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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ding Dong All Three Bad Bills Are Dead! Plus Mac & Shirley Update!

Well, it's official!  All three bad wild animal sanctuary bills are dead:  SB958, HB251, and HB1546!

You may recall HB1546 and 251 were shot down earlier this month, leaving SB958 standing. 

Now SB958, for the next two years, is dead: 
From: Emily Eppright
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 9:20:05 AM
Subject: RE: Status of HB 1546 and it's Companion Bill SB958

Hi Kristina,

The entire bill died - we ran out of time Sunday night at midnight.

Thank you,


Emily Eppright
Legislative Director
Office of State Representative Lyle Larson
E2.816 o) 512.463.0646 f) 512.463.0893
Even though the House ran out of time to vote on the revised Bill (from the Conference Committee), Rep. Lyle Larson tried one more time to get the Bill heard:

Click on document to enlarge

But at the 'end of the day', Rep. Larson acknowledged defeat:
From: Representative Lyle Larson

Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 11:17 am
Subject: Re: HB 251, HB 1546

Ms. Thompson,

Thank you for testifying on HB 251 and HB 1546 (SB 958) in the Culture, Recreation, and Tourism Committee. As you may already know, none of these bills passed during the 82nd regular session. Yesterday was the last day of session, so all three bills are dead.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to come to Austin to testify on matters that are important to you.



Lyle Larson
District 122
Now maybe all parties involved can come together and write a respectable Bill leaving Global Federation out of all drafted legislation.

Meanwhile, Mac & Shriley are having a great time on this date:

Mac & Shirley were especially frisky today, racing around the
enclosure, jumping up and over the perches playing tag.

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