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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jinxie Recovering from Surgery

Last night I came home to a voice message from Vicky (In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center's director) letting me know that Jinx's spay went well, but her vet did find a few health problems. Turns out, Jinxie had a mass growing in her uterus, a growth on her left shoulder, and a cyst on her mammary gland. The vet is running a culture on the tissue mass found in her uterus to determine whether or not the mass is benign or malignant. Fluid from the cyst was taken and examined and the growth was removed from her shoulder.  

So while I was not thrilled Jinxie was spayed--as I still believe this is a high risk surgery for a big cat-- I am thrilled, in this case, she was spayed, for if she had not undergone the surgery, the other health issues would have gone on unnoticed for years; health issues that may have been life threatening to her!

Jinxie's health problems are eerily similar to the health issues Beauty (liger) was euthanized for in 2010. As best as I can remember, Beast (male liger) had a cancerous mass growing on his shoulder (he died in 2008), one of the WAO cougar had a mass growing on her shoulder (she's still alive I think), then there was Beauty, euthanized because the vet found, during an exam ordered by the USDA/APHIS, a mammary tumor and large masses in her abdomen. According to the USDA/APHIS inspector, Beauty also had two ovarian tumors the size of cantaloupes.

I pray Jinxie will recover swiftly from her surgery. She is being monitored by staff, around the clock, to make sure she does not pull out her stiches. Armed with water hoses and vinegar spray bottles,  the workers are ready to distract Jinx from licking at her healing sutures. 

Jinx and Denari (male lion) are planned to be re-introduced (it's a wedding) once again on April 1, 2011. I laughing told Vickie I plan to send Jinx and her soon-to-be new cagemate a "wedding present" which they can both enjoy.  Apparently when first introduced in the same enclosure, (essentially a  one-day play date), Jinx was a little aggressive towards Denari as she liked biting him on the butt.  Denari, the sweetheart that he is, did not retalitate against her (thank goodness).

In speaking with Vickie, I asked how Denari was doing since the loss of his brother. I found this posting on In-Sync's Facebook page which better explains his situation:

Please keep Dinari in your thoughts. He is going to OSU tomorrow for some tests. Ever since we lost his brother Malikai, last Oct, Dinari hasn't been eating well, and we are getting very concerned about him. Nothing we have tried has helped, so we are going to see if they can come up with a diagnosis, and hopefully something that will help him.  March 17 at 1:19pm

Vickie indicated that there were a few health concerns with Dinari and right now she is waiting for the test results, plus Dinari is exhibiting all the signs of depression -- he is one very sad kitty right now:
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center  - They did find some issues with his stomach, intestines, and liver, but we will have to wait a week or so for test results. Dinari did well today, and will be coming home as soon as he wakes up.  March 18 at 4:11pm
Turns out Dinari missed Jinxie while she was away for the surgery and she missed him:
Paul Chambers -  It was so cute to see Jinx come to the entry and waiting for her Dinari.  Dinari, hope you get to feeling better.  March 19 at 3:08pm
I pray both lions will recover together.  I would hate for Jinx to lose Dinari after the trageic death of her life long companion, Jambo, so many years ago.  She has been sad and living alone for long time and I don't think both lions can handle another heartbreak.  May God Bless and Protect both lions.

Here are a few more pictures of Jinxie:

Jinxie - what a gorgeous girl!
Picture taken by Kelli Malone on 11.21.10

Picture taken by Kelli Malone on 11.21.10

Jinx when she first arrived on 11.15.10

Jinx when she first arrived on 11.15.10

Poor baby looks so sad
Jinx when she first arrived on 11.15.10

I miss Jinx! She was (and still is) a very sweet lion. I pray she does very well at In-sync. I was told video would be taken of Jinx and her soon-to-be new cagemate and it will be posted on Facebook next month! I'm looking forward to seeing how she is doing in her new enclosure with her new special friend.  I'm hoping they can heal each other's lonely hearts.


From: Vicky 
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, March 23, 2011 6:04:02 PM
Subject: Re: Wedding Gift is being processed

Hi Kris,

Thank you so much for the info on Jynxie. I had no idea she had any cubs. I don't get to watch much tv so I've not seen any of the growing up shows.

Jynxie is doing very well minding her manners & not messing with her stitches. She.s probably going to get upset by the time her week is up because she can't go out to the playground but we'll just have to make it up to her.

Dinari & Jynxie say thank you for the wedding gift & they said they really hope it's not another toaster.

Come by & see her anytime.

Thanks again! Vicky
The "wedding" gift was sent in memory of Jeanette Ferro's rescued 100+ adult and baby potbellied pigs that disappeared from the WAO and for the WAO animals I was unable to save during the WAO investigation.  Thank you Jeanette Ferro for continued support of the former WAO animals!  Jeanette and I both pray Jinx and Dinari enjoy their gift for many years to come...


Leslie Mays Biskamp - Facebook

I sat with Jynxie 16 out of 24 hours starting Wed at 11 pm (do I get Volunteer of the month?) and she and Dinari went nose to nose at the gate several times. Last night I had to spray Jynxie with vinegar when she absolutely refused a good talking to about bothering her stitches, and she walked over to Dinari and started rubbing her head against the gate. And he was sniffing like, "what is that awful smell?" but then he rubbed his head against hers! It was so sweet, and I tried to get a picture but it was too dark.   March 25 at 1:05pm

Thank you, Leslie, for keeping a close eye on Jinxie! 
Here are a few pictures of Jinxie after her surgery...

My sweet Jinxie -- I pray she is very happy in her new home... with Dinari!
Dinari is already smitten as he watches Jinxie sleep!

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