No printing or copying pictures

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hearing to Consider the 3rd Delay to Submit the Chapter 13 Plan

CORRECTED Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (Related Document(s): 140 Third Motion to Extend Time (21 Day Language) to File Chapter 13 Plan of Reorganization filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Attachments: # 1 Service List)(Davis, William) Modified on 8/1/2011 (Esquivel, Maria).) Hearing Scheduled For 10/5/2011 at 09:00 AM at SA Courtroom 1 (Elizondo, Lisa) Modified on 8/29/2011 (Elizondo, Lisa).

Bankrupcty Court - Notice of Hearing - 100511 Related to 3rd Motion to Extend Time to File Chp 13


Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (Related Document(s): 165 Motion to Transfer Animals to Big Cat Rescue, North Carolina Tiger Rescue, National Wildlife Humane Society (Arkansas) and Lockwood Animal Rescue filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Davis, William)) Hearing Scheduled For 9/7/2011 at 09:30 AM at SA Courtroom 1 ***SET ON EXPEDITED BASIS, WILLIAM DAVIS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTICE*** (Elizondo, Lisa)

Request to Move the Majority of the Remaining WAO Tigers

Finally, the request to move nine WAO tigers and four wolf-hybrids to various locations has been submitted to the bankrupcty court for approval.  While I am saddened that things did not work out as I had planned for these animals, I am happy they are moving on to new homes. 
Bankrupcty Court - Transfer of Animals - 082911

Bankrupcty Court - Motion to Expedite Hearing to Transfer of Animals - 082911

So what is going to happen to Apollo and Dobbins?  I thought they would be moving to Carolina Tiger Sanctuary (or at least I had hoped they were)?  I pray they find wonderful new homes as they are very special tigers requiring special care.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Babies Born at the WAO -- SSSHHH, It's a Secret

It was a secret, even from me.  As I went through so old records recently, I discovered that not only were Jinx and Sabu allowed to breed again at the WAO, producing at least one offspring, I also discovered more lions cubs were born at the WAO.  But first, here's the email proof that Jinx and Jambo were allowed to breed:

From: Michelle Reininger [mailto:waomichelle@...]
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:49 PM
To: kristina brunner
Subject: RE: lion photos 1

Shaboo is the brother of Amy, of "Growing Up Lion" fame.  We had Jambo neutered, but not before Jinx became pregnant, again, and Shaboo was born in December of 2002.  Mary and I raised him, out at Talley, until he was 5 months old.  He's now in a group of 5 lions, including his brother, Amy.  Also in the group--Mighty Mo, Hermione, and Mica.  They are in the large area beside Atti and Sabu.
When I reviewed the WAO Inventory Listing for August 23,2010, I didn't find the name "Shaboo."  I am thinking that "Shaboo" may be a nickname for SchieBe, who is listed on the animal inventory listing.

Michelle referenced Mighty Mo, Hermione, and Mica in the above email.  What Michelle, or Mary for that matter, did not tell me was that four lion cubs were born at the WAO--and the cubs parents were Kovo and Nala!

Nala died several years ago (she used to be Sabu's cage mate for a short time) and Kovo currently lives at Safe Haven Rescue Zoo in Nevada.

There was a fourth cub born to Nala and Kovu and that was Reese.  Reese must be dead as there is no record of him after August 25, 2005.

Today, Amy (born to Jinx and Jambo), Mighty Mo, Hermione, and Mica live together at Tiger Haven in Tennessee.

I have no doubt that Jinx and Jambo had more than one baby born to them--so that means more cubs died at the WAO.

For years, the Asvestas claimed Jinx arrived pregnant, yet we all saw them mating long before the cubs were born.  The story went that Jinx was "suppose" to have received an implant for birth control, and that she gave birth to two cubs shortly after her arrival at the WAO.  Yeah, right.

And then to learn in 2010 that they had more cubs!  To top off that news, I learned just last week that Nala and Kovo had cubs too!!!  Outrageous!

The cover story for Nala and Kovu's cubs were that the cubs were born in April of 2003 and that the Nala was pregnant before the WAO "rescued" the two lions.  Funny thing though--according to the WAO Animal Inventory August 23, 2010 listing, Kovu arrived (presumably with Nala) at the WAO on December 4, 2001!

So many lies.  So much deception.  I, like many others, were lied to for so many years.  What I don't understand is how the USDA/APHIS missed the WAO animals breeding for years.  For you see, the cubs were living, right under our noses at the Leslie Road property for years! 

I was told the cubs were from Cancun, when in reality, they were all from the WAO.  What did Carol Asvestas tell Dr. Pannel?  Did Dr. Pannel even look into why the WAO suddenly had so many lions cubs -- like asking for their papers of origin?

That's the flaw with the USDA--there are no photographs taken of each animal, no identifying tattoos or markings made, and so there is no way to verify the true number of animals brought into a sanctuary, those that are born at the sanctuary, and the numeber of animals that die at the sanctuary.  It is my opinion that the animals should be closely tracked, not because I believe big brother should keep watch over who has what, but for the protection of the animals, to prevent illegal breeding and sale of animals, and to ensure an accurate listing of what animals are on the property in case of a disaster.

Years ago, Carol Asvestas fought hard against tattooing the WAO animals, stating that it would be too expensive.  Now I know the truth.  And it only reaffirms my belief that unscrupulous people do not want animals tracked simply because it interferes with their ability to exploit them for cash. 

The more I look into this case, the more disgusted I get.  Just how many animals were born and died at the WAO anyway?  Does anyone besides me even care?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

God Bless Sultan in Heaven Along with Over 1200 Other WAO Animals

One of the hardest things for me to do is to update and review the Alleged Missing and Dead Animal Listing.  I received additional tour guide and animal inventory lists for the year 2005 (Leslie and Talley Road) and after reviewing the information, I either confirmed the deaths of certain animals, but sadly, I just ended up adding more names of animals that died between 2005-2009. 

Here is my revised Alleged Missing or Dead Animal List.  This is an unbelievable amount of animals that died at the WAO and the OAG and USDA wondered why I was so persistent in trying to change the WAO board and management?

Alleged Missing or Dead Animal Listing - Prepared 2006- Updated 082311

I also received word recently that Sultan (former New Jersey tiger) died three weeks after his arrival at Exotic Feline Rescue Center, located in Centerpoint, Indiana.  Apparently he died of an embolism that damaged his kidneys.  Since Sultan lived at Talley Road, I am sorry to report I did not know him.  I still feel his loss though, because like the other WAO tigers that died at Talley Road, he too deserved a much better life at the WAO.

Here is a picture of Sultan and Sahib that lived in the same quaratine cage for years at Talley Road--notice that there is absolutely nothing for the cats to do.  No toys.  No enrichment items of any kind.  This picture was taken when I first returned to the Talley Road property on January 30, 2010.

Sahib on left and Sultan on the right
May God Bless and Protect Sultan in Heaven Forever. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Zena and Satchmo Have a New Life and New Names

International Exotic Animal Sanctuary 

The two new tiger residents have been named! The male will be called Danvir and the female, Sajani. These two special tigers were named by an extraordinarily caring individual and supporter of the IEAS animals who chose the names because of their honorable meanings - Danvir, meaning "charitable" and Sajani, meaning "loving or well loved."

Our newest residents are settling in. They have explored every part of their new habitat, but their favorite so far is their pool. Who could blame them. They are both now greeting their care takers with friendly chuffs.

Sajani is a BEAUTIFUL girl, isn't she? She's settling in so well and we've really started to see her sweet and quirky personality - she has been chuffing and moaning at everyone who comes to visit!
I miss Satchmo and I got to watch him grow up from a cub to a tiger -- then he was moved from Leslie Road to Talley Road and I was not able to interact with him any more.  He used to live with Sebastian, until he died, a few years ago.  I miss Sebastian too as I remember his as young tiger... 

Fond memories of the three tigers (2005) - left to right
Satchi, Zena, and Sebastian

Sad news to report:


Danvir was rescued from the Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio. He was a very affectionate tiger who LOVED to lounge in the pool during the hot summer days! He was a gentle giant who was loved by all those who knew him, and he was quick to greet those he trusted with a friendly chuff. Danvir quickly won our hearts and will be truly missed but never forgotten.

I cannot believe Satchi is gone.  He was such an adorable cub and a handsome tiger.  I imagine Zena misses him very, very much.  God bless you Satchi in Heaven.  I've named a kitten after you as she reminds me of your spirit--loving, wild, and free.

Sweet baby Satchi when he first arrived at the WAO.
I miss him very much.

Okemo Has a New Home at In-Sync Exotics!

On Sunday, August 14, 2011, In-Sync Exotics saved Okemo from the WAO!  Here the write-up from the In-Sync blog:

Welcome Okemo to the Family! 


Yesterday, we welcomed Okemo, a Bengal tiger approximately 17 years of age, to the In-Sync Exotics family!

We agreed several months ago to give Okemo a home after noticing this older tiger, living alone in an enclosure at the bankrupt sanctuary, The Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO), at the time we picked up the sanctuary’s last lion, Sabu.   

When we learned the WAO was having trouble placing some of its older tigers, we agreed to take in Okemo and Lance, a 25 year old tiger, at the same time.  Sadly, Lance was euthanized by the WAO last week, so that just left Okemo needing a home.

So, as Okemo settles in to his new environment, we will be giving him a physical exam to determine his health condition and address any special needs identified by his new veterinarian. 

We are thrilled Okemo joined our family and we hope you will come out and join us in welcoming him to In-Sync Exotics! 
I never knew Okemo, as he lived at Talley Road.  From what I have been able to learn, he lived with another WAO tiger for about two years, a former New Jersey tiger named Bathmorda, until she died at the WAO.  I am so happy that another WAO cat has found solice at In-Sync!!  Yea!!

Here are some pictures of a happy Okemo!

First Full Day at Insync - not sure of his surroundings yet

1st full day at Insync - he's probably wondering what happened

2nd full day at Insync - happy again!

2nd full day-- looking great!

Monday, August 22, 2011

WAO Operations Report for July 2011

Once again, here is another steller example of Cryers and Myers work at the now defunct WAO:

Operations Report for July 2011

This horrible operations report requires immediate action by the OAG, USDA, and the Bankruptcy Court: 
From: Kristina Brunner
To: James Anthony ;;
Cc: Chris Krhovjak
Sent: Mon, August 22, 2011 5:10:47 PM
Subject: Addendum to ASUS/WAO Original Complaint
Dear Sirs:

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office.  The information contained herein pertains to my original complaint regarding alleged misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, and alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization's owners/operators and Board of Directors of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America ( PSA ); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and f/k/a Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center and Whisker's and Wag's Humane Society.

I have been following the bankruptcy court proceedings regarding the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba “The Wild Animal Orphanage,” located in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas; specifically the WAO's monthly Small Business Monthly Operating Report for July 2011.

I have noticed the WAO's June and July Small Business Monthly Operating Reports have several ATM withdrawals, $200+ at a time, made by Jamie Cryer, with with a notation after each journal entry "need receipt."  I have been told Jamie Cryer has been helping Mary & Michelle Reininger at the WAO and that he has been making ATM pulls for his "services rendered."  If Jamie Cryer is indeed collecting an employee salary, how come he is using the WAO ATM card instead of receiving payment via a WAO check like the other WAO employees?  For months now, the main WAO bank account's financial operating reports contained an excessive amount of "Need Receipt" entries and I believe this problem is getting worse.  Why are there so many entries for Walmart, Target, Academy, and Valero with receipts missing from the files?  This complaint is reminiscent of my concerns relayed to the OAG at the start of the investigation, whereas the Asvestas used WAO ATM withdrawals and checks for their personal use.

Then there are the numerous "ice for water trough for animals" entries made last month starting on July 5, 2011--approximately 34 purchase trips were made for ice primarily at the Bandera/Braun Road Valero Gas Station and Convenience Store (1045).  Does this mean that the Leslie Road water pump no longer works and the animals receive fluid via crushed ice instead of clean portable water? Or is the meat locker malfunctioning and ice is used to keep the produce and meats cool?  I've been told tigers and macaques still live at the Leslie Road facility as they wait to be moved to new homes.

I was also told  Henry Newman no longer works at the WAO.  The last paycheck made to Henry Newman, was paid out of the main WAO account (4602) on July 22, 2011. 

I believe the animal care and financial situation has gotten much worse at the WAO.  I know this case is finally winding down, but I don't think the animals still living at the Leslie and Talley Road facility should suffer for the mistakes made by others.  Is there not any way you can ensure the animals are receiving proper care as they wait for relocation?  I recently saw photographs posted to Carolina Tiger Rescue's Facebook page of skinny tigers and a tiger swimming in green/yellow filthy water.  This was unacceptable when the Asvestas were in charge--so how come it's okay with the Cryers in charge?  Eactly how many animals have died at the WAO since May 1, 2010 to present?  I've even heard Lance's body was (or is still being) stored in the Talley Road meat locker.  Again, this is unacceptable.

In closing, someone should be demanding that all past missing receipts be provided to the bankruptcy court immediately.  If the WAO personnel are fraudulently stealing money from the WAO, the court and creditors should be made aware of this situation, and the people perpetrating these illegal thefts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Please share this information with Judge Leif Clark, Western District Court, as believe the Judge should be aware of this growing concern.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.  Thank you -


Kristina Brunner

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Former WAO Tigers Going to Carolina Tiger Rescue

Last night I found out that several of the former WAO tigers (originally from New Jersey) are going to Carolina Tiger Rescue within the next two weeks. 

Below is the website announcement from Carolina Tiger Rescue:

Bringing Four More Tigers Home
Carolina Tiger hopes to rescue four more tigers from the Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO), a sanctuary that was forced to close its doors last fall. Now WAO faces bankruptcy and a court order threatening the lives of China, Kizmet, Suathe, and Kashmir. All four tigers came to WAO in 2003 from a New Jersey facility- a story they share with our Bali Tiger

Background Story: "The Lady and the Tigers", The New Yorker, 2/24/2002
An anonymous donor has stepped forward to donate $21,000 needed to build 3 new enclosures for the tigers. Carolina Tiger needs to raise an additional $10,000 for the cost of transport ($3500), medical exams ($2800), platforms ($1000), tubs ($1200), and enrichment/toys ($1000)

You can help rescue China, Kizmet, Suathe, and Kashmir by donating to the "Bring Them Home" campaign.
From Carolina Tiger Rescue's Facebook page:

These four tigers at the Wild Animal Orphanage face a court ordered euthanization if they don't find a new home. Help us raise $10,000 to bring them home to Carolina Tiger by visiting http://www.carolinatigerre​​08_WAO-rescue2.asp
Court order euthanization? What?? There is no document on file with the court to euthanize the cats if homes are not found right away. I guess this is one way to get people to donate fundsthreaten to kill the animals unless money is donated.  Make no mistakeif any of the cats were destroyedit would not be euthanasia*it would be murder.
Carolina Tiger Rescue

All 4 of these tigers share the same story as our own Bali, rescued from WAO last fall, but were originally from a seizre in New Jersey.
Sunday at 3:50pm · (8.14.11)
Carolina Tiger Rescue

April- we hope to get them transported in the next 2 weeks
Sunday at 3:57pm
Amy Godwin

How much more $$$ is needed to bring the 4 tigers to your sanctuary?
Yesterday at 2:09pm 
Carolina Tiger Rescue
Amy, we've had about $1200 come in online- more may be on the way in the mail. The goal for the Bring Them Home campaign is $10,000 for the cost of transport ($3500), medical exams ($2800), platforms ($1000), tubs ($1200), and enrichment/toys ($1000)
Yesterday at 3:14pm 

And now for the heartbreaking photographs of the tigers as they look right now:

Oh Lord, China looks so thin and sad.  She's only 14 years old.
Those eyes are so haunting.

Kashmir looks upset.  He's about 12 years old.

Oh geez, the water is so filthy with scum floating on top of the water.
Poor Kirin.  She looks thin too.  Kirin is about 15 years old.

This is unbelievable...  Look how thin Swathe looks now with his back bowed.
Swathe is about 14 years old, but in this photo he looks much older.  Look
at all the excess skin under his body.  Oh geez...

I am so unbelieveably angry that the USDA does not see a problems with this situation!  How can the WAO staff allow the cats to degrade to this point?  On top of it all, Madras (18 years old) is not projected to goto either Carolina Tiger Rescue or Big Cat Rescue.  I guess she's dead too.

No doubt the USDA approves all of this--all the animal deaths, the current conditions of the cats still at the WAO, and the condition of their pools--as no doubt all the "paperwork" is in order.  This is totally unacceptable, by ANY standards.

I just pray that Carolina Tiger Rescue can save these cats before it's too late.

* Definition of euthanasia from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Animal euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "good death") is the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, an animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.[1]

.[1]2000 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia


Carolina Tiger Rescue

Thank you Facebook fans! We have raised the $10,000 needed , thanks to your contributions and your efforts to share the story. There are still many details to work out- lining up medical exams, getting permits together for crossing state lines, setting up dates with transport- but China, Kizmet, Suathe, and Kashmir are on their way HOME!   8.26.11

Monday, August 15, 2011

Satchmo and Zena Arrived At Their New Home

According to court records, Stachmo and Zena went to IEAS.  I hope to find pictures of the two tigers having a great time on Facebook soon!
Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS)

Just heard that two of the former Wild Animal Orphanage tigers arrived safely last night at GFAS Accredited International Exotic Animal Sanctuary, and are enjoying a bath in their pool this morning! 8.15.11


Ask and ye shall receive!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Meet the two newest members of the IEAS family!
These two tigers were brought to IEAS from San Antonio, TX, after the facility they lived at was forced to close due to insufficient funds needed for caring for its residents. It is amazing how well the two Bengal tigers have settled in.

The male is currently lounging in his pool, where he has been staying cool all morning!

His female companion is slightly more timid. She lays near her friend, watching and taking in all of her surroundings! Less than one day into their new lives, we have already been lucky enough to get a few chuffs and visits with these two special tigers.
We are so happy to be giving them a new permanent home and look forward to giving them a highest quality of life possible in captivity!

By International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
The new tigers are settling in well!
They've been in their pool together for a good chunk of the morning - very cute!
(left:  Zena, right:  Satchmo)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Run, Sabu, Run!!

Wonderful, wonderful news!  Sabu is running again!  I never saw him run at the WAO and I thought I would never see Sabu walk completely normally again, let alone run, because of the treatment he received at the WAO. 

But Praise God, Sabu is running again!  What a miracle!  This truly speaks to the power of love! 

If you want to see what I mean, then click here to see past videos of Sabu (like when he first arrived as In-Sync Exotics) and you'll see why this is an amazing victory for Sabu and In-Sync! 

The Sabu Running Video is a little out of focus, but I don't care!  Sabu is running after a ball!

Thank you so much, In-Sync, for giving Sabu and second chance at life,love, and fun!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

WAO Tigers Going to Big Cat Rescue?

I found this posting on Facebook today...
Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL

Help 3 Tigers Get To Big Cat Rescue. Bankruptcy court is taking the property & the tigers have to go. Our trailer will only haul one tiger at a time, and it is a full day of driving once we pick up the tigers, so we need to borrow, rent or buy an air conditioned toy trailer (used for antique cars, race cars, etc.) that is big enough to haul 3 tiger transports, which are 3 feet by 6 feet each. If you know of one, please email MakeADifference@BigCatRescue.o​rg or call 813.493.4564
then this...
Gretchen Coleman

How r the tigers doing and where r they going to live.
12 hours ago

Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL likes this..

Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL They are getting great care where they are. They just can't stay there. We are joining four of our enclosures together and will do some room additions so they can stay together.

12 hours ago....Melanie Lowe a new team love to see the big cats living together and glad they get to get to stay together you guys rock and I hope you find a trailer soon :D

12 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL likes this.
Great care at the WAO?  Really?  No medical care, no vitamins, no enrichment, reported filthy green pools, unbelievable heat with little shade for the cats, and possible fleas and ticks abound in the dry grass resulting in parasite infestations (as seen and treated by other sanctuaries that took in WAO cats)? 

Yeah, great care indeed...  If BCR thinks the care the WAO cats are receiving now is great, then I have to wonder what kind of care will they get in Florida?!  How can anyone defend how the WAO's staff cares for the remaining WAO animals?  Will BCR report just how bad the situation really was at the WAO once the cats are in their possession? 

Perhaps not, as the cats did not come from a private owner, but rather another "sanctuary."

In any case, I'm worried that these cats may not be a good fit for BCR as these older cats (around 12 years of age)  are not used to tours, loud noices, and new caretakers--this will certainly be an adjustment for the former New Jersey cats. 

Save the Chimp is Heaven on Earth for the WAO Chimps!

God is Great!!

I'm so happy to see these photos posted on Facebook.  Made everything I went through over the last five years totally worth it!  Praise God!  Crying tears of joy!!  Look how great they look now!  Their fur looks fantastic -- what a tremendous difference in how they look as compared to how they looked at the WAO!  Wow, wow, wow!!!! 

Save The Chimps, Inc. added 33 new photos to the album And that's what it's all about!
Tuesday at 8:40pm

WAO chimps exploring the island!

Katina (above)
 Late and Tina (below)

Katina looks around a bit astounded!

Kalya enjoying some Gatoraide!
Kayla (f), Katina (m), Tina (r)

Kayla (l), Katina (m), Late (r)

Late exploring his new home -- doesn't he look great!

Late and Tina walking around the island!
Late joining
Mac (not WAO chimp)

Katina (l), Late (m), and Kayla (r)

Marc (l), Tina (m), Late (r)

WAO Chimps walking out to explore the island!

They are going to have so much fun at Save the Chimps!

Tina (r), Marc (m), Late (r)

Tina looking serene at her new home

Chimps exploring!


The chimps!

Before:  Katina at WAO

Before:  Tina (?) at WAO

Is there any doubt that these chimps are far better off at Save the Chimps??!! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy Court Day Today!

Hearing Held: ***GRANTED***. . . (Related Document(s): 137 Motion of Animal Sanctuary of the United States to Transfer Tigers to International Exotic Animal Sanctuary filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Davis, William)) (Paez, Daniel)

Hearing Held: ***GRANTED***. . . (Related Document(s): 143 Motion to Transfer Tigers to In-Sync Exotics and Noah's Lost Ark filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Davis, William)) (Paez, Daniel)

Hearing Held: ***GRANTED***. . . (Related Document(s): 146 Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens filed by William R. Davis Jr for Debtor Animal Sanctuary of the United States (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Davis, William)) (Paez, Daniel)

Hearing Held: ***GRANTED***. . . (Related Document(s): 113 Motion to File Claim After Claims Bar Date (20 Day Objection Language) filed by Kyle E. Neill for Creditor Porter Poultry & Egg Company, Inc. (Gomez, Becky)) (Paez, Daniel)