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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mac is Back Home and Doing Better!

By WCH Sanctuary
We are finally home :) Mac is doing well, and recovering in the shift area for a few days, before letting him back in with his best bud, Shirley :) He still isn't hungry but he looks bright and seems to be fine. All fingers crossed this is the first day of the rest of his life :) Thanks to everyone for your positive thoughts!

Ouch, Mac!  The scar looks painful!  Looks like it's true, tigers have stripes on their fur and their skin! 

I pray the surgeon got all the infected tissue and Mac will live a long and happy life with Shirley.  I'll bet she was happy to see him home again!

Thursday Update:

WCH Sanctuary

Mac Update :) He's a bit more sore today, the surgery is catching up with him. But he ate breakfast as well as his antibiotics and pain meds. We are hoping once the next few days are behind us, Mac will be feeling his old self once again
Saturday, August 6, 2011 Update:

He's doing great today, ate all his antibiotics, pain meds and had a big breakfast :)
Best meal he's had since the surgery! We are so excited at his progress!

The following picture and caption was announced on 8.9.11 on Facebook!

WCH Sanctuary

Mac's pathology report came back negative, all removed tissue was free of disease! Moving forward we will keep a very close watch on this boy, but for all intents and purposes, Mac is healthy and hopefully will remain cancer free! We can't thank you enough for all your positive & healing thoughts! Miracles do happen when we work together and Mac has some incredible friends that have been dedicated to doing all they can to give him a second chance at a wonderful life at WCH Sanctuary! Hurray!!!!!!!

Prayers do work!  God was with Mac all the way!

I love and miss Mac very much!

WCH Sanctuary
Mac this morning at breakfast, alert and hungry, can't ask for more!

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