No printing or copying pictures

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Are They Lonely?

I found these pictures on Big Cat Rescue's Facebook.  It's a long story about why I was able to find these pictures on their site...suffice to say, it's another animal drama that you would not believe it unless you lived it.

In any case, as I look as these pictures, I cannot help but wonder is Lulu lonely? Is Kovu and IFAW lonely?

Lulu is laying on the platform at the back of the enclosure

Another view of Lulu's enclosure
Where is the pool?

Abel - cougar relocated from In-Sync Exotics to Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
July 30, 2011

View from the animals' enclosures

A view of the animals' enclosures

I cannot help but believe the cats must be lonely.  Especially those animals living alone, like Lulu and Abel.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Lion Puddle!

I just love these pictures of the former WAO lions, Sebastian, Tarzan, and Sheba from Carolina Tiger Rescue posted on Facebook today:

2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
This is what Carolina Tiger staff and volunteers have taken to calling a "lion puddle

2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
What do you suppose Sheba Lion would have to say about a new exercise routine

2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
Sebastian Lion is on tour, but in these hot months,
we don't see him quite as often, since he is usually napping in the back.

 2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
Quite the gourmet dish today for Jonas Binturong!

Okay, I'm sure you are wondering why I included the photo of Jonas -- well he is just too adorable not to include.  I cannot help but notice he is one happy animal!  Happy belated birthday, Jonas (yesteday was his b-day)!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Haunting Questions

I’ve been haunted with the questions such as to who is left living at the Talley and Leslie Road properties; how are the older animals fairing in the 100+degree temperatures; are they getting enough food and water; and are they getting any vet care?

After doing some research, I believe the following tigers may still be alive and living at the WAO:

Abby, Aphrodite, Goliath, Maximus, & Sampson (I believe Cheyenne is dead)

Andre, Apatha, Kashmire, & Kyle (I believe Royal is dead)

China, Kain, Madras, & Swathe (I believe one of the females in this group is dead – perhaps Madras)

Konan, Kineisha, Misha, & Shaniah (I believe one of the females in this group is dead)

Zena & Satchmo

Dobbins & Apollo


Gizmo (I believe Boris is dead)


Lady (?)


Breaks my heart that in one year, four tigers are believed dead. I guess some things never change at the WAO.

So as of today, I believe there are 24 tigers left at the WAO. May God Bless and Protect them always.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Time to Let the Last Five Chimps Go

This motion is self-explanatory.  I can't wait for the WAO chimps to begin their new adventure at Chimp Haven!

Bankruptcy Case - Expedite Chimp Court Hearing

The court agreed to expedite the hearing:

Bankrupcty Court - Expedited Hearing on Motion to Move Chimps

June WAO Operations Report

Well, I have the usual gripes about this report as I did for the previous reports submitted to the court.  It is shameful how the alleged "bookkeeper" continues to get paid for doing a sloppy job. 

Take a look for yourself -- I believe you will notice a few serious issues with this operations report.

WAO Operations Report - June 2011

Have you noticed that the account used by IFAW to deposit funds for the WAO always has receipts and explanations as to what the money was used for, while the regular donor account has missing receipts, missing checks, no explanation why Jamie Cryer made large ATM withdrawals from the WAO account, and the amount of money spent on gas purchases for such a small group of people working at the WAO facility? 

This report is doubly sad as it appears a "sick" tiger may have died during this reporting period as there were several notations that meat was bought from a local grocer for a "sick tiger" and then on 6.27.11 there is an entry for Paws in Heaven (a crematorium) in the amount of $508.24 (big cat size).

I continue to pray that the remainder of the WAO animals are relocated to really good home very soon before there are more animal deaths at the WAO.

Latest Public Info from OAG - July 2011

Well, it looks like Born Free is still interested in taking in the macaques after all!  I pray this happens for no other organization seems to be inclined to care for over 100 monks. I just wonder where the 1/2 million dollars Born Free is demanding for the construction and care of the animals is supposed to come from--after all, IFAW and now GFAS has gone on record saying there is no more money for the WAO animals.

Oh, and the USDA agreed to help off-set the costs of preparing and moving the monks to Born Free.  Very interesting.  I guess it's the least they could do considering the USDA enabled the WAO board of directors for years, ultimately causing the deaths of a lot of big cats, monks, bears, wolfdogs, etc over the last five years!

Mac is in Trouble!

I found this update on Wildcat Haven's Facebook page:

Update for Mac

Saturday July 16th was surgery day for Mac. With our team assembled, everyone jumped in to make it happen. Dr. Jennifer Conrad keep everything running smoothly, while Dr. Steve Milner, rolled his sleeves up and got the job done. Dr. Laura Magruder, who originally came to observe only, was a huge asset, and with two techs and three assistants, Mac was in good hands. With the surgery done, blood was pulled and a biopsy sent out of the growth. As Mac recovered in his crate, we all breathed a huge sigh of relief to have this done.

But things are never quite that easy. A few days later we received the pathology report from the tissue sent in & the results are heartbreaking. - High-grade malignant fibrosarcoma.

We are stunned and devastated. This is the worst possible diagnosis we could have imagined and one we never expected. So now what? After talking with Dr. Regina Tobin, who has worked with us for many years as a consultant and Dr. Conrad it seems the best course of action is to take x-rays and if the sarcoma hasn't spread, to do a second surgery to take out more tissue and treat with oral chemotherapy meds.

Unfortunately here in Oregon we are very limited to who is willing to do this specialized surgery & no clinic wants the liability of having Mac on-site. So while trying to come up with some way to put this together, Dr. Conrad presented us with the solution. If Mac's condition is stable over the next few days, he's going on a road trip :)

Based in Frazier Park, CA, Jennifer Conrad has the clinic & staff to provide the best care possible for Mac and also a place for Mac & Mike and I to stay while we're there. Time is critical so we have tentatively scheduled surgery for sometime next week.

If you'd like to donate to help us cover costs for this trip please click MAC and choose the option "Tribute Type, select "In Honor Of " and put Mac's name in. We are determined to do everything possible to save this sweet boy and while there are no guarantees, we believe this is our best chance to give Mac a long and happy life. He is such a kind, gentle soul and we can't imagine life without him. Please keep him in your kitty prayers and send positive thoughts our way. We will keep everyone updated as we learn more.


I found some additional information on Facebook -
WCH Sanctuary

Mac Update - All of the veterinarians involved with Mac's care are still doing research on what they believe will be his best option moving forward, so at this point the surgery has been postponed. It may be rescheduled for next week or not at all. So many unknowns, but they are trying to make the right decision for Mac. We will post more information when we have it. Please keep this beautiful boy in your thoughts.

Wall Photos ..

21 hours ago •LikeUnlike • • Share
WCH Sanctuary

We have scheduled Mac's surgery for next Thursday. This is the clinic that we are taking him to, and I can't imagine a better place to care for our big boy. Huge thanks to Dr. Jenny Conrad for coming up with this amazing solution and to the wonderful staff at Animal Specialty Group for being willing to help our Mac.

Welcome to Animal Specialty Group - Specialized Treatment. Compassionate Care.

ASG is a state-of-the-art veterinary hospital committed to providing the most advanced diagnostic, medical treatment, and surgery available in Los Angeles, California and throughout the U.S...

July 22 at 1:46pm •LikeUnlike • • Share

WCH Sanctuary

The new Mac tee-shirts are in!! Order your shirt today to help fund Mac's road trip! And to show your support at the Sherwood Art in the Park Festival next weekend! We have L, XL, & 2XL in Dark Blue, Dijon, and Medium Blue. We also have Small and Medium in Sage Green and Dark Blue.​erwood-art-and-wine-festival 


Oh my goodness...I am devestated by this news. Poor sweet Mac.

Thank goodness In-sync removed the mass on Jinxie's shoulder when she first arrived. Like Mac, she had a malignant fibrosarcoma, but because In-Sync caught it in its early stage, she now has a 95% survival rate. I just pray Mac makes a full recover. I just can't imagine a world without a Mac & Shirley together.

God, please bless and protect Mac as he goes on a road trip for surgery.

I Will Always Love You, Rex

I am broken hearted over the loss of my beloved dog, Rex, whom I have lived with for about fourteen years. 
My handsome Rex

Rex came into my life by way of the Wild Animal Orphanage.  Rex was kept on display at the Leslie Road property in one of the old animal cages because Carol Asvestas made a commitment to a donor that she would keep the dog if the Orphanage was written into her Will.  If I remember correctly, the donor was elderly and she wanted the 2-year old dog to have a good home.  Part of the deal was that as long as Carol sent the elderly donor a picture of Rex each year, as proof of life, the WAO would remain in the Will.

Since my dog Happy, a Chow-Chow, did not have a friend, I thought it would be great to adopt Rex so they would have each other.  I just couldn't stand to see Rex on display in a small cage any more.  So I brought Rex home and he and Happy hit it right off.

When Happy passed away from cancer, Endy entered our lives and he and Rex became fast friends!  I nicked-named them Frick and Frack, for where one dog went, the other was sure to follow!

For two years I gave Carol Asvestas a picture of Rex so she could give it to the donor.  On the third year, I asked Carol if it was time to take another picture.  I was told that there was no need anymore for the old lady died and they got the estate bequest.  Nice.

I will always remember Rex.  Rex loved to follow me around the house.  He loved treats.  He loved horses and cows.  He loved taking walks.  He loved his brother, Endy.  And I know he loved me as well.

Rex guarding his Christmas present!

God Bless Rex in Heaven Forever.  Rex now has the perfect body and is no longer in any pain.  I'm sure he, Happy, and Ardy are having a great time together! 

left to right:  Endy, Ardy, and Rex

I love you Rex!

The Irony of It All!

I guess the Asvestas' unemployment payments must be ending soon because Ron Asvestas is pointing his finger at everyone else for the WAO failure (again) instead of accepting responsibility for what he and his wife did to the animals over the years. 

Ron Asvestas

July 21 at 2:12am • Share

Ron Asvestas


July 22 at 5:08pm
Ron Asvestas there is an old saying "somebody can always do your job better than you , just ask them" How did that work out for the Michelle Cryer and my daughter?????????????????? feel sorry for the animals

July 22 at 5:11pm
Zelina Alvarado Wow!!

Sunday at 6:33pm

Ron Asvestas it is what it is

Yesterday at 10:30am
Okay, you just have to love the irony of this Facebook rant. Greedy? Manipulation? Really, don't these two words perfectly describe the former WAO Board of Directors (to include both Ron and Carol Asvestas)?? I mean really, he and his wife hand-picked these board members for a reason! Do the words "birds of a feather" mean anything to the Asvestas?

And he feels sorry for the WAO animals? Must be all the beer talking as he told me publicly on December 17, 2005 and it was later placed in writing that he wanted "nothing to do with those animals."

Isn't life a hoot?

WAO Animals Still Need Homes

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Save the Plants!

I haven't posted a lot of material lately because I've been working on a project for another sanctuary.

Now I know I said (numerous times)to my friends that I would never get involved with another sanctuary again.

Never say never.

I figured I would help out for awhile, get the organization established with social media (like Razoo, Twitter, Blogs, Guidestar, and GreatNonProfits)and then move on to something else.

There are still a lot of plants that need rescuing out there!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hot Days of Summer

I found two pictures of former WAO cats -- Sheba and Sierra -- on Facebook.  They are looking really good despite the lazy hot days of summer.

Sierra says, "Hey, do you mind turning down the humidity?" It's going to be 100 today with a heat index of 110.
July 18, 2011

Sheba resting at the end of the hot day.
July 13, 2011

Mac is Recovering From Surgery!

WCH Sanctuary

Just wanted everyone to know that Mac is recovering in his crate. The surgery well, Dr. Conrad orchestrated and Dr. Milner did the surgery. Dr. Laura Magruder was on hand to help as well. The tissue was sent out for biopsy but the vets feel good that it isn't anything serious. Thanks to Renee, Aaron, Lori and Steve for your help and for Mike who was there for his first surgery and a great job, despite the blood :) Kudos to you all!
WCH Sanctuary we had a cyst removed that had ruptured.

Saturday at 9:55pm

Wall Photos
By WCH Sanctuary :

Mac is up and about today, ate some breakfast, took his meds and is actually now resting comfortably on top of his den box. Here is a better look at the work that was done. We can't thank Steve Milner & Jennifer Conrad enough for taking such good care of Mac!
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank God Mac is going to be a-okay!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mac Is Going In For Surgery!

This announcement was posted on Facebook today...

Surgery for Mac

Posted on July 15, 2011 by WildCat Haven

Surgery if needed, is an integral part of what we do to provide the best care possible for our wildcat rescues. Up until now the largest cats our staff has worked on are cougars. This week-end all that changes. Mac one of the tigers rescues we took in from Wild Animal Orphanage last October, came to us with a cyst on his shoulder. We treated him with antibiotics and thought that was all it was going to take. Unfortunately, the cyst has gotten larger and it’s time to take it off.

As you can imagine, finding a veterinarian who works on tigers isn’t easy. Dr. Steve Milner has graciously signed on for this, and we can’t thank him enough for being there for our rescues! We are also very excited to have Dr. Jennifer Conrad here to assist!

Dr. Conrad is the founder of The Paw Project based in Santa Monica, CA. She is flying on tonight and will be here to guide us each step of the way. Her generosity to volunteer her time and expertise for us is even more than we could have hoped for. With both Dr. Conrad & Dr. Milner, Mac couldn’t be in better hands, and we ‘re confidant that the surgery will go smoothly and Mac will be just fine.

Keep Mac in your thoughts & we will post more after the surgery is done. Be sure to visit Milner Vet Hospital and The Paw Project to learn more about these wonderful veterinarians and the good work that they do!
I'll be praying for Mac.  So many WAO big cats had cysts on their bodies.  You may recall Jinxie had a cyst too and In-Sync Exotics had her cyst removed with no complications.  I pray the same happens for Mac.  May God Bless Mac's surgery and he heals quickly.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bob Barker Comes to WAO's HIV Chimps!

Bob Barker Comes to Aid of Chimpanzees

Television celebrity Bob Barker has come to the rescue of five chimpanzees in Texas who need a permanent home.

Keithville, LA (PRWEB) July 13, 2011

Television celebrity Bob Barker has come to the rescue of five chimpanzees in Texas who need a permanent home. Upon hearing about the plight of the chimpanzees left behind in a facility that has gone bankrupt, Barker made a contribution of $230,000 to Chimp Haven to begin building bedrooms and a habitat for them.

He is also underwriting the cost of their care for one year. Barker’s donation provides immediate relief for the Texas chimpanzees, and it launches Chimp Haven’s plan to expand its accommodations for non-government supported chimpanzees who need homes. Chimp Haven President, Dr. Linda Brent, says, “I hope Mr. Barker’s generous gesture will inspire others to follow his example so that we can complete this project and bring more chimpanzees to Chimp Haven.” The core construction to provide immediate refuge to the five chimpanzees is estimated to cost $170,000, but a minimum of an additional $200,000 is needed to complete the overall project.

“These chimpanzees have spent their entire lives on concrete in cages,” said Barker. “They will now be able to climb and swing and hoot through the forest-like surroundings of Chimp Haven. They are curious and smart and are expected to adapt well to their new surroundings.”

Barker believes that Chimp Haven represents the foundation for a model chimpanzee sanctuary. Its strategic plan includes expansion to be able to care for more chimpanzees who need help. Barker’s funding will allow it to begin enlarging its facility to meet that need. He encourages others to respond to the urgency of this situation and help as well.

Chimp Haven is comprised of 200 acres of forest-like surroundings which will allow the chimpanzees to live as if in the wild, with minimal human contact. A key component of Chimp Haven’s program is to educate the public about endangered nonhuman primates and their needs for conservation in the wild and protection in captivity.

It is estimated that there are more than 1,000 chimpanzees in U.S. research facilities. There are also hundreds of privately owned chimpanzees who are considered unmanageable to keep as pets or performers who are also in need of a professionally run sanctuary.

Chimp Haven, The National Chimpanzee Sanctuary, is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to provide a permanent retirement sanctuary for chimpanzees no longer used for biomedical research, entertainment, or as pets. Located 25 miles southwest of Shreveport, La. in the Eddie D. Jones Nature Park in Caddo Parish, Chimp Haven opened its doors in Phase I to the first residents in April 2005. The sanctuary is now home to 129 retired chimpanzees.


Henri Bollinger (Bob Barker), (818) 784-0534
Karen Allen (Chimp Haven) (318) 402-9008

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Delays, Delays, There's Always Delays

Well, without the Asvestas' complaining about yet another delay in the reorganzation plan, the court was able to approve an extension until September 2011.

Bankruptcy Court - Order Granting 2nd Ext to Reorg - 071111

I cannot imagine a "reorganization" plan to be put forth by Cryer as she cannot even present accurate operations reports or file a 990 for 2010.

Looks like the Poultry folks are going to get their day in court!

Bankruptcy Court - Hearing for the Porter Poultry

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jefferson State Bank's Victory

On Tuesday, Jefferson State Bank went to court because Cryer failed to make payments on the loan she secured under the WAO's name back in August 2010.  Jefferson State Bank sought the vehicles and equipment that was put up as collateral, through the Bankruptcy Court, seeing how Cryer made no attempt to make a payment this year.  As expected, Jefferson State Bank was able to secure the majority of the assets. 

Bankruptcy Court - Bank Seizes Property - 070511

What was also not surprising was to learn that the 2005 white truck that Jamie Cryer has been seen driving around town and not just for WAO business, but for personal use as well, was totally destroyed.

According to a source in the know, Jamie Cryer was seen driving the truck after hours down Leslie Road, where he flipped Ron Asvestas "the bird" in passing and then sped down the street.  I was told that Cryer appeared to be "drunk."  Again, not surprising. 

Now, would it surprise you if the truck "accident" was perhaps alcohol related, seeing how Jamie Cryer already has one charge of driving under the influence on his criminal record?  No? 

It wouldn't surprise me either. 

Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed Deal

It took me a day to review the documents listed below to understand what exactly transpired in court Tuesday morning.  I discovered that the documents below are NOT the same.

I will blog more about this later.  Right now I'd like for you to see the court orders and then render your own opinion as to whether or not justice was served in this case.  Feel free to add your comments to this page.

Bankruptcy Court - Ron 

Bankruptcy Court -Carol 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

I thought you might enjoy these funny videos!


May God Bless the Greatest Country in the World!
(Yeah, I'm just a little bit biased!)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Power of Love, Comfort, and Medications!

Forty-six days ago, Sabu left San Antonio to live in Dallas.  You may recall when he first arrived at In-Sync, Sabu could barely walk.  Watching him struggling to chase a ball was so hard to watch.  When I last saw Sabu in April 2010, Sabu was walking just fine.  To see him falling down after every few steps was heart wrenching to witness:

Filmed on May 17, 2011

Slowly,Sabu gains strength in his legs:

Filmed on June 15, 2011

But day, Sabu is on the road to recovery!  He is walking again--without falling down!  He walks with a purpose and he lays down like a normal lion now!  What a complete transformation when compared to when he first arrived at In-Sync!
Filmed on July 2, 2011

It just proves that with a lot of love, attention, proper diet, and medication, animals can be saved from the brink of death.  Thank God, thank God Sabu lives in Dallas, for if he had not relocated to In-Sync, he would probably be dead by now.  Thank God for His miracles.  Sabu is truly blessed. Go Sabu, Go!


Who-hoo!  I have excellent news!  On Wednesday, which happens to be bone night for the cats, I learned Sabu ran across his enclosure for his bone treats! 



I hope to see video of Sabu running some day soon!

Plus, I learned Sabu's blood test revealed that his Vitamin A level went from 16 to 123!  What a major improvement for Sabu!  Just imagine how another 50 days of treatment will benefit Sabu.  He'll be running and jumping around in no time at all!  The normal Vitamin A range is 200-500.  Sabu is on the mend!  Baby steps (or perhaps in this case, short runs) Sabu, baby steps, my boy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Big Reveal, Part IV: What IFAW Does Not Want You to Know!

Years ago, when reviewing the Bexar County Clerk records, I discovered an Assumed Name Certificate, obtained by Ron Asvestas under the Animal Sanctuary of the United States' name.  

For the life of me, I could not figure out what this dba meant to the WAO case.  A couple of days ago, I went back through some old emails, looking for a particular correspondence, when I decided to re-read some of the "old stuff."  I planned on reading just a few old emails for about 15 minutes, but instead I ended up reading for over an hour, shocked and surprised I had not figured out long ago what transpired at the WAO while I was a volunteer and board director.

As to my above assume named document discovery, well, let's just say, I now know the answer to question that alluded me all these years.  Before I go into detail as to what I recently learned, I believe I need to set the stage, so to speak.

If you have been reading my blogs, then you know already that I was working with Linda Howard for several months before she passed away.  Over time, Linda shared with me photos and stories of what really happened at the WAO.  Linda promised to share with me communications made between herself and the WAO board (back in the day), but first she wanted me to understand why she stayed friends with Carol Asvestas over the years.  She slowly released emails to me, so I could understand what she had gone through while serving as a board advisor.  I think she was afraid of my reaction as to just how involved she was with Carol Asvestas and the WAO.

Any way, before she could share all her emails with me, Linda passed away.  To my surprise, her husband knew about Linda's desire to share the emails with me, and so he was most kind in allowing me to download the documents before he packed up Linda's computer for good.

When I first read the emails, I have to admit I had no idea what I was reading.  Other than a few people mentioned in the majority of the communications, I didn't recognize the players involved.

Until now.  Five years later.

What you are about to read are just a few emails between Linda, Sumner, Cindy, and several IFAW employees.  I think after reading this information, you will be shocked to learn that Carol Asvestas and IFAW started a clandestine coalition to track and monitor the activities of USDA/APHIS employees, as they inspected and licensed what the coalition believed were "questionable" sanctuaries.  These documents are NOT privileged information as they were freely given to me so I could learn exactly what the WAO, its board members, and its two "senior" animal caretakers were up to--and trust me, it wasn't about caring for the WAO animals.

Please pay particular attention to the dates on each document as you read about this "disastrous" union between Carol Asvestas and IFAW as it unfolds!  Also, keep in mind these important events which occurred during my last year or so at the WAO:  Hurricane Katrina and Rita struck during the late summer months and early fall, 2005 and I left the board of directors during the first week of January, reporting my concerns and findings to IFAW in February, 2006.

Here are a few pictures of places where Carol Asvestas, Michelle Reininger (caretaker), Norma Lagutchik (office manager and caretaker) and Stephanie Reynolds (caretaker?) conducted "undercover" investigations of sanctuaries IFAW deemed "unacceptable" or simply operating as roadside zoos.  Do any of the pictures look familiar to you?

Big Cat Rescue, Florida
Today, IFAW considers BCR a "partner"

In-Sync Exotics
Today, IFAW considers ISE a "partner"

In-Sync Exotics
Today, IFAW considers ISE a "partner"

In-Sync Exotics
Today, IFAW considers ISE a "partner"

Below is an example of an undercover report written by Carol Asvestas allegedly submitted to IFAW:

Can you just imagine the looks on Ian Robinson and the other IFAW employees' faces when they first read my complaint letter sent to them regarding the WAO and its board of directors?  No wonder they did not want to take any action against the Asvestas.  I mean really, they hired the fox to "investigate" the hen house!!  There was a serious conflict of interest between the WAO and IFAW, and therefore I now understand completely why IFAW refused to take my complaints seriously.

The very organization IFAW's little animal crisis coalition should have been investigating was the WAO.  Where was IFAW's secret dossier, photos, videos, and database on the WAO?  Oh yeah, that would be with me.  I did what IFAW refused to do -- I investigated the WAO and its board members thoroughly, and reported my findings to law enforcement and its chief supporter and enabler, IFAW.  You know, IFAW could learn a thing or two from me about how to conduct an investigation, despite all the obstacles thrown in my path by compromised "animal groups", unmotivated USDA "inspectors", and uncaring OAG "attorneys."

I told Nicole Garcia about my findings and she confirmed what I had learned was true.  Apparently, IFAW gave Carol Asvestas close to $100k to conduct a year long investigation into other exotic animal sanctuaries.  The monies were used for travel, per diem, food, clothes, undercover cameras, lapel microphones, and video cameras.  I believe I've seen some of this stuff  advertised on San Antonio's Craigslist!  So much for returning IFAW's stuff back at the "conclusion of the investigation."

Because of the Hurricane events, Christmas holiday, and my call for an emergency board meeting, something tells me that Carol Asvestas never completed her "investigation" contractual duties for IFAW.  Sooo...IFAW threw away approximately $100k so Carol Asvetas could take "vacation" trips throughout the United States.  Way to go, IFAW.  Makes me wonder how often IFAW threw away valuable contributions on clandestine operations such as the ones conducted by the WAO.

No wonder IFAW refused to provide me a list of grants given to the WAO.  Even Gail A'Brazo was not completely honest when she emailed Nicole a list of all grants given to the WAO.  So, first let's look at the spreadsheet given to Nicole again. 
Subject: RE: IFAW grants to WAO
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 14:27:42 -0400

Hi Nichole,

Before I forget, here's the IFAW/WAO grant history. Our fiscal year ends June 30.

It was nice talking to you. Am looking forward to getting your email outlining problems/resolutions.



Gail A'Brunzo
International Fund for Animal Welfare
290 Summer Street, Yarmouth Port MA 02675
Ph: 508.744.2197
Mobile: 774-487-0617
WAO Grant Monies - FY01- FY09

Did you notice the entry for April 1, 2004?  And now for the "quick pass" of donations:

IFAW Historical Analysis - 1st Pass 2 5 10

Even towards the end of IFAW and WAO's relationship, you can see how involved IFAW was in the WAO's affairs.

I guess what bothers me the most is that IFAW didn't care about the deplorable conditions that some of the Talley Road tigers and bears were forced to live in for five or more years! What I find ironic is that the Leslie Road property was no different than a "road-side zoo." Animals were kept in small enclosures, in some cases, the cages were smaller than the one shown on the video above at the "Tiger Stop."  You could smell the busy freeway's carbon exhaust (Highway 1604) and hear the sound of traffic, 24 hours/7 days a week. Yet, IFAW did not have a problem with the WAO's Leslie Road property.  Interesting.

Several WAO cougars lived in the small monkey enclosure "run-off" area.  This was a very tiny cage for these majestic cats.

Donors to IFAW's campaigns have reason to question how their donations are really being used in the United States.  It's stuff like this that gives non-profit entities a bad rap. Shame on IFAW, the WAO's board of directors and its employees for their refusal to protect the very animals they purport to care about.  

I believe the axiom You should "clean up your own backyard" before trying to fix others applies to this situation--IFAW you should have never sent Carol Asvestas and WAO employees to go out and investigate the WAO's competition without making sure the WAO animals were living in quality enclosures and receiving outstanding care!

And now, a little humor, courtesy of Big Cat Rescuer: