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Monday, August 1, 2011

Delays On Top of More Delays!

Okay, now the extension date has been moved from September to October 31, 2010 with a final court submission date set for December 2011 (maybe).

I have always known in my heart it would take over a year to place all the WAO animals and end this case, so this further delay is not unexpected.

Bankruptcy Court - Org Plan Extension to 103111


There was a name mentioned in this motion that caught my attention, Anand Ramanathan, who is listed as a consultant and former employee of IFAW.
I knew the name sounded familiar, so I checked my past blog postings and discovered this is the same person mentioned in Carol Baskins' email to me regarding the relocation of the Ohio cats, specifically Ekatrina and Sierra, to the WAO.  To refresh you on the particulars of the email, click here.

I wonder if Anand Ramanathan is still telling people that I was a "disgrunted ex-WAO employee" who had a "falling out with Carol Asvestas" over a personal matter and was bent on destroying her.

If he is still passing this false information to others, then I imagine he will be very embarrassed to learn the truth -- that I, not IFAW, not the Asvestas, not the WAO workers, who had the animals' best interests at heart and that it wasn't a personal grudge that galvenized my actions, but rather the need to save the WAO animals.  And needless to say, I'm not expecting an apology from those who slandered my good name.

Sadly, IFAW for years were the WAO's enablers.  Instead of conducting their own investigation back in 2006, IFAW employees made the conscious decision to ignore the evidence.  If Mr. Ramanathan only conducted his own investigation, or heck, even contacted me to discuss my allegations back in 2006, then perhaps the lives of many, many animals could have been spared.

Makes you wonder, what ever happened to honesty and integrity, doesn't it?

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