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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sad News from In-Sync

If you have been following this post, then you know that Dinari and Jinxie were recently placed together.  Dinari's brother, Malikai, passed away recently, so the hope was that Dinari and Jinxie would have many years together.

Sadly, this will not be so as Dinari is very ill and is not expected to live much longer due to his current health condition. 
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center

Dinari has safely reached Texas A&M, and is currently with the vets. We'll keep everyone posted...   May 11, 2011
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center

Latest info: he is still in surgery, and they are working to repair the hernia and remove his stomach from his esophagus. Unfortunately, they have also confirmed that Dinari does have liver cancer, which has metasicized to his peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity). I'll let you know when I hear that he is awake, and when we figure out what our next steps will be.  May 11, 2011
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
I'm afraid I have some difficult news. The vets were unable to repair the hernia (his stomach was starting to tear), and Dinari has multiple cancerous tumors. They are waking him up now, and hope to bring him home tonight. There is nothing that can be done for him right now, other than keeping him comfortable long enough to get home, and have our vet see to him at home, surrounded by those who love him. Dinari will be with his beloved Malikai very soon.  May 11, 2011
Later that evening:

Devestating news.  Vicky just called to let me know Dinari passed away.  She had to make a very tough decision to quietly let him go rather than revive and then take him home.  All of us who have been in this situation knows how tough it was for her to make this decision.  Dinari is one of Vicky's babies, so I know his passing must be especially tough for her right now.

Even though I have never seen or greeted Dinari, it broke my heart to hear of his passing.  I cannot help but wonder how this will affect Jinxie.  She just lost her new friend.

In memory of Dinari, I found several photos which I believe exemplifies Dinari's fun and loving spirit and have placed them below.

May God Bless Dinari in Heaven. 

Malikai and Dinari are now together again in Heaven

Dinari looking for the last bit of tasty tidbit at the bottom of the bucket

Dinari attacking the tire toy

Busted!  Darn those European Paparazzi!

Dinari playing with the "wedding" gift

Dinari winning over Jinxie's heart
Now would be a good time to give your dog or cat a big hug because you never know when it might be his or her time to go to Heaven.  Never take those you love for granted!

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