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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

TX OAG Bankruptcy Attorney Strikes Again!

Finally!!!  There is actually one attorney at the OAG that actually knows how to investigate and respond to the Asvestas' outlandish claims.  I just wish this attorney was the one who was assigned to the WAO case for the Charitable Trust Division instead of James Anthony. 

As far as I've been able to tell, James Anthony was more interested in cutting a deal with the WAO's board of directors instead of seriously looking into the allegations of misappropriation of funds, falsifying government documents, money laundering, etc. 

The OAG document below closes the door on the Asvestas ever receiving the Leslie Road property -- thank goodness!

As you can see, the OAG Bankruptcy Attorney went the extra mile and obtained a copy of the 2005 bankruptcy hearing transcript proving the Asvestas are not entitled to the Leslie Road facility. 


Order to Preclude Asvestas to Provide Testimony Regarding Leslie Road

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