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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mac is in Trouble!

I found this update on Wildcat Haven's Facebook page:

Update for Mac

Saturday July 16th was surgery day for Mac. With our team assembled, everyone jumped in to make it happen. Dr. Jennifer Conrad keep everything running smoothly, while Dr. Steve Milner, rolled his sleeves up and got the job done. Dr. Laura Magruder, who originally came to observe only, was a huge asset, and with two techs and three assistants, Mac was in good hands. With the surgery done, blood was pulled and a biopsy sent out of the growth. As Mac recovered in his crate, we all breathed a huge sigh of relief to have this done.

But things are never quite that easy. A few days later we received the pathology report from the tissue sent in & the results are heartbreaking. - High-grade malignant fibrosarcoma.

We are stunned and devastated. This is the worst possible diagnosis we could have imagined and one we never expected. So now what? After talking with Dr. Regina Tobin, who has worked with us for many years as a consultant and Dr. Conrad it seems the best course of action is to take x-rays and if the sarcoma hasn't spread, to do a second surgery to take out more tissue and treat with oral chemotherapy meds.

Unfortunately here in Oregon we are very limited to who is willing to do this specialized surgery & no clinic wants the liability of having Mac on-site. So while trying to come up with some way to put this together, Dr. Conrad presented us with the solution. If Mac's condition is stable over the next few days, he's going on a road trip :)

Based in Frazier Park, CA, Jennifer Conrad has the clinic & staff to provide the best care possible for Mac and also a place for Mac & Mike and I to stay while we're there. Time is critical so we have tentatively scheduled surgery for sometime next week.

If you'd like to donate to help us cover costs for this trip please click MAC and choose the option "Tribute Type, select "In Honor Of " and put Mac's name in. We are determined to do everything possible to save this sweet boy and while there are no guarantees, we believe this is our best chance to give Mac a long and happy life. He is such a kind, gentle soul and we can't imagine life without him. Please keep him in your kitty prayers and send positive thoughts our way. We will keep everyone updated as we learn more.


I found some additional information on Facebook -
WCH Sanctuary

Mac Update - All of the veterinarians involved with Mac's care are still doing research on what they believe will be his best option moving forward, so at this point the surgery has been postponed. It may be rescheduled for next week or not at all. So many unknowns, but they are trying to make the right decision for Mac. We will post more information when we have it. Please keep this beautiful boy in your thoughts.

Wall Photos ..

21 hours ago •LikeUnlike • • Share
WCH Sanctuary

We have scheduled Mac's surgery for next Thursday. This is the clinic that we are taking him to, and I can't imagine a better place to care for our big boy. Huge thanks to Dr. Jenny Conrad for coming up with this amazing solution and to the wonderful staff at Animal Specialty Group for being willing to help our Mac.

Welcome to Animal Specialty Group - Specialized Treatment. Compassionate Care.

ASG is a state-of-the-art veterinary hospital committed to providing the most advanced diagnostic, medical treatment, and surgery available in Los Angeles, California and throughout the U.S...

July 22 at 1:46pm •LikeUnlike • • Share

WCH Sanctuary

The new Mac tee-shirts are in!! Order your shirt today to help fund Mac's road trip! And to show your support at the Sherwood Art in the Park Festival next weekend! We have L, XL, & 2XL in Dark Blue, Dijon, and Medium Blue. We also have Small and Medium in Sage Green and Dark Blue.​erwood-art-and-wine-festival 


Oh my goodness...I am devestated by this news. Poor sweet Mac.

Thank goodness In-sync removed the mass on Jinxie's shoulder when she first arrived. Like Mac, she had a malignant fibrosarcoma, but because In-Sync caught it in its early stage, she now has a 95% survival rate. I just pray Mac makes a full recover. I just can't imagine a world without a Mac & Shirley together.

God, please bless and protect Mac as he goes on a road trip for surgery.

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