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Monday, August 8, 2011

There Are Still Animals at the WAO

For the last several months I have been tracking the placement of the WAO animals.  As of July 2011, I learned only 24 tigers are left at the WAO.

Here is the list of animals I believe are still alive at the Wild Animal Orphanage. 
Cheyenne is presumed dead - cause unknown
Royal was reported dead months ago
Madras (I believe she is dead)
Zena and Satchmo
Dobbins and Apollo
Okemo - moving to In-Sync Exotics as per court order
Boris is presumed dead as I have no record of him moving to another sanctuary
Lance - was supposed to move to In-Sync Exotics *

The remaining HIV chimps should be moving this month to Chimp Haven per court order.

The 120+ macaques may be moving to Born Free if the OAG can make a deal with this organization to accept the primates, per OAG Public Information Act records.

I have no idea if the wolfdogs have been placed.  Still awaiting word.

Now for the additional heartbreaking news:

* I berlieve for the last two months or so, In-Sync Exotics tried to get Lance out of Talley Road because of his age and health condition.  I did not want Lance to die at the WAO because he will no doubt die alone or by the tip of Cryer's killing needle.  But due to Michelle Cryer's laziness or selfish desire to keep Lance at Talley Road, the window of opportunity to relocate Lance closed forever this month.

Rumor has it, Lance suffered a massive seizure or stroke that was pretty severe recently when the "caretakers" tried to move him in order to clean and make repairs to his enclosure.  Now Michelle Cryer's boss (vet) says he is unable to travel.  Supposedly the USDA vet will visit Lance to check on him as well.  Based on this information, I have no doubt that Lance will be killed this week, if he is not dead already.

I am still broken hearted that Leyla was taken away from Lance by Wildcat Sanctuary as they were cagemates for many years.  They should have traveled together to their new home, but sadly, WCS did not want to deal with an older tiger.  So he was left behind at the WAO, to live his final year alone.

I will never forgive Michelle Cryer for delaying Lance's move to the point that he allegedly unable to travel to In-Sync.  Supposedly, Cryer was just "too busy"  at work for over two months to make arrangements for Lance.  And now he's going to die (or may already be dead) at a place that cannot give him the love and comfort he truly deserve(d).  In-Sync Exotics' staff would have loved on him and made sure he was happy and comfortable--something he has not received in many years.  Now he is going to die (or is already dead) at a place that has no life, no heart, and no comfort.  This is so wrong.  Lance deserved so much better -- especially since he was about 25 years old!

I took this photo when I returned to the WAO on 12.17.09
I am also very upset to learn that Boris is no longer at the WAO and is presumed dead.  I have no idea how to tell his former owner that he passed away -- I know she will be inconsolable as she loves Boris very, very much.  I think I will wait until I receive confirmation of his passing before I say something because I could be wrong.  

Boris - February 2010

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