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Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Last Christmas Reflection of this Horrible Case

Well, this being Christmas Day and all, six years from the start of the WAO investigation, I cannot help but reflect this will be the last Christmas any WAO animal will have to endure at the hands of inept and corrupt animal caretakers and lying board members.  While the OAG case may finally end in 2012, seven years from the start of the investigation, I believe memories of this horrible ordeal will last forever. 

I will always be haunted by the faces of the animals I could not save--not for want of trying--for I tried as hard as I could to get the USDA, OAG, and other agencies involved in the hopes of saving the WAO and its animals from greedy corrupt board members and employees.

But it was simply not meant to be.  Sadly, no one will ever be punished for  wrong doings in this lifetime--this comment extends to the latest bankruptcy court filing on December 22,2011 by Joan.  Even if the allegations in the Joan Byron-Marasek's filing were true, and I have a feeling that for the most part they were, I knew there was no way this court would actually act upon the information she provided. After all, the government wouldn't want to ignore its history pattern of non-action against the Asvestas and other responsible parties for killing hundreds of animals, rights?

I have to admit, Joan gave it her best shot.  Looks like it just wasn't enough...

Bankruptcy Court - Joan's Request for Hearing Denied - 122211

So, this will probably be my last Christmas Day posting, thank heavens, and I can finally move on with my life--a life before I even heard of the letters W-A-O.  I just pray the monkeys that are left behind at Talley Road received a lot of special treats and attention on this day. God bless the monkeys still living at that filthy property now covered with trash and debris.  Breaks my heart they are still living there.  Hopefully they will move on very, very soon!

PS.  I noticed the Cryers still have not filed the November 2011 operations report with the bankruptcy court.  Something tells me they have gone nuts with the WAO money and equipment, no doubt pocketing both for their very own "special" Christmas this year.  I'll be very surprised if they file any additional reports now that the tigers are gone.  After all, whose going to make them file any additional operations reports?  OAG?  Bankruptcy Court?  Yeah, right!  Ho ho ho. 

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