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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Juvvy's Necropsy Report

Before you read the necropsy report, I just want you to know that Juvvy received the best care from Mindy's Memory Primate Sanctuary from the time she arrived late last year until March 10, 2011.  She should have lived to a ripe old age.  Sadly, she died long before her time.
Juvvy Necropsy Report

It is so hard to comprehend how an 8 year old stumptailed macaque (so young) could have been so sick.  Not only did she have multiple yellow-brown masses growing on her liver, but the liver itself was grossly thickened with hard round edges.  She also had a pit-sized brown mass growing from her atrium (heart chamber that receives blood into the heart and drives it into a ventricle, or chamber, for pumping blood away from the heart) and lots of fat throughout her body.

There is no way all of this body damage was the cause of eating bananas, avocados, oranges, biscuits and monkey chow.  This was long-term damage and I am very worried that many of the stumps living at the WAO today may have similar health issues.  

This is animal abuse at its worse!!  Dog food, candy, and crispy creme doughnuts was NOT a suitable diet for the monks.  What I cannot understand is why the WAO board of directors were not individually charged with animal abuse.  

I documented for years all the dog food given out to the monks and yet the USDA/APHIS did NOTHING to stop the practice until after the Cryers seized control of the WAO.  I guess the Cryers thought it was okay to serve dog food to the monks, for after all, the Asvestas fed the monks dog food for years and nothing was done to stop them.  It must have come as a shock to the Cryers when they were written up by the USDA/APHIS on May 5, 2010 for providing dog food to the non-human primates.

As I go through Cryers Facebook page pictures, she has a lot of pictures of the chimps, some of Sabu (lion) and various tigers.  Not one single picture was taken of the 100+ monks living at the Talley Road facility.  Gee, I wonder why?

[Later:  I asked Linda if the monks ever arrived with any health papers or if she knew whether or not they were examined prior to their departure from the WAO.  As I suspected.  No.

No health papers of any type-past or present [before or after WAO]. One cause of infection is a low immune system-can be brought on by poor nutrition. It is apparent to me Jethro had infections never treated with anti-biotics, that at the beginning, could have prevented his lingering disease that finally ravished his body. He had great stamina to have endured so many years of neglect and abuse. I am grateful I could give him celery which he ate by the pound, in shell paper shell pecans he absolutely loved. These are just two of the good things he enjoyed. I am very, very sad over him and all the animals that suffered in what should have been a protected environment from all harm.

I am off now, I can't keep from getting emotional since his pen still holds his Mom ,and all the shelves he enjoyed sitting on in the sun.Of course there is Juvvy missing too. She was a real sweetie.

I miss Jethro too.

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