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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Squabbling Over the Leslie Road Property

A few days ago, the following documents were filed with the bankruptcy court in regards to the Leslie Road facility:

Bankruptcy Court - Notice of Hearing to Lift Automatic Stay

Bankruptcy Court - Motion to LIft Automatic Stay Against Leslie Road Property - 031111


Bankruptcy Court - Ron Asvestas statement to Court

The Asvestas' also submitted a copy of the August 2009 board meeting minutes.  You can read the incomplete minutes (yep, the final page was not submitted to the court) here:

The Asvestas also submitteed the 20 year old lien and deed of trust (both documents are referenced in the letter to attorney below.

Interesting enough, the Asvestas' chose not to submit the document seen below...hmmm, I wonder why?
Asvestas - Release of Lien - 042808

Now, keep in mind, there is NO documented proof that back in 1990 there was any agreement that the WAO would deed the property back to the Asvestas in the event of its dissolution. And then to make the claim that the WAO did not meet its financial obligation is outrageous when the 2005 990 clearly indicated the WAO paid off the land, to which the Asvestas grabbed the title at time of payment.

As much money as the Asvestas "stole" from the WAO, they are not owed one single thin dime.

I could not, without good conscious, allow the Asvestas to get away with this "scam," so I sent this letter to the WAO bankruptcy court attorney. I don't expect a return email, but I can at least sleep tonight knowing that I tried to set the record straight.


WAO's response to the Asvestas request to lift the stay against the Leslie Road property:

Bankruptcy Court - WAO response to Ron and Carol Asvestas Suit - March 21 2011

Let the battle of the Leslie Road property begin!

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