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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

August 2011 WAO Operations Report

After a series of dismal financial operations statements, I was curious to see if there would be more or less missing receipts and would there be additional unexplained ATM withdraws for the month of August 2011.

Let's take a look:

Bankruptcy Court - Operations Report for August 2011

Well, I'll be.  There appears to be a huge decrease in missing purchase receipts!  I guess my complaint to the OAG finally did some good. No Target or Academy purchases made in August.  But, there was a $500 ATM withdraw with no explanation given.  Again.  Is this another Jamie Cryer withdrawal for his own personal use?  If not, then where is the receipt?  What was the $500 used for?  Oh, and there was still a lot of money spent at the gas station for gas and ice.  But, did you notice, suddenly the cost of "ice" seem to be mainly two different sale prices ($10.57 or $12.08) as compared to last month where there was no consistency in the cost of ice at all!  Now there are still a few entries where the cost of ice is off, so I'm thinking the staff threw in personal purchases without reimbursing the animals at a later date.  The thieves!

I also noticed a jump in salary for all the WAO workers.  Now let's ponder that for a moment.  If there are a lot less animals, then why are the workers drawing down larger wages--unless the Cryers gave them all a pay raises?  You know, do less for more??!!

I've been told the Cryers have been seen loading WAO property into a vehicle after hours and driving off with their newly acquired booty.  Sound familiar?  It should.  The Asvestas stole WAO property and put it up for sale on Craig's List, so it's not a stretch of the imagination that the Cryers did the exact same thing!  I imagine the Cryers will sell WAO property on Ebay or Craig's List, cashing in on the WAO fiasco.  Birds of a feather, I say.  Birds of a feather.

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