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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Answers to My Prayers Was "No"

For the last couple of days, I have had the overwhelming feeling that In-Sync Exotics will not be allowed to take receivership of the animals after all.  The longer the OAG delays in responding to In-Sync's proposal, the more I believe the OAG will end up pulling the plug on the plan to save the remaining WAO animals.

I've been praying for some sort of sign as to what to expect from the OAG.  Each time I asked God if there would be a happy ending to the story, I would hear the same song on the radio, over and over again.  The song title is "Beautiful" and it was the song I used to say good-bye to the WAO animals last year.  I know now that the In-Sync will not be able to take receivership of the WAO animals.

I guess I wasn't meant to help save the WAO animals.  I think I was meant to document and record the WAO's demise until its very end.  Some day this story will be told and the animals will not be forgotten.


It's Friday and I have learned that Hal Morris is on vacation!  Maybe that's why there's been no response to Vicky's proposal.  Perhaps there is a chance In-Sync Exotics will be allowed to care for the remaining WAO animals? 

Tomorrow, Nicole and I will be traveling together to In-Sync Exotics to see Sabu and Jinxie!  I am so excited to see them both.  I am also looking forward to meeting Vicky and the sanctuary animals!  Tomorrow cannot come fast enough.  I am packed and ready for the five hour road trip.  I pray Jinxie and Sabu still remember me.  Regardless if they do or not, it still will be great to see them both.

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