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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cryer Blew Off BCR

I found this article on the Internet. I wish I knew who placed it on 911 Animal Abuse, for it appears this person may have been part of the "new management group" and may have additional inside information to share.

In any case, I was aware of the BCR incident as it was told to me verbally by a person who also operates a sanctuary. Since I had no proof of what transpired, I figured it would go down as just one more story unreported.

Since someone else has come forward and posted the event on 911 Animal Abuse, I thought I'd post it so you can read it for yourself:

This account seems to confirm the stories I heard last year...right down to Cryer's demand for money from those who wanted to help the animals. Even though this is an old post, it is still relevant as to how the Cryers operated at the WAO.

Wild Animal Orphanage 60 Days to Close

Pseudo sanctuaries make their money by rescuing more animals than they can take care of long term. While it seems there was also a considerable amount of mismanagement in this case, it would have imploded regardless.

Big Cat Rescue had been in phone contact with Jamie Cryer, the President for the past couple of months after he called asking if they would take 5 cougars, a caracal and some bobcats. They told him they could take the smaller cats and maybe the cougars, but asked if they could come assess the situation first. He had invited them to do so saying they wouldn't believe how awful things were there. Then he quit returning their calls and emails.

Big Cat Rescue President, Jamie Veronica, stopped by on her way back from her vacation last week to see if she could talk to Jamie C. She went to the zoo and Mike told her they only had 4 people taking care of 400 animals. He wouldn't let her in saying he didn't want to get involved in the "politics" whatever that meant.

Jamie V. called Jamie C. who told her he was busy off site and couldn't come to let her in the zoo nor the sanctuary. He said he would send her a list of animals they want to place later but wouldn't make arrangements for her to see the cougars. He said he placed the small cats already and that there were only a couple of cougars left.

Jamie C. said he had 200 tigers to place.

An investigator contacted Suzanne Staw at WAO and reported that WAO insisted he pay them to rescue the animals. He said Scott Lope was there filming a rescue right now and that the production company had a lot of money. He seemed to feel like the production company was outbidding him for the right to film a rescue. The investigator said Scott was filming another rescue in TX a couple weeks ago taking two tiger pets from a couple and placing them at In-Sync Exotics. (small concrete cells adjoining one shared grassy play yard) Scott hasn't asked Big Cat Rescue to assist in either of his recent episodes. The investigator said he had gotten a place in TN (presumable Tiger Haven) to commit to taking tigers but that WAO wouldn't let them go unless the TN group paid for the cats. As you can see in the letter from WAO they are asking other non profits to fundraise for them so they can keep paying themselves without continuing to be on the board of their own non profit which is in serious trouble.

It could be legal suicide to help them as those helping could be perceived as aiding and abetting. At the very least it doesn't make sense to try and deal with those who have already shown such contempt toward previous efforts to help. There are plenty of big cats in need of help elsewhere that are more compelling than bailing out a sanctuary who got itself into this mess by being irresponsible and giving all of us in the rescue community a black eye in the process.

Letter from WAO

September, 6, 2010

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are writing to all of you to let you know that Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio, Texas “WAO” is officially closing its doors. The Board of Directors unanimously voted on August 31, 2010 to dissolve WAO and place our beloved animals in other sanctuaries. We wanted to let you know as soon as possible so you have the facts to dispel any rumors and to ask for your help. We are attaching a copy of our Board resolution, which sets forth our intention and an overview of the time line.

Here are the highlights:

1) Beginning May 1, 2010 the current Board of Directors of WAO assumed responsibility for the management of WAO after prior management was dismissed for failing to provide proper management of WAO.

2) We have been cooperating with the office of the Texas Attorney General, Charitable Trusts Division, (the “AG”) in their investigation of WAO. This investigation has been going on for many years, as some of you know. Although the AG predicated agency support upon this dissolution resolution, the Board and animal keepers agreed that closure is in the best interest of the animals at WAO.

3) Our goal is to place all 323 animals within the next 60 days. We know that is an ambitious goal. However, let us be clear: we will not euthanize any animals unless a veterinarian determines it is medically necessary, and we will not close our doors until every last animal has a home.

4) There has been some talk of a person putting together a coalition of donors who would be a part of a nonprofit organization, buy the property, and acquire the USDA licenses from us to care for the animals. We are open to such offers, provided that an offer (a) involves entirely separate leadership with a track record in animal care and organizational management; (b) involves a facility and animal care plan that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act; (c) has the support of the USDA and IFAW; and (d) is backed by a substantial financial base. Since such plans are not inconsistent with our Board resolution, and in the absence of a firm offer, we are proceeding with the plan set forth in the Board resolution. Regardless of any offers, any animals whom we have committed to be placed with another sanctuary will be placed with such sanctuary.

5) We greatly need your support. About 1/3 of our animals are on the list to be placed (although some are still pending approval from the receiving sanctuary). Therefore we need to find homes for at least 2/3 of our population. In addition, we need financial support to continue to feed and prepare the animals for transport (ie, veterinary care and tests); to pay our animal caretakers; and to keep the lights on.

6) We are looking for a nonprofit organization who will receive donations on our behalf and disburse them to us as needed to pay for the expenses mentioned in #5 above. We believe we will be able to fund raise in these final moments if we have an established, reputable intermediary. Please let us know if you can serve in this capacity.

Thank you in advance for your support. We deeply appreciate it. For those of you who have already reached out with your support of medicines and food, thank you so much. Our hearts are warmed with your kindness and support during this difficult transition.

Please direct all offers to help and any questions about this letter or Board resolution to Michelle, and please direct all media inquiries to Suzanne.

Please forward this email to your friends and colleagues who are not on this email list but who might be able to help in some capacity.

Warm regards,

Michelle Anthony-Cryer, President
Chris Smith, Vice President
Suzanne Straw, Secretary

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