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Friday, September 23, 2011

Latest Round of OAG Public Information Act Documents

Well, here are the latest round of documents I secured from the OAG by way of the Public Information Act.  The documents, in this posting, mainly pertains to the re-homing of the 107 (as of July 2011 -- down from approximately 120 earlier this year) macaques (long-tailed stumptailed, rhesus macaques, and javan macaques).  I was unable to find any reference, thus far, indicating the number of survivors for each macaque species, however; I am praying this infomation will be provided to the court as the contract finalization date approaches.  Based on the proposed timelines, it appears the WAO monkeys may not be moving until next year.  That means by the time the monkey groups finally arrives at Born Free, there will probably be less than 100 monkeys still alive.  Heartbreaking.

Pia Request - Oag - 2011

I want to make it clear that I am not bashing Born Free, but really, $500k to take in about 100 WAO monkeys?  Plus any estate monies that come in after the WAO closes?  Really?  And they claim they were on the "fence" over this arrangement? 

Yeah, right!  Born Free masterfully worked this WAO disaster in their favor.  Born Free knew that they had the USDA and Texas OAG over the barrel--knowing both government agencies would cut a very, very favorable deal with Born Free simply because the government doesn't want to be responsible for destroying around 100 monkeys.  I mean let's face it, the monkeys' lives would never have been in danger if the government had performed their jobs years ago.  So now, everyone is bending over backwards to accommodate Born Free's demands, just to save face and the lives of the monkeys.

Bravo, Born Free for milking the WAO for all its worth.  Too bad there won't be significant funds to give those sanctuaries that took in sick WAO big cats, monkeys, and other animals, so as to off-set some of their medical bills they incurred. 

Looks like not only are the attorneys the winner of this disasterous case, but are the folks from Born Free--cha'ching!

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