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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Born Free's Year in Review

Here is the latest information regarding the primates moving from the WAO to BF early next year (
new "caregivers."  As sad is the sister's story is to others, claiming that they were innocent in the mess the WAO board created, the fact is they too condoned the board's act by remaining silent while animals suffered and died.  They could have come forward years ago and possibly saved 60+ animals from horrific deaths.  Instead, they chose employment over ethics and love for the animals.  It is my opinion these two people should no longer be allowed to work in the animal care industry.  This may sound harsh to some, but the reality is these two people brought this entire mess upon themselves.  They had the power years ago to make a real difference in the lives of the WAO, but instead chose the easy way out--silence.  
Born Free USA: 2011, the Year in Review

With animals facing innumerable challenges worldwide, Born Free USA and its members worked tirelessly on their behalf in 2011, and those efforts were rewarded with many victories, advances and other positive developments. Challenges remain many and daunting as the new year approaches, but with your continued generous support and activism we can build on our 2011 successes, many of which (but by no means all!) are listed here.

Primates and Our Sanctuary

Rescued 112 macaques and a baboon. When the Wild Animal Orphanage declared bankruptcy, we started a long, difficult but very rewarding process of arranging for the transfer of 113 primates to the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary near Dilley, Texas. The monkeys are scheduled to arrive early in 2012, but late in 2011 we were busy making preparations such as the construction of enclosures and the search for more caregivers.
I pray BF makes the wise decision not to hire the Reiningers as their

Animal caretakers should be the voice of those animals that cannot speak for themselves.  Right?

On a different note, the Cryers still have not submitted the November WAO Operations Report.  What a surprise.  Gee, I wonder when the OAG and the bankruptcy court will finally catch on that the Cryers are undoubtedly stealing money, supplies, and equipment from the WAO?   

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