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Friday, June 10, 2011

Bad HB Made Some Movement This Week!

Bad Bill had some more movement this week...not good...when will the clock finally run out?

Bill:  HB 56 

Legislative Session: 82(1)
Last Action:  06/10/2011 H Committee report distributed: Jun 10 2011 4:57PM
Actions: (descending date order)

Committee report sent to Calendars    06/14/2011 

Committee report distributed    06/10/2011  04:57 PM 
Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator    06/10/2011   
H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) 06/09/2011

H Considered in formal meeting 06/09/2011
H Referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism 06/07/2011 24
H Read first time 06/07/2011 24
H Filed

I received this email message from another person who is watching the Bills very closely:

Not to worry. There are only certain items that can be brought to the floor for the Governor to hear and the wild animal bill is not one of them. They can only discuss education, health care, and there are a couple of others that the Governor approved for legislation discussion. The ONLY way the wild animal bill could make it to the floor is IF it is attached to another bill, which at that point, Rep. Laubenberg is prepared to make a point of order stating that the wild animal bill does not apply to the approved legislation. The only reason the bill was heard in committee is because Larson is on the committee and he must have talked his Chairman into hearing it. It is very odd that a bill would be brought to committee when it cannot be heard on the floor because of restrictions on items that can be heard/discussed/voted on.
I pray this is true for the WAO animals' sake.

Here's another response received regarding the action taken on 6.14.11:
Praying still!
Been watching as well....and in contact with our Rep's office.   They are "swearing" that this is routine,..and Larson is just making a big push to get Perry's attention. But they are saying unless Perry gives it the go ahead, its just wasting everyone's time.  If the House and Senate get all the mess they are working on done first,..then Perry "might",...(very slim chance I am told), he would allow it.  Might be a good idea and get your Rep's thoughts as well,...  But everyone here is staying Larson is just wasting time,..

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