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Monday, September 19, 2011

Former WAO Tigers Arrive at Carolina Tiger Sanctuary

Finally!  China, Kismet, Kashmir, and Swathe are now living at the Carolina Tiger Sanctuary.  These former NJ tigers have been through a lot at the WAO.  To see what they looked like before they travel to N. Caroline, you might want to go back to this blog posting and check out their pre-departure photos.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
China in front, Kizmet behind.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Kashmir- as you can see, he's still not sure about the new place

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Keeper Lauren tries to convince Kashmir that it's not so bad.

Kizmet. Everyone has already decided that she is ADORABLE.

Carolina Tiger Rescue
Swathe (completely relaxed) and China (not so sure)

Look, I know many facilities that took in WAO animals refused to speak out against the WAO and the treatment of its animals for fear of upsetting the "sanctuary community" and giving sanctuaries a "bad name." 

In this particular case, I pray Carolina Tiger Sanctuary comes out and say something about how thin these cats looked upon arrival.  As you can see in the pictures above, the cats' bones are protruding, their coats look terrible, and their skin is pooling around their bodies.  Not one picture shows the cats walking about--no doubt because we would be upset to see how thin the cats really are today. 

For those sanctuaries that came out and described to the public the condition of the former WAO animals upon receipt, I say BRAVO!  You had the courage to tell everyone the truth!  For those organizations that refuse to tell the world what happened to these animals -- well, shame on you.  You are these animals' voices --speak up!  Stop playing nice-nice with everyone and actually do something to stop atrocities like this from ever happening again!

I pray the former NJ - WAO tigers have a wonderful new life at Carolina Tiger Sanctuary.

Robin Dougherty poor loves! look how frightened poor China is, with her ears back & head down! i hope they will relax & be able to go to their outdoor homes soon!
Carolina Tiger Rescue China has an ear infection in his left ear, so we're working on clearing that up, but it does cause his ear to droop. All the tigers are still pretty hesitant except Swathe- who is determined to introduce some peace and readily comes up for treats and chuffles. - Amanda B.

22 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleRobin Thomson and 2 others like this.
Kizmin Reeves Thanks for the update. Do Kashmir, Kizmet and China approach for treats?

September 23, 2011
Tiger Rescue Kizmin- no, the others are not approaching for treats yet, but there are occasional chuffles. Kashmir is still stressed, which is why I did not try to point a camera at him. Our Keepers are spending some quiet, unassuming time with him to help him relax. - Amanda B.

September 23, 2011·

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