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Saturday, August 27, 2011

God Bless Sultan in Heaven Along with Over 1200 Other WAO Animals

One of the hardest things for me to do is to update and review the Alleged Missing and Dead Animal Listing.  I received additional tour guide and animal inventory lists for the year 2005 (Leslie and Talley Road) and after reviewing the information, I either confirmed the deaths of certain animals, but sadly, I just ended up adding more names of animals that died between 2005-2009. 

Here is my revised Alleged Missing or Dead Animal List.  This is an unbelievable amount of animals that died at the WAO and the OAG and USDA wondered why I was so persistent in trying to change the WAO board and management?

Alleged Missing or Dead Animal Listing - Prepared 2006- Updated 082311

I also received word recently that Sultan (former New Jersey tiger) died three weeks after his arrival at Exotic Feline Rescue Center, located in Centerpoint, Indiana.  Apparently he died of an embolism that damaged his kidneys.  Since Sultan lived at Talley Road, I am sorry to report I did not know him.  I still feel his loss though, because like the other WAO tigers that died at Talley Road, he too deserved a much better life at the WAO.

Here is a picture of Sultan and Sahib that lived in the same quaratine cage for years at Talley Road--notice that there is absolutely nothing for the cats to do.  No toys.  No enrichment items of any kind.  This picture was taken when I first returned to the Talley Road property on January 30, 2010.

Sahib on left and Sultan on the right
May God Bless and Protect Sultan in Heaven Forever. 

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