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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More Pictures of Former WAO Tigers

Today I found some adorable pictures of the WAO tigers that recently went to Carolina Tiger Rescue:

Carolina Tiger Rescue shared their own album: 2011-12-18 WAO Tigers getting comfortable in their new habitat.

2011-12-18 WAO Tigers getting comfortable in their new habitat

The tigers from Wild Animal Orphanage are settling in their new outdoor homes! Max has become more comfortable around people, Kizmet is always ready with a chuffle, and China is settling in. Unfortunately, Marcus is spending most of in time in the den box.

By: Carolina Tiger Rescue

Photos: 7
Carolina Tiger Rescue
Christian settling into his new habitat— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Christian Tiger (formerly China from WAO)— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Kizmet Tiger— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Kizmet Tiger exploring her new habitat— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Max Tiger (formerly Kashmir from WAO) peers out from behind a tree— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Max Tiger walking the fence next to his buddies next door.— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Max is good on camera- but apparently has a comment for the photographer
(note the tongue)— at Carolina Tiger Rescue.

I couldn't help but notice China's ear looks a little "off" in all his pictures.  I wonder if it's just folded back or if it was ripped off by another tiger -- which of course, would not surprise me, as I've seen pictures of a tiger tail and cougar tail ripped off by another big cat.  It could be he just has a really bad ear infection, in which I hope something is being done to treat him. 

Sad memories of the WAO's care of the tigers... 

Looks like the the male tigers are still unsure of their surroundings and with Swathe still hiding in the den, I guess it will be a while before all the tigers are happy.  Bless little Kizmet's heart, she was always a friendly tiger!  She's such a cutie!  
China=Christian, Kashmir=Max, Swathe=Marcus, and Kizmet is still Kizmet.

Later from Facebook:
Mark Hernandez I'm really glad you took in these beautiful tigers! I noticed that Christian may be missing an ear (else its folded back in all his pictures). Did something happen to him at the WAO?

Carolina Tiger Rescue WAO told us Christian's left ear has drooped for many years. There is scarring that now makes the ear more prone to infection, and he was treated for an inner ear infection in quarantine. - Amanda B.
So the WAO told CTR that his ear drooped for many years.  In other words, the WAO failed to give this tiger vet care when he needed it most from either a tiger bite or an ear infection and now he has permanent scaring.  Plus he's prone to ear infections probably for life.  Poor baby...he deserved two adorable ears standing up -- not just one.

And here's a picture of Ekatrina living at Wildcat Sanctuary:

Wildcat Sanctuary
Ekaterina doesn't know which gift to choose first.
Hi Mac!

Wildcat Haven

Much Later:  

Happy Wishlist Wednesday! Our cats are loving this gorgeous weather. They are all out sunning themselves and taking lots of cat naps!
Thank you for the Easel, Printer Paper, and Extract that came in over the last week.
This week we are hoping for MORE NEWSPAPER! We also are in need of Fish Oil for our oldest tiger Christian (He'll be 19 this year!). The fish oil helps keep Christian's fur smooth and full. He has had some issues in the past with patches of fur falling out.
Thank you everyone for your continued support. It looks to be a gorgeous weekend so please come out and visit us and the animals this weekend! Friday's 1pm tour has spots available! Universal Wishlist for Carolina Tiger Rescue.

Hmmm...same picture used for Christian as seen above.  I wonder what Christian looks like today--4 years later?

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