Foundation. He also served on the Personal Health Record Steering Committee of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), whose membership is comprised of leaders in the field of healthcare information technology. For his philanthropy, he has received numerous honors and awards, including D.A.R.E. America's "Future of America Award," the Muscular Dystrophy Association's "Humanitarian of the Year Award," the Wildlife WayStation's "Paws of Fame" Humanitarian Award, and the Starlight Children's Foundation's "Golden Wish Award." He is a longtime supporter of science and technology and the California Science Center in Los Angeles , where the Robert H. Lorsch Family Pavilion stands as the gateway to the museum in Exposition Park . For his public spirit, Mr. Lorsch was awarded the prestigious "C" Flag Private Sector Initiative from the White House during the Reagan Administration for his work in raising millions of dollars for financing state and local earthquake preparedness education. His efforts for the cause have also earned him awards from the City and County of Los Angeles , the State of California and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Mr. Lorsch resides in Beverly Hills , California with his wife, producer and entertainment personality Kira Reed Lorsch.


Michael Selsman
Public Communications Co.
(310) 553-5732
What this article does not address is two matters: (1) large donors may be hesitant to donate towards animal causes for fear of being dragged into court by the USDA, and (2) a sure way to shut up anyone complaining about the USDA/APHIS inspection process is to take them to Federal court. So, if the public is being muzzled, who exactly is keeping an eye on the USDA inspectors? Can we honestly believe the USDA can "police" itself? Think about it.

More Pictures of Former WAO Tigers

Today I found some adorable pictures of the WAO tigers that recently went to Carolina Tiger Rescue:

Carolina Tiger Rescue shared their own album: 2011-12-18 WAO Tigers getting comfortable in their new habitat.

2011-12-18 WAO Tigers getting comfortable in their new habitat

The tigers from Wild Animal Orphanage are settling in their new outdoor homes! Max has become more comfortable around people, Kizmet is always ready with a chuffle, and China is settling in. Unfortunately, Marcus is spending most of in time in the den box.

By: Carolina Tiger Rescue

Photos: 7
Carolina Tiger Rescue
Christian settling into his new habitat— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Christian Tiger (formerly China from WAO)— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Kizmet Tiger— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Kizmet Tiger exploring her new habitat— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Max Tiger (formerly Kashmir from WAO) peers out from behind a tree— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Max Tiger walking the fence next to his buddies next door.— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Max is good on camera- but apparently has a comment for the photographer
(note the tongue)— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

I couldn't help but notice China's ear looks a little "off" in all his pictures.  I wonder if it's just folded back or if it was ripped off by another tiger -- which of course, would not surprise me, as I've seen pictures of a tiger tail and cougar tail ripped off by another big cat.  It could be he just has a really bad ear infection, in which I hope something is being done to treat him. 

Sad memories of the WAO's care of the tigers... 

Looks like the the male tigers are still unsure of their surroundings and with Swathe still hiding in the den, I guess it will be a while before all the tigers are happy.  Bless little Kizmet's heart, she was always a friendly tiger!  She's such a cutie!  
China=Christian, Kashmir=Max, Swathe=Marcus, and Kizmet is still Kizmet.

Later from Facebook:
Mark Hernandez I'm really glad you took in these beautiful tigers! I noticed that Christian may be missing an ear (else its folded back in all his pictures). Did something happen to him at the WAO?

Carolina Tiger Rescue WAO told us Christian's left ear has drooped for many years. There is scarring that now makes the ear more prone to infection, and he was treated for an inner ear infection in quarantine. - Amanda B.
So the WAO told CTR that his ear drooped for many years.  In other words, the WAO failed to give this tiger vet care when he needed it most from either a tiger bite or an ear infection and now he has permanent scaring.  Plus he's prone to ear infections probably for life.  Poor baby...he deserved two adorable ears standing up -- not just one.

And here's a picture of Ekatrina living at Wildcat Sanctuary:

Wildcat Sanctuary
Ekaterina doesn't know which gift to choose first.
Hi Mac!

Wildcat Haven

Much Later:  

Happy Wishlist Wednesday! Our cats are loving this gorgeous weather. They are all out sunning themselves and taking lots of cat naps!
Thank you for the Easel, Printer Paper, and Extract that came in over the last week.
This week we are hoping for MORE NEWSPAPER! We also are in need of Fish Oil for our oldest tiger Christian (He'll be 19 this year!). The fish oil helps keep Christian's fur smooth and full. He has had some issues in the past with patches of fur falling out.
Thank you everyone for your continued support. It looks to be a gorgeous weekend so please come out and visit us and the animals this weekend! Friday's 1pm tour has spots available! Universal Wishlist for Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Hmmm...same picture used for Christian as seen above.  I wonder what Christian looks like today--4 years later?

Monday, December 19, 2011

More Former WAO Animals on Facebook Today!

It's fantastic seeing Harely's picture on Facebook!  She has really filled out since her departure from the WAO in 2010 and is really looking great!

Wildcat Sanctuary
Harley the bobcat is enjoying her gingerbread man enrichment.
Still looking mischieveous as ever!  Bless her heart!

And who forget these adorable stumped-tailed macaques living at Mindy's Memory!
Mindys Memory Linda Barcklay
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. These are three of the rescued stumptail macaques
from a belly up sanctuary in Texas. Pike, Solo and Madonna.

Mindys Memory Linda Barcklay Solo on the left, Madonna midsection and Pike.
Just too cute!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Six Years Later and the Last WAO Tigers Have A New Home

On December 17, 2005, I left the WAO to pursue justice for the animals. 

On December 17, 2009, I returned to the WAO to help Nicole Garcia save the WAO. 

Two years later this date, the WAO is essentially no more.  The last of the tigers left the Talley Road property leaving about 107 primates at the mercy of the Reiningers and Cryers.  I can only pray Born Free visits the primates regularly to make sure the survive the winter and continue to receive proper diet and enrichment.

Every year like clockwork I feel sad during the week of the 17th as I can only imagine how different things would be if only...  But it was not meant to be.

It's hard to believe that in less than three months, the last of the WAO animals will finally move on and thankfully, so will I.

In the meantime, I was able to learn a little more about three tigers, originally from South Dakota, now living in Florida:

Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 4:45 PM
To: ''
Subject: Former WAO Tigers

Dear Christine:

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kristina and I am a former WAO animal caretaker of over 10 years, and I’ve been following the relocation of the WAO animals as they traveled to their new homes.

Congratulations in receiving three of the WAO’s tigers.  I understand Carson Springs Wildlife accepted three out of the four former South Dakota tigers (that used to live together at the Leslie Road facility until they were relocated to Talley Road) whom arrived at the WAO back in December 2001.

I understand you took in Konan (male), Misha (female), and Shaniah (female).  We never did learn what happened to Kineisha (female), the three tigers’ sibling, as she seemed to have just simply disappeared from the WAO earlier this year.

I was hoping you could provide me details on the health status of the tigers along with a few pictures of the three cats enjoying their new home.  A friend of mine let me know that your organization posted a couple of pictures of two tigers on your Facebook page, but no picture of the three cats together.

Needless to say, we are thrilled that the last three tigers left the WAO this week and have found a new home that will provide them with food, medical care, and enrichment they so richly deserve!  We (myself and several volunteers) would love some insight on how the cats are adjusting to their new home and how they fared on their long trip to Florida!  Any information (and pictures) would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you very much –

Warm regards,


From: []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 5:13 PM
To: Kristina Brunner
Subject: Re: Former WAO Tigers

Hi Kristina, 
We have Konan, Misha and Kenisha.  
They arrived in excellent condition due to the great job of Loving Hands Transport. Unloaded well and are currently in their lock out enclosure for the night. We wanted them to settle in before going in their 10,000 square foot regular enclosure. Since they are so content we will let them out tomorrow. See and please like our Face book page . Photos are there. Many more tomorrow. 
They seem in good health those not very muscled which I think is from not having lots of room and climbing things and their age. Konan and Misha are a bit chubby. Not a bad thing. They all got their own whole turkey for dinner tonight. 
Have do not know any history of WAO or how many cats were originally there. Maybe you could fill me in. 
Never heard the name Shaniah.
Sent from my iPhone

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 6:52 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Former WAO Tigers

Greetings again, Christine,

Thank you very much for responding so quickly!  I, and I know several others, are relieved the cats arrived without incident!  I will “see and like” your FB page to learn more about the tigers!!

I was saddened to learn that it was Shaniah who passed away, but relieved to learn Kineisha arrived okay!  News of animal deaths at the WAO for the last two years have been sketchy at best, so I guess it’s not surprising that the wrong tiger’s name was communicated to me earlier this summer.  In any case, I’ve known these tigers since their arrival at the WAO back in December 2001.  I’ve included two links of the former South Dakota tigers so you can read for yourself their past history prior to their arrival at the WAO. 

SAN ANTONIO, Texas, December 5, 2001 (ENS) - Twenty-two lions and tigers have been rescued from "unacceptable conditions" at a facility in South Dakota, the International Fund for Animal Welfare announced today.

The big cats - including lions as well as Siberian, Bengal and white tigers and cubs - have been sent to the Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio, Texas.

The cats were used by Ken Alvarez, owner of Gate Keepers Animal Sanctuary, who took cubs produced from these animals to arrange fee for picture photo opportunities at fairs and large functions throughout the U.S. As he traveled with the cubs, he left the adult animals on a secluded piece of property 15 miles from Rapid City.

Alvarez had left for Mexico leaving just $30 with an inexperienced ranch hand for food. The animals were kept in groups of three or four in makeshift 10 foot by 20 foot cages. The cages offered no shelter or bedding, and contained more than three weeks of urine and fecal matter.
Several of the animals had infected wounds, and many were suffering from degenerating diseases such as rickets.

After local citizens became alarmed by the neglect of these animals, the local group Wild Cat Valley and the Humane Society of Black Hills became involved and contacted the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to investigate. The USDA agreed to seize the cats if a suitable sanctuary could be found to accept and care for them on a permanent basis. Wild Animal Orphanage agreed to accept all of the animals and the first 13 will arrive Thursday morning. The remaining animals will be relocated in about three weeks.

Wildlife experts said the move highlights the need for tighter U.S. laws covering exotic pets, and for enhanced public education regarding the risks involved in owning big cats.

"People need to understand the tremendous responsibility involved with taking on the care of these exotic animals," said Carol Asvestas, director of the Wild Animal Orphanage. "These animals require a lifetime commitment that can be very costly and at times dangerous."

"Dozens of 'big cats' still sit on waiting lists desperate for homes, some in even worse conditions," noted Shirley Minshew, IFAW emergency relief director for North America. "We need tighter laws that make it illegal for 'big cats' to find their way in to private homes and roadside zoos through sales by breeders or at auctions."


Sadly, the only survivors left of the South Dakota tigers are the ones you currently have and five others living in Indiana– the rest died at the WAO. The majority of the tigers that were taken to the WAO were either a few months old or under a year. There was also one lion survivor, that left the WAO named IFAW, and he is currently living in Nevada.  He was also about a year old when he first arrived at the WAO in 2001.

I don’t know what you have heard about the WAO’s history, but suffice to say the animals never received the care they truly deserved.  Hence why the cats arrived with poor muscle tone.  The cats had no enrichment until late 2009 and sadly, it ended essentially in 2010, and don’t even get me started about their diet! Horrendous!! I noticed there is still a lot of hanging skin under Konan’s belly, which gives you an idea of just how big he was at one time.  Thankfully, the USDA intervened in 2009, preventing the starvation of the WAO animals (see USDA reports on-line for 2009 – no meat  or primate food was found on two separate visits to the WAO) allowing a few organizations to send in a tone of meat, essentially saving the WAO big cats from death.

The reason why I asked about the tigers’ health is because many other sanctuaries reported their former WAO cats arriving with vitamin and mineral deficiencies, among other health concerns.  I would highly recommend having your vet draw blood to determine if they too are vitamin deficient or if they are experiencing other serious health conditions (I am aware of three big cats diagnosed with cancer upon arrival at their new home).

While I was heartbroken to learn the WAO finally closed its doors, I was elated that so many of the WAO animals went to really good homes!  It is fabulous to see the animals happy and enjoying themselves in their new homes, even after a year later.  Too often the WAO animals looked depressed and very unhappy at both the Leslie and Talley Road facilities—they were essential animals living in small cages, with very little to do, living on hard-packed ground that felt like concrete with very little vegetation that was alive and certainly no platforms to jump up on or exciting toys to enrich their lives!  And yea!  They will finally be able to roll around in grass for the first time ever!!

I took this picutre on April 10, 2010

So again, thank you so much for taking in Konan, Misha and Kenisha.  They are such love bugs, always playful and loving attention!  I’ve included a picture of them so you can get an idea of how cute they are together!  I miss them very much and pray for their happiness in their new home with you!  Now, I shall mourn the loss of Shaniah and rejoice that Kineisha is alive and well -

Warm Regards,


From: []
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 5:29 AM
To: Kristina Brunner
Subject: Re: Former WAO Tigers

I appreciate the info even though it makes me cry. They truly have a really good home now and real fresh meat every day. One Tiger we got last year had so little muscle tone she could barely jump on her stand. Now she's an acrobat. 
They also get vitamins daily and will be examined by a vet. 
Will send more photos soon. Thank you

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From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 6:34 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Former WAO Tigers

This is really great news!  Thanks, Christine!  I look forward to seeing the pictures of the 3 together…wish it was four…oh well…I’m just thrilled they will finally have some fun in their lives!  I’d love to hear any fun updates on the cats, so please feel free to share any time!  Kris

As promised, here are a few pictures I found on Carson Springs' Facebook page:

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary
Truck arrived bringing Tigers from Texas
December 15, 2011

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary

Koko (fka Konan) the male is about 500 pounds. Hard to push with soft tires
December 15, 2011

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary
They were very content and rode well in air conditioned trailer.
December 15, 2011

Number one volunteer Lydia gets the honor of the first release.
December 15, 2011

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary
Happy Tigers.
December 15, 2011

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary

New Tiger having first turkey dinner in new home. Born in S Dakota 10 years ago. Came into Sanctuary life after outgrew the 40 pound limit for photo tigers. All 4 feet declawed. Went to San Antonio until that sanctuary went bankrupt. Now a home for life with her other 2 enclosure mates , one of which is her brother.
December 15, 2011

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary

Out in the big grassy enclosure. Misha and Kela on their giant stand. They are all rolling on the grass and walking around in wonder.
December 16, 2011
Koko thinks he is king of the stand.
December 16, 2011
Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary
Koko on one of the houses.
December 16, 2011

Kela. Aka Kinesha lounging after a day of play and walking around her giant enclosure. All very sweet and seem so appreciative

So, Shanniah died at the WAO, cause unknown, and I'll probably never know the real reason, at the age of about 10 1/2 years.  It's heartbreaking to add her name to the list of animals that died at the WAO.  I am also relieved Konan lives.  Like Shanniah, Konan is such a sweet cat.

Something tells me that before all the WAO animals leave the Talley Road property, more will die. 

I would hate to be the new owners of the Talley Road land, once it sells.  Can you imagine all the bodies that will be dug up if land developers try to build houses or commercial buildings on this property. 

So, God Bless Shaniah in Heaven.  She was such a love bug and she will be missed.

And God Bless Konan, Kineisha, and Misha in their new home.  I pray that they enjoy and thrive in their new Florida environment!

And thus ends the 6th year of the start of the WAO investigation.  When will this case ever end?  Next year?


Unbelieveable.  Found this posting on Facebook dated today.  Sadly, WCH and WCS also posted basically the same FB posting. 
International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
We just heard some wonderful news…the rest of the big cats needing rescued from Wild Animal Orphanage are now resting in their new home. In August, IEAS rescued two tigers from WAO. Danvir and Sajani are enjoying their second chance at a quality life. Sajani loves just about anyone who comes to visit. Remember, if you are still looking for a last minute Christmas gift, adopt Sajani or another amazing animal at IEAS!
"I just wanted to extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all of you who worked so hard to offer help, transportation, expertise, and wonderful new homes to over 70 big cats from WAO that have now all been placed! It was a great team eff...ort and could not have been done without everyone's help. The last three tigers left on Wednesday and arrived yesterday to their wonderful new home.

Thank you all from me and the USDA team, and I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday and a prosperous New Year."

Laurie J. Gage, DVM, Dipl ACZM/Field Specialist for Big Cats and Marine Mammals
Too bad the USDA "team" didn't do something YEARS ago to save the 80+ WAO animals that died during the course of the investigation. 

Thank God the animals found new homes, no thanks to the USDA and all their failures.

Later:  Misha and Konan look really good in their new home!

Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary
Koko and Misha. Happy new Tigers