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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Last of the WAO Tigers Move This Week!

I found the following on Facebook regarding the last three tigers leaving San Antonio this week:
Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation & Sanctuary

New Tigers going in largest enclosure they have ever had in their 10 years. They have come from 2 Sanctuaries after they were discarded at 40 pounds from the "have your picture taken with a baby Tiger/ Lion industry. Any time someone buys one of those photos they perpetuate untold numbers of babies born to have their pictures taken for a few months and then destined for death, a hunting farm or th...e lucky few a Sanctuary. Less and less are going to sanctuaries because with the tight economy many are closing due to reduced donations or they cannot house more animals.

They have been declawed on all four paws.

Here they will have the space to run and jump on their massive stand and roll in the grass for the first time in their lives. They have 2 big pools to lounge in the water when it's hot. Shade from trees and no concrete to walk on. It feels wonderful to be able to do this and bring groups of kids and adults thru on a tour which is about education of the species , proper animal care and the environment.

Please consider a visit and a donation thru our website to help us do this for the animals.
Sunday at 5:42am via mobile ·
Couple of things:  (1) no mention of how the tigers were treated at the WAO.  I pray this facility is prepared to treat them for the health issues I am sure they will have upon arrival (2)  Clearly, someone at the WAO has not given this organization the full story on these cats; else they chose not to write about them, I don't know.

The enclosure does appear larger than the WAO cage and it has grass, 2 pools, and a platform deck -- something these cats never had at the WAO!  Yea!  Can't wait to see pictures of cats (all girls, I believe) in their new home!  Here are a couple of photos I found on their FB page:

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