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Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Lion Puddle!

I just love these pictures of the former WAO lions, Sebastian, Tarzan, and Sheba from Carolina Tiger Rescue posted on Facebook today:

2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
This is what Carolina Tiger staff and volunteers have taken to calling a "lion puddle

2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
What do you suppose Sheba Lion would have to say about a new exercise routine

2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
Sebastian Lion is on tour, but in these hot months,
we don't see him quite as often, since he is usually napping in the back.

 2011 Behind the Scenes Characters at Carolina Tiger
Quite the gourmet dish today for Jonas Binturong!

Okay, I'm sure you are wondering why I included the photo of Jonas -- well he is just too adorable not to include.  I cannot help but notice he is one happy animal!  Happy belated birthday, Jonas (yesteday was his b-day)!

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